Geniuses are always different from ordinary people. They are like bright stars, shining alone in the vast sky.

Just like those prodigies who can enter the university at the age of twelve, they crave more profound knowledge to satisfy their ever-expanding curiosity.

For Minato and Kushina, the education of the ninja school can no longer meet their needs.

Staying in school is tantamount to wasting precious time for them.

Xingliu knocked on the table and fell into deep thought.

He understood that what these two children really needed was a higher level of guidance.

"So, has their guiding jonin been determined?" Xingliu asked.

Izuna nodded: "It has been arranged. Jiraiya will be their instructor."

Xingliu raised his eyebrows and continued: "What about the third person in their team?"

In Konoha, a ninja team usually consists of three genin and one chunin or jonin.

Such a configuration can not only train the teamwork ability of the genin, but also ensure their safety when performing tasks.

Jiraiya's team is no exception.

"It's Ye Cang from the Sand Village." Izuna replied:

"Although her talent is not as outstanding as Minato and Kushina, she is three years older than them and already has the blood limit of Scorch Release."

"From the perspective of strength and experience, she is a very suitable candidate."

Xingliu nodded and agreed with Izuna's arrangement.

Although Ye Cang's potential is not as great as theirs, she is also a little genius.

Otherwise, she would not be able to graduate a year earlier at the age of fifteen.

And as a bloodline ninja, her upper limit is definitely much higher than that of ordinary ninjas.

So this ensures that the strength of this team is roughly at the same level, and there will be no situation where someone will drag their feet.

So Xingliu thinks this arrangement is not bad.

Speaking of Jiraiya, Xingliu is indeed a little curious about his recent situation.

After all, he once planted a seal on Jiraiya, which he set up specifically to change Jiraiya's bad habit of peeping.

He really wanted to know if Jiraiya had really gotten rid of that troublesome habit after such a long time.

When it came to this topic, Izuna couldn't help laughing:

"Since you sealed him, Jiraiya never dared to peep again.

Speaking of which, this matter has become a good story in the village, and many women are grateful to you.

However, Jiraiya still goes to help those women in trouble. Every time the Uchiha family raids, he will be caught red-handed."

Xingliu smiled helplessly, but as long as he didn't go to peep, it would be fine.

He wouldn't interfere too much in listening to music, which is something that is consensual.

But he still had a little doubt in his heart: Jiraiya's casual style could actually pass Mito's level?

You know, Kushina is Mito's relative. With her personality, how could she easily hand Kushina over to someone like Jiraiya to teach?

So in order to ensure that the three children can grow up healthily, Xingliu decided to personally go out and guide them.

It just so happens that he has nothing to do recently.

He just returned from another world, and the system's world gate is still cooling down and searching for a new world.

Why not use this time to contribute to the next generation of Konoha Village.

After all, training a new generation of ninjas is also part of the Hokage's duties.

So, he said without hesitation: "Leave these three to me, anyway, I don't have anything to do now."

Hearing his words, Izuna was speechless.

He secretly complained in his heart: "What do you mean you have nothing to do? I do everything, so of course you are bored! I am so busy, and I haven't seen you come to help me once."

Although he was a little speechless, Izuna also agreed with what Xingliu said.

After all, with Xingliu's strength, it is undoubtedly the best choice for him to teach these three children personally.

"Since you said so, I'll leave these three to you."

Izuna nodded and agreed: "However, you have to teach them well, after all, they are the future of Konoha."

Xingliu smiled and said confidently: "Don't worry, I will do my best."

After that, he wrote his name on the team list of the three children without hesitation and became their instructor.

Then, Xingliu turned to think about Hashirama and Madara.

He took out the list, looked at it carefully for a moment, and then wrote down the situation of their two teams.

Madara's team members include Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Mikoto and Rasa, while Hashirama's team consists of Senju Nawaki, Hyuga Hiashi andHyuga Hizashi.

That's right, the little Senju Rope Tree has reached the age of graduating from the Ninja School.

And it should be said that over the years, due to the interference and guidance of the Star Stream, Rope Tree's growth rate has far exceeded the performance in the original work.

He is no longer the heir of the Senju family who is easily sent away by the detonating tag, but has become a real genius ninja.

Luo Sha, the future fourth generation Kazekage, although he has the title of "miner leader".

But in the eyes of the Star Stream, he also has great potential and room for development.

As for the Hyuga clan, it has also undergone earth-shaking changes in recent years.

Due to the revelation of the existence of the Otsutsuki clan on the moon, the Hyuga clan finally realized that the Byakugan can evolve.

In addition, the ninja world has been unified and the overall trend of peace has been presented. The caged bird, which was once used to protect the branch family, has lost its meaning.

Under the promotion of the Star Stream, the caged bird was completely abolished and became a historical relic.

After losing this restraint, many talented ninjas emerged from the Hyuga clan. They improved and innovated the soft fist, making the Hyuga clan's position in the ninja world more stable.

This positive change not only completely made the bird in the cage lose its value, but also allowed the Hyuga clan to see a brighter future.

The Hyuga clan, who had tasted the sweetness of change, accepted new things faster than other ninja clans.

They no longer stick to tradition, but actively embrace innovation and seek greater development of the clan.

After experiencing the world of one person, Orochimaru and Tobirama were deeply inspired after seeing weapons such as firearms that ordinary people could use.

They jointly developed a new weapon-a firearm driven by chakra.

This weapon not only gives the bullet a stronger propulsion force, but also greatly improves the accuracy and power of shooting.

Driven by chakra, it gives the bullet in the gun a stronger propulsion force.

Within a five-kilometer range, combined with the perspective eyes of the Hyuga clan, this firearm is simply a peerless weapon for assassination.

Whether it is concealment, suddenness or lethality, it has reached an unprecedented level.

Of course, due to the short development time, the performance of this weapon still has a lot of room for improvement.

In addition, it is currently only a laboratory product and has not yet been mass-produced, so the price is naturally staggeringly high.

Therefore, these guns are only distributed to the elites of the Hyuga clan who graduated from the Ninja School this year.

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