The plan was set, and everyone acted quickly.

Except for the Snake Pillar and the Mist Pillar who stayed to protect Ubuyashiki Yoya, the rest of the people rushed to the scene of the incident.

Xingliu naturally would not miss this excitement, and rushed over with them.

On the way, Xingliu noticed the strange look from Kocho Shinobu from time to time.

This made him feel a little confused, because he and the Insect Pillar did not have much intersection, and even the conversations were very few.

And Kocho Shinobu and Kanroji Mitsuri's situation are completely different.

She joined the Demon Slayer Corps not for the purpose of finding a partner, but because of the deep hatred between her and the evil spirits.

Her parents and sister died tragically at the hands of evil spirits, which made her hate the demons unforgettable.

Although he noticed the strangeness of Kocho Shinobu, Xingliu did not care too much.

She can watch if she wants, it won't lose a piece of meat.

However, Kocho Shinobu seems to be unable to endure this silent torment any longer.

After hesitating many times, she finally mustered up the courage to walk to Xingliu's side.

"Master Xingliu, I have something I want you to agree to."

She spoke in a low voice, with an indescribable look on her face.

Xingliu raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Kocho Shinobu in surprise.

He asked curiously: "Tell me what it is first, then I can consider whether I can agree to it."

Koukou Shinobu gritted her teeth and hesitated to say her request: "I heard that you have the ability to resurrect the dead, I beg you to resurrect my sister."

Her cheeks were slightly red, and her voice trembled: "I am willing to pay any price, including myself."

However, Xingliu did not respond immediately, but glanced at her with a contemptuous look, and then looked at her height in a gesture.

His actions, although harmless, were extremely insulting.

Koukou Shinobu's cheeks flushed instantly, and the veins on her forehead bulged, obviously trying to suppress the anger in her heart.

However, she finally managed to force a smile and said earnestly: "I really need your help, Master Xingliu."

Seeing Shinobu Kocho's appearance, Xingliu also put away his joking attitude and said seriously:

"Before answering you, can you tell me how you know this news?"

"Kushina told me." Shinobu Kocho revealed the source of the news without hesitation.

Xingliu smiled slightly and thought to himself that it was indeed the case.

Only someone as straightforward and outspoken as Kushina would accidentally leak such information.

He had already thought about it and would give Kushina a super double training class in sealing techniques when he returned.

Of course, all this is for Kushina's good, and I believe she will understand.

"Do you know that the rules of your world do not allow the dead to be resurrected?"

Xingliu did not give a direct answer, but asked Shinobu Kocho a question.

Shinobu Kocho knew nothing about this and could only shake her head helplessly.

Xingliu said calmly: "The rules of this world do not allow the resurrection of the dead. Even if I resurrect your sister, she will be taken away again by various accidents."

He paused, staring at Kocho Shinobu's pale face, and continued:

"So, do you still want me to resurrect your sister now?"

Kocho Shinobu fell into silence, and the pain and struggle in her heart surged like a tide.

She knew that Xingliu had no need to deceive her, but her desire to resurrect her sister was so strong that she was in a dilemma and didn't know how to choose.

If it was really as Xingliu said, her sister would die again even if she was resurrected.

At that time, she didn't know if she could accept this pain for the second time.

Thinking of this, Kocho Shinobu was confused and her thoughts went back to not long ago.

Because of Xingliu's power, she was able to reunite with her sister and express her longing for each other.

However, what Kocho Kanao said to her when she said goodbye, she still can't let it go.

"Don't force yourself, don't give up your life because of me."

"Live well, Shinobu."

Kanao Kocho has been silently paying attention to Shinobu Kocho since her death.

She knows that since her death, Shinobu Kocho has been suppressing her inner sadness and anger, and always faces others with a smile.

However, what Kanao Kocho can't accept the most is that Shinobu Kocho is actually preparing to use herself as bait and inject a large amount of wisteria flower poison, wanting to die with Upper Rank 2 Douma.

This extreme approach makes Kanao Kocho feel heartbroken and helpless. She hopes that her sister can cherish her life and not give up her life easily for revenge.

But Kanao Kocho can't understand that it is her departure from her relatives that makes Shinobu Kocho fall into deep despair and have this idea of ​​self-destruction.

AndHer death became the last straw that broke the camel's back for Shinobu Kocho.

At this moment, all kinds of complicated emotions intertwined and collided in Shinobu Kocho's heart, making her heart seem to be oppressed by a huge stone.

She couldn't help but whispered: "Sister, you let me live, this is really a curse of love."

Tears rolled in her eyes, but she knew that the upcoming battle would not allow her to have any weakness.

So, she took a deep breath, tried to calm down her emotions, and restored herself to the best fighting state.

Xingliu keenly caught Shinobu Kocho's self-talk, and he finally understood why she suddenly came to him.

As a Hokage, he actually saw too many people like Shinobu Kocho.

After losing all their loved ones, these people fell into an inextricable sadness and despair, and even developed a tendency to self-destruction.

In Xingliu's view, Shinobu Kocho was in such a situation at the moment.

Moreover, her situation may be even more serious.

Because he and Kushina gave her a glimmer of hope, but now, this hope is shattered.

After understanding this, Xingliu suddenly felt a little frustrated.

He just wanted to do a good deed before, after all, it was just a piece of cake.

But he didn't expect to accidentally take away a person's light.

But Xingliu did not lie to Kocho Shinobu, this world does not allow a person to come back to life.

Unless Xingliu stays here to protect them, Kocho Kanao will die again in three months at most.

For Xingliu, this world is just a stop on his journey, and he can't stay for a long time.

And he can see that even if Kocho Shinobu succeeds in revenge, she will most likely die of depression without the support of hatred.

Xingliu, who was in a dilemma, scratched his head and showed an embarrassed expression.

Seeing him like this, Kocho Shinobu's gloomy mood was slightly relieved.

Then, as if to avenge Xingliu's contempt for her height, she deliberately mocked:

"Master Xingliu, is it because your head is itchy and you are about to grow a brain?"

Hearing this, Xingliu rolled his eyes helplessly.

At this time, Kocho Shinobu whispered again:

"But speaking of it, Master Xingliu is indeed quite handsome when he thinks hard for me."

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