With a deafening roar, the fierce collision between the meat whip and the gold dust caused an earth-shattering explosion.

Countless gold dust fragments scattered like golden meteors, and the brilliant light fell on the surrounding ground, reflecting a golden world.

However, the shock wave of the explosion tore Muzan's flesh and blood again, making his figure more and more blurred.

And this moment of delay also allowed Minato and others to regain their footing. They quickly adjusted their status and surrounded Muzan again.

What made Muzan feel even more terrified was that the figure of the Demon Slayer Corps in the distance was approaching rapidly.

The complete collapse of the Infinite City finally allowed them to lock on Muzan's position. This unexpected discovery made them very excited, and they all accelerated their pace to come to support.

At this moment, Muzan has fallen into a desperate situation.

The continuous self-explosion in a short period of time and the consumption of the battle almost exhausted his strength.

He can no longer escape as easily as before. The sickle of the god of death is already hanging high, ready to fall at any time.

At this critical moment, Ye Cang finally found an opportunity.

A scorching fireball suddenly sprang out from the ground and hit Muzan with lightning speed.

This sudden attack caught Muzan off guard. The blood and water in his body were quickly evaporated by the fireball, and even several hearts and brains in his body were fatally damaged.

However, Muzan did not give up.

He looked at the fireball that was chasing him like a maggot, and a trace of determination flashed in his eyes.

With a sound like a rag tearing, he resolutely abandoned the side of his body hit by the fireball.

Without Muzan's support, the small half of his body was ignited by the fireball in an instant, turning into a blazing flame.

Although the heroic act of cutting off his arm allowed Muzan to temporarily get rid of the entanglement of the fireball, he was still deeply trapped in the siege and in a precarious situation.

What's worse is that the members of the Demon Slayer Corps have already arrived at the battlefield.


The strongest Xingming roared, his voice echoing in the night sky, shocking people.

He took a deep breath, tightly grasped the Sun Wheel Sword in his hand, and slashed at Muzan who had just escaped from the fireball with a thunderous force.

At the same time, Hyuga's sniper also arrived as expected.

His bullet penetrated the void and accurately hit Muzan's head, shattering it instantly.

Facing the desperate situation, Muzan's strong desire to survive was like a blazing flame, making him still struggle tenaciously and unwilling to give up.

Since he couldn't explode into more than a thousand pieces of flesh and blood to escape, he resolutely chose to explode into dozens of pieces, trying to find a ray of hope from the siege.

However, this last struggle was doomed to be futile.

Because there were too many people besieging him now, even with more than a thousand pieces of flesh and blood, it would be difficult for him to escape.

What's more, at this moment, he only had dozens of pieces of flesh and blood floating in the void.

As pieces of flesh and blood were annihilated, Muzan's power gradually dissipated.

Finally, the remaining dozen pieces of flesh and blood reassembled into his body.

But at this moment, he no longer had the majesty of the past, and was extremely miserable.

He was originally the size of an adult, but now he was only the size of a three or four-year-old child, weak and helpless.

Muzan suddenly recalled a Ubuyashiki who had died in his hands.

At that time, the terminally ill Ubuyashiki had denied his ideals and firmly told him:

Human will is eternal, so even if the body perishes, as long as someone inherits his will, there will be a day to destroy Muzan.

And at this moment, just as Ubuyashiki said at that time, the Demon Slayer Corps, who inherited the will of countless people, has stood in front of him.

Their eyes are firm and resolute, as if they have seen the dawn of victory.

At this moment, Muzan's heart has to admit that human will is indeed eternal and cannot be destroyed.

Muzan was already in a desperate situation, and the fate of defeat was like the claws of darkness, tightly strangling his throat.

The hope of eternal life that he once held had turned into a bubble at this moment, replaced by bottomless despair and helplessness.

However, at this critical moment, an idea came to his mind.

He secretly glanced at the rope tree in the crowd, and that glance was like lightning that broke through the dark night sky, pointing out the final direction for him.

After a brief weighing, Muzan made a decision.

He deliberately let himself be knocked out to get close to the rope tree.

He had only one goal - to pass on the power of the ghost king to this young man.

He knew that his defeat was irreversible, but just as he once agreed with the words of Ubuyashiki, he was eager to find a successor at this moment to continue his will.

Muzan hoped to realize his "eternal" in this way.", and use the hands of Rope Tree to destroy the Demon Slayer Corps who blocked his wish.

As for why he chose Rope Tree, it was because his instinct as a demon told him that this young man, like Kushina, had amazing physical potential.

However, Kushina's ability was too restrained for him, and he was not sure of success.

Therefore, he chose Rope Tree as his last hope.

This decision may be full of helplessness and struggle, but in Muzan's heart, it is his last step towards eternity.

Rope Tree still stood in the crowd, young and immature, and he had not yet realized that Muzan's eagle-like sharp eyes were already locked on him.

His face was filled with ease and innocence, as if the tense atmosphere around him had nothing to do with him.

Just As Muzan knew that he was about to die, the people present gradually relaxed their vigilance.

Especially for children like Nawase who had just graduated from the ninja school, they thought victory was in sight.

However, in this moment of relaxation, a glimmer of joy flashed in Muzan's eyes.

His body drew a strange arc in the air, injected all his strength into a pool of blood, and then exploded again.

But this time, his purpose was not to escape, but to cover the pool of malicious blood so that it could touch Nawase and continue his curse.

However, Muzan's plan did not succeed.

A pair of eyes with three magatama had already seen through his conspiracy.

"Fire Style: Great Fire Annihilation! "

The jade in Fugaku's eyes spun rapidly, locking onto the pool of blood that was about to bring disaster.

A huge fireball smashed into the pool of blood like a falling star, and started a fierce battle with it.

The pool of blood contained Muzan's last strength and will, and it stubbornly resisted the erosion of the fireball.

However, Muzan's will knew that this was just a dying struggle.

In the end, in Muzan's eyes full of unwillingness and despair, the pool of blood was also evaporated by the raging flames.

And Muzan, the evil ghost who once frightened countless people, finally came to his end.

His body, which was formed by the scattered flesh and blood and gathered again, has completely lost the breath of life.

His ambition, his cruelty, and his fear, all turned into nothingness at this moment.

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