Hearing what Ba Qianliu said, Xing Liu couldn't help but feel a headache.

He had long expected that this woman would probably pester him, and now she really came.

Seeing his headache, Ba Qianliu said softly:

"As long as Lord Xing Liu is willing to spar with me every day, no matter what you want, I can try my best to satisfy you."

Her tone was full of expectation and determination, as if she had made full preparations.

However, Xing Liu secretly rolled his eyes.

He knew that the "sparring" in Ba Qianliu's mouth was not an ordinary battle, but a kind of forgetful and all-out fight.

Although his strength was far above Ba Qianliu, such a battle would undoubtedly bring him a lot of trouble.

If he made a slight mistake in the battle and seriously injured Ba Qianliu, he would have to spend energy to heal her.

For Xing Liu, this was indeed a loss-making thing.

He was not the kind of person who was easily deceived by beauty, so there was no need to put himself in trouble for a woman.

So, he was ready to refuse Yachiryu's request.

However, just when he was about to refuse, Yachiryu suddenly raised his hand to block his mouth.

She said anxiously: "No, not every day, just once a week."

Her tone was full of pleading and expectation, as if this was her last bottom line.

Xingliu lowered his head and looked at the anxious woman in front of him, and couldn't help feeling a little weird.

He really couldn't understand why Yachiryu was so persistent in sparring with him.

Moreover, the "once a week" she said sounded quite strange to him, and even a little bit fanciful.

Miroku blushed and listened to their conversation excitedly, especially when he heard Yachiryu say that sentence, he couldn't help laughing softly.

Her laughter was like a switch, instantly igniting the atmosphere around her.

Yoruichi and Konghe couldn't help laughing too. They had obviously been eavesdropping for a long time and were enjoying this rare gossip moment at the moment.

They listened to Yachiru's fierce words with great relish, and this farce brought them endless fun.

Xingliu shook his head helplessly when he saw this, and finally rejected Unohana Yachiru's request.

Although Yachiru was disappointed, he soon regained his composure.

She wrapped her long hair again, but this time she did not deliberately cover the scar on her chest.

After all, the once deep scar had disappeared without a trace and no longer needed to be covered.

She turned to the three people who were still snickering with a smile on her face, and whispered: "Oh, I seem to hear someone talking about me behind my back, who could it be?"

Although she was smiling, an indescribable dark breath quietly spread.

Miroku and Yoruichi's faces changed suddenly when they heard this, and they pointed their fingers at Konghe without hesitation, saying in unison: "It's her!"

This sudden identification caught Konghe off guard, and she froze in place, speechless for a while.

However, Yachiryu approached Kūkaku like a ghost.

She looked Kūkaku up and down, with a playful smile on her lips: "Oh? Miss Kūkaku seems to be feeling a little unwell."

"That's right, I'm a doctor, let me treat you."

After that, she didn't wait for Kūkaku to react, and the Zanpakutō in her hand had already turned into a flying fish-like creature, swallowing Kūkaku in one gulp.

All this happened so fast that it was jaw-dropping.

Then, Yachiryu turned to Yoruichi and Miroku, revealing a hint of teasing in her eyes: "It seems that the physical condition of these two is not optimistic."

"Maybe someday, you will need my "treatment."

Her voice was soft and weird, making Yoruichi and Miroku shudder, snuggling together, secretly praying in their hearts not to become the next "patient".

Xingliu looked at this scene and couldn't help but sigh at Yachiryu's dark personality.

He knew that after rejecting Yachiryu this time, she might not give up easily.

Yoruichi and Miroku were trembling with fear at Yachiryu's words. They knew Yachiryu's strength and methods, and they were afraid that they would be the next to be "treated".

After being swallowed by the flying fish creature transformed by Zanpakuto, Konghe experienced fear and anxiety.

However, not long after, the flying fish vomited her out completely.

She was covered with mucus and felt nauseous, but she could do nothing about it.

At this time, Yachiryu appeared in front of her again and said with a smile:

"I want to relax in Rukongai recently. I wonder if Miss Konghe is willing to let me stay here for a while?"

Her tone seemed polite, but the Zanpakuto in her hand revealed a hint of coldness.

Konghe wanted to refuse, but when she saw the Zanpakuto in Yachiryu's hand,The sword showed signs of Shikai again, and she couldn't help but shudder.

Helplessly, she had to bite the bullet and said, "Of course, it's my honor that the captain of the Fourth Division can visit my humble home. You can stay as long as you want."

Yachiryu nodded with satisfaction, secretly proud in his heart.

Although Xingliu did not agree to her request, as long as she could live here, she would have the opportunity to slowly change his mind.

Xingliu didn't care about this. He knew what Yachiryu was planning, but it was simply a pipe dream to change his decision so easily.

However, he didn't say much, after all, what others wanted to do was her own.

As long as they didn't come to provoke him, they would think.

So, in this atmosphere of each having their own thoughts, they began to live together.

Konghe, who originally planned to treat everyone to a meal, lost interest because of the previous farce.

Fortunately, Yachiryu took the initiative to take on the task of cooking and made a sumptuous dinner.

When Xingliu saw the table of delicious dishes, he couldn't help but show a surprised look.

He didn't expect that Yachiryu was not only powerful, but also had such superb cooking skills.

This made Xingliu have a better impression of this woman.


Since Aizen's betrayal and Xingliu's unexpected appearance, several days have passed.

Although the captain of the Fourth Division was unexpectedly absent, fortunately, Inoue Orihime, a member of the Traveling Disasters, showed excellent healing ability.

Under her careful care, many wounded gradually recovered and regained their health.

Even the stubborn Captain Yamamoto, after careful consideration, finally agreed to let Inoue Orihime treat his arm cut off by Xingliu.

In the past few days, he secretly contacted the Zero Division and learned several shocking news from it.

First of all, the Soul King Palace was actually isolated by a mysterious force.

This force was so strong that the members of the Zero Division could not step out of the palace.

Fortunately, the transmission of information was not completely blocked, and they were still able to communicate with the outside world.

Secondly, what shocked Captain Yamamoto was that everything Xingliu said was true.

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