Hearing what Xingliu said, Dongshilang raised his head suddenly and looked at him in shock.

Even Yachiryu, who was eavesdropping on the side, widened his eyes and looked incredulous.

"Master Xingliu, are you... kidding?" Dongshilang's voice was trembling.

Xingliu just laughed and said with a relaxed look: "You should know in your heart whether I am joking or not."

He paused and continued: "Hinamori Momo's current situation is not something you can convince with words. Her obsession with Aizen has penetrated into her bones."

"Unless Aizen disappears from this world now, she will never give up on him."

Xingliu's words made Dongshilang feel like he was falling into an ice cellar, and his heart sank to the bottom of the valley in an instant.

However, just when he felt desperate, Xingliu pulled Yachiryu aside and turned around to leave.

However, before leaving, Xingliu looked back at Dongshilang and said lightly: "Don't blame me for not reminding you, Hinamori Momo almost forced herself on Aizen today."

This sentence made Dongshilang stunned for a moment, and his mind was in chaos.

He stood there, as if he was frozen by Xingliu's words, and the shock in his heart surged like waves.

Hinamori Momo, the woman he had always been silently paying attention to and caring deeply about, almost forced herself on Aizen?

How is this possible?

He knew that Hinamori Momo had deep feelings for Aizen, but he never thought she would be so crazy.

Dongshilang's heart was full of pain and helplessness. He felt as if he was thrown into a cold abyss, surrounded by darkness and despair.

Xingliu and Yachiru's figures had disappeared from sight, but Dongshilang still stood there, motionless.

Xingliu's words kept echoing in his mind, and every sentence was like a sharp knife, piercing his heart deeply.

He knew that he couldn't go on like this.

He couldn't watch Momo Hinamori go to destruction, and he couldn't let the love in his heart be buried like this.

For some reason, he remembered what Xingliu had just said, and subconsciously looked at Momo Hinamori in his arms.

His face was uncertain.


After handing over the affairs of Momo Hinamori to Toushirou, Xingliu and Yachiru strolled in the deep corridors of Jinglingting.

The night was like water, and the breeze blew, bringing up the corners of their clothes.

Unohana Yachiru raised his head, looking at Xingliu's calm face, thinking of his earth-shattering words just now, and an inexplicable emotion surged in his heart.

She hesitated for a moment, and finally asked softly: "Master Xingliu, what you said to Toushirou before, were you sincere?"

Hearing this, Xingliu slightly turned his head and looked at the woman next to him who looked like Yamato Nadeshiko. He said lightly:

"Every word I said is true. The matter of Hinamori Momo is unsolvable, and only this method may have a glimmer of hope."

Yaqianliu nodded silently, knowing that what Xingliu said was true.

Hinamori Momo's obsession with Aizen is indeed beyond the understanding of ordinary people.

Perhaps only as Xingliu said can she break free from this endless obsession.

However, this incident also made Yaqianliu have a deeper understanding of Xingliu.

She once thought that she knew this man well enough, but now it seems that he seems to have more unknown sides.

However, this newly sprouted desire to explore was quickly suppressed by her.

Because she knew that her feelings for Xingliu had already surpassed simple liking or appreciation, it was a kind of almost crazy possessiveness.

She wanted this man to belong to her completely, both physically and mentally.

As the night deepened, the lights of Jingling Court swayed in the breeze, as if sighing for this complex emotional entanglement.

Xingliu and Baqianliu walked side by side, and the footsteps of the two echoed in the empty corridor, with a bit of loneliness and desolation.

Baqianliu followed Xingliu silently, her heart was full of struggles and contradictions.

She knew that her feelings for Xingliu had gone beyond the normal scope and became a twisted possessiveness.

"Baqianliu, do you know?" Xingliu suddenly spoke, breaking the silence between the two:

"Feelings are something that cannot be forced. It is like a surging torrent, and we cannot control its direction and strength. We can only let it go and let it lead us to the unknown shore."

Baqianliu heard this and felt a throbbing in his heart.

The struggles in her heart disappeared instantly.

She was not the kind of woman who would hesitate. Since she had already decided to choose the person in front of her, it was too late to think about anything else.

At this moment, an unprecedented desire for possession surged into Ba Qianliu's heart.

SheUnconsciously approached Xingliu.

Xingliu was keenly aware of Baqianliu's unusual movements.

He turned his head to look at her, but was surprised to find that she was looking at him with a broken smile, and the desire in her eyes was revealed without concealment.

At the moment when Xingliu was stunned, Baqianliu suddenly raised his hand and wanted to grab him.

However, at this moment, an excited voice suddenly came, breaking the tense and delicate atmosphere.

"Hahahaha~~~ Yihu! Don't think about escaping, come and fight me happily!!!"

The bold laughter echoed in Jingling Court with the words of fighting spirit.

Before the voice fell, another young voice with a bit of helplessness and panic sounded: "Hey, why are you looking for me!"

The voice came from far away, and a young man with yellow hair was seen rushing towards the direction of Xingliu and Baqianliu after climbing over a wall in a panic.

"Xiaoyi, don't run! Come and have a good fight with Ken!"

Yachiryu Kusaka sat on Kenpachi's broad shoulders and shouted with a smile on her face.

Her eyes were shining with excitement, as if she was full of anticipation for this sudden battle.

"That's right! That's right! Come and fight me until the end of your life!!"

Kenpachi also waved his sword and echoed with heroic spirit.

He exuded a strong fighting spirit and spiritual pressure, as if to ignite the quiet night.

In a flash, a sword energy mixed with majestic spiritual pressure whistled out from Kenpachi's hand and went straight to Kurosaki Ichigo who had just climbed over the wall.

The sword energy was so sharp that it seemed to tear the entire night sky apart.

Kurosaki Ichigo was frightened to death and hurriedly dodged this fatal blow.

He roared with anger on his face: "Who wants to fight you to death?! I'm not here to fight you!"

But what responded to him was an even more fierce sword energy.

This sword energy drew a long trajectory in the night sky, narrowly passing by Kurosaki Ichigo, stirring up a strong air flow fluctuation.

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