Mako Hirako stared at Kisuke Urahara, his eyes seemed to be burning with flames, and he keenly noticed that the other party was not completely honest.

However, thinking of Kisuke Urahara's life-saving grace, he chose to remain silent, but the waves in his heart were surging like a storm.

At this moment, Gyuto Ichito was like a mad beast, suddenly bursting out with amazing power.

The moment he squatted down, the whole space seemed to be distorted by his momentum, and an invisible storm raged around him.


Accompanied by a deafening roar, the sonic boom cloud exploded at the place where he was originally standing, and the sky-high air waves swept around.

And Gyuto Ichito's figure had disappeared from the spot, and when he appeared again, he was already in front of Kisuke Urahara.

He stretched out a huge arm, with the power of destroying the world, and went straight to Kisuke Urahara's head.

At that moment, the air seemed to be torn apart by his fist, forming a terrible vacuum zone.

Urahara Kisuke's face changed drastically, and he felt an unprecedented crisis.

He tried his best to perform instant step, trying to escape this fatal blow.

However, Gyuto Ichigo was faster, and his figure followed closely behind Urahara Kisuke.


A muffled sound came, and Urahara Kisuke was pressed to the ground by Gyuto Ichigo.

At this moment, the entire battlefield seemed to fall into a stagnant silence.

Hirako Mako opened her eyes wide, staring at the front with shock on her face, as if she had witnessed an incredible scene.

"Oh my, I was almost beaten to death~"

A frivolous and playful voice broke the silence, attracting everyone's attention.

Following the sound, I saw Urahara Kisuke standing there intact, but his coat disappeared without a trace.

"Is it Urahara Kisuke, the third of the Four Maple? You are really strong, Urahara Kisuke."

Hirako Mako gave a positive answer in the form of a question, and his tone revealed his recognition and admiration for Urahara Kisuke's strength.

Urahara Kisuke took out a fan from somewhere, fanned it gently, and said with a smile: "No, no, I almost died~"

His tone was relaxed and playful, as if the life and death moment he just experienced was just a game.

Hirako Mako snorted coldly when he heard this, and said nothing more.

He knew that Urahara Kisuke's strength was far from what he saw on the surface. This man who always smiled was unfathomable.

At this time, the rest of the masked army also joined the battlefield.

They cooperated tacitly, and their tactics were flexible and changeable, and soon put Ushioto Ichiho into a hard battle.

For a time, the battlefield was full of swords and shadows, energy was surging, and various skills and tactics emerged in an endless stream, dazzling people.

Outside Urahara Kisuke's basement, in front of the seemingly ordinary shop, a girl was wandering alone.

She had long, smooth brown hair, and the slightly curly hair glowed warmly in the sun.

Her brown eyes were full of hesitation and anxiety at the moment, and her white fingers were unconsciously entangled together, revealing her inner confusion.

Since Orihime Inoue returned to the world with Ichigo Kurosaki yesterday, her heart has been shrouded in an indelible haze.

She keenly felt that an ominous breath was quietly approaching, as if some disaster was about to come.

This premonition made her unable to sleep and eat, so at the moment of dawn, she couldn't wait to embark on a journey to find Ichigo Kurosaki.

However, when Orihime Inoue rushed to Ichigo's house panting, she unexpectedly learned that he had gone to Urahara Kisuke for special training.

This news was like a heavy stone pressing on her heart, and her inner uneasiness was instantly magnified several times.

She turned away without hesitation and hurried to where Urahara Kisuke was.

However, when she arrived at her destination, the scene in front of her made her stop in astonishment.

A layer of brilliant golden barrier enveloped the shop, like an indestructible barrier.

Inoue Orihime tried to cross the barrier, but no matter how she tried, she could not break the seemingly weak golden light.

She wandered anxiously outside the barrier, her heart full of helplessness and worry.

Her eyes looked at the golden barrier from time to time, as if she was expecting a miracle to happen.

However, time slowly passed during this long wait, and she was still blocked outside the barrier.

Inoue Orihime's mood became heavier and heavier, and she knew that she could not just let it go.

She looked around anxiously, trying to find a way to break through this golden barrier.

Her eyes scanned the surroundings again and again, but she never found any clues.

At this moment, her sight was caught by a figure not far awayAttracted.

The man was walking leisurely, holding some food in his hand, and looked like he had just returned from the market.

A surge of hope suddenly surged in Inoue Orihime's heart, and she hurriedly stepped forward and ran over.

When she saw the man's face clearly, she couldn't help but show a hint of joy on her face.

"Mr. Wuling, you are finally back!" Inoue Orihime said breathlessly.

Wuling Tesai, wearing his iconic sling suit, still looked calm and composed.

He stopped when he heard Inoue Orihime's call, turned around and looked at her calmly.

"Oh, it's Miss Inoue." Wuling Tesai smiled slightly and said, "I wonder if you have anything to ask me?"

Inoue Orihime walked towards Wuling Tesai eagerly, with a hint of anxiety and expectation in her eyes: "Mr. Wuling, I need your help. There is a golden barrier here, and I can't enter. Ichigo-kun is inside, and I am worried about his safety."

Wuling Tesai raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this, and his eyes inadvertently swept across the golden barrier in front of him.

A strange light flashed in his deep eyes, but it was gone in a flash.

He did not answer Inoue Orihime's words immediately, but was silent for a moment, as if thinking about something.

This short silence made Inoue Orihime feel an inexplicable uneasiness in her heart. She twisted her hands tightly together, and stared at Wuling Tesai's face, afraid of missing any expression on his face.

Finally, Wuling Tesai spoke slowly: "Ms. Inoue, don't worry. Ichigo is a friend of mine and Urahara, and I will naturally take his safety to heart."

"This barrier was set up by Urahara to protect Ichigo's special training. Without his permission, I cannot enter. But I can assure you that Ichigo is safe inside."

Hearing this, Inoue Orihime felt a little relieved.

She knew that Wuling Tesai was a trustworthy person. Since he said so, Ichigo-kun should really be safe.

However, her uneasiness was not completely dissipated, and she still wanted to personally confirm Ichigo-kun's situation.

Wuling Tesai seemed to see Inoue Orihime's hesitation and worry. He smiled gently and said:

"If you are really worried, I can help you contact Urahara and let him tell you about Ichigo's situation."

Inoue Orihime nodded and said gratefully: "Thank you, Mr. Wuling."

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