As Ichigo shouted, a huge crescent-shaped energy wave instantly burst out from the blade, rushing straight towards Xubai with the power of destroying the world.

Xubai's face changed drastically at this moment, he knew that he could no longer avoid this fatal attack.

The entire spiritual world seemed to solidify at this moment, only the crescent-shaped energy wave continued to expand and spread.

Xubai was firmly locked by this powerful force, unable to move at all.


After a loud bang, Xubai's figure slowly dissipated.

"Yihu, you won this time."

Xubai laughed loudly: "The position of king will be given to you temporarily."

Yihu snorted coldly: "Don't talk as if you gave it to me, I did it myself."

Xubai just smiled meaningfully when he heard this, and then slowly dissipated.

The body of Yihu in the outside world also changed with it.

The mask on his face slowly fell to the ground with a subtle sound, and the hole in his chest also shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, the dark spiritual pressure surrounding him also receded like a tide.

The once surging and daunting power now became gentle and peaceful, as if it had reached a kind of harmonious resonance with Ichigo's heart.

Inoue Orihime witnessed all these changes, and she burst into laughter in an instant, her joy overflowing with words.

She took a step without hesitation and ran towards Ichigo, her heart full of concern and longing for him.

Kurosaki Ichigo's eyes slowly opened again, and his sight reflected the familiar and reassuring figure of Inoue Orihime.

She was running towards him without hesitation, as if to melt all the worries and uneasiness in this moment of tight embrace.

This scene made Ichigo Kurosaki feel an indescribable warmth in his heart, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously rose slightly, revealing a deep smile.

That smile, like the rising sun, was warm and brilliant, full of deep gratitude and love for Orihime Inoue.

He stretched out his strong arms and hugged Orihime Inoue tightly in his arms, as if he wanted to integrate her into his body and never separate her again.

Orihime Inoue's cheeks were slightly red, and shyness and happiness were intertwined in her heart, so she did not break free from this loving embrace.

However, after a while, she noticed the teasing and smiling eyes of the people around her, and she couldn't help but gently push Ichigo Kurosaki away.

To her surprise, this push made Ichigo Kurosaki stagger and almost fall to the ground.

It turned out that although Ichigo Kurosaki looked fine at the moment, he was actually exhausted.

His body had just experienced a fierce battle with the masked army, and his near-hollow state almost exhausted his strength.

"Ichigo-san, are you okay?"

Orihime Inoue's voice was full of concern and anxiety. She stared at Ichigo Kurosaki closely, fearing that he would be hurt.

Ichigo Kurosaki tried to stabilize his body and shook his head gently, indicating that he was fine.

He took a deep breath and tried to calm his body.

Then he turned to look at Orihime Inoue:

"I'm fine, Orihime."

Ichigo Kurosaki's voice was full of tenderness and comfort. He smiled and said to Orihime Inoue: "I'm just a little tired. Don't worry, I will recover soon."

Orihime Inoue opened her mouth and seemed to want to say something, but looking at Ichigo Kurosaki's firm and stubborn eyes, she finally swallowed her words back.

At this moment, a crisp applause sounded, breaking the silence around.

Xingliu showed appreciation on his face and slowly walked out of a blue portal.

His eyes fell on Ichigo Kurosaki, with some appreciation and expectation.

"Not bad, it turns out that he is the one I like."

However, his next words surprised everyone present:

"However, this is not enough. You who have not discovered the power inside your body are just a bigger ant."

Urahara Kisuke came over with a fan and a smile.

He shook his head gently and said to Xingliu:

"Oh, Master Xingliu, you are a bit harsh. After all, it has only been a day, and Ichigo Kurosaki still has a lot of room for growth."

"I believe that he will become even stronger in the near future."

Xingliu smiled, and when he was about to say something, Hiyori's irritable voice suddenly came:

"Who are you, bald guy, and what nonsense are you talking about?!"

Xingliu raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this, and at this time a cold voice sounded before him:

"You dare to insult the person I like, this can't just be ignored"

Unohana Hachikuri walked out of the darkness slowly, her eyes coldly locked on Hiyori, the strong spiritual pressure emanating from her body made the air around her seem to solidify.

This spiritual pressure was so strong that Hiyori felt an irresistible sense of oppression just by its existence, and her body began to gradually dissipate under the influence of this force.

This was because her soul could not withstand this strong spiritual pressure and began the process of self-destruction.

Hiyori opened her mouth in pain, trying to say something to save the situation, but she found that she could not even speak. Can't send it out.

Seeing this, Hirako Mako's face changed drastically. Although he was often bullied and insulted by Hiyori, the relationship between the two was actually very deep.

Seeing Hiyori suffering at this time, he subconsciously wanted to draw his Zanpakutō to fight with Unohana Yachiryu.

However, when he saw that the person who attacked was Unohana Yachiryu, he immediately gave up this impulsive idea.

He turned around anxiously, wondering how to save Hiyori.

At this time, Xingliu spoke: "Forget it, Yachiryu, there is no need for you to care about a child."

He glanced at Hiyori's gradually dissipating body and continued: "Besides, she has already received the punishment she deserves, there is no need to continue. "

Unohana Yachiru heard this, his cold eyes stayed on Hiyori for a moment, and then slowly retracted.

The spiritual pressure on her body gradually subsided, and the suffocating sense of oppression dissipated.

Hiyori's body finally stopped dissipating, and she sat weakly on the ground, gasping for breath.

Her eyes were full of fear and disbelief, obviously shocked by Unohana Yachiru's strength.

Hirako Mako breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this. He walked to Hiyori, helped her up, and whispered to comfort her: "It's okay, Hiyori, you're safe."

There was a bit of blame in his eyes, obviously dissatisfied with Hiyori's previous words and deeds.

Xingliu turned his head and looked at Kurosaki Ichigo and Inoue Orihime. There was an inexplicable light in his eyes, and then he said:

"You two, follow me."

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