After stepping on the moon and looking around the gradually sinking island for ten minutes, he finally saw the warship.

“All of them, the commander worked hard.”

“The commander worked hard.”


As soon as the Warring States landed on the deck, the soldiers who had been waiting immediately lined up, straightened their upper bodies, quickly raised their right hands, put their fingers together and placed them straight on their eyebrows, looking at him with awe and adoration.

Sengoku nodded at them.

“You, you’re the Navy?” Miwa looked surprised.

The corners of Sengoku’s mouth curved and said, “Haven’t you been asking me the name of the ship?” The name is Navy. ”

Meiyu’s mouth opened slightly, and she couldn’t speak for a while.

I thought that I would become a pirate that everyone shouted at, and I would die in the future.

But I didn’t expect to blend into the navy with a strong identity background and stable salaries.

This sudden change of identity from earth to heaven made her a little unable to react for a while.

Sengoku put the bag and Miwa down and looked at Kelly, who was standing not far away.

“Miwa will be my soldier from now on, you arrange a room for her, and…”

The mouth of the bag was opened, and countless Baileys and gold and silver treasures were rolled out, and the unconscious Yabu also appeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

Sengoku pointed at him and said lightly: “Put me in a dungeon, don’t let him die.” ”

Kelly was a little surprised, this was the first pirate to be voluntarily left with his life in a few years.

However, he did not ask much and quickly arranged for the soldiers to handcuff Hai Lou Shi and move him away.

Miwa also took all the possessions she had worked hard to loot and went to her exclusive room.


The lawless island of Lelay has completely sunk.

There are also some lucky ones on the surface of the sea who are fluttering, speeding towards the distance.

Sengoku stood at the bow of the ship and watched quietly.

“Commander, the soldiers who were guarding the warship before reported that there were some powerful pirates who could not stay and were escaped by them.” Kelly whispered from the side.

“As long as this pirate’s paradise is destroyed, it is enough.” Sengoku said lightly.

Only one warship can carry out long-range attacks, and the threat of artillery shells is almost non-existent to some powerful pirates, and there is no way to escape if someone escapes.

But it doesn’t matter if you run away, the most important thing is that the marauders are caught, the lawless land is destroyed, and tens of thousands of pirate reserve villains are greatly injured, so it is not in vain that he has made such a painstaking arrangement.

At least judging from the results so far, he is still satisfied.

“In this way, the lieutenant general’s task is completed.”

Sengoku took out the notebook with the mission objectives recorded and slowly opened it: “Then the next three are the three who have been promoted to brigadier generals.” ”

His gaze swept back and forth among the three pirate bounty orders, and finally settled on the relatively easiest one.

Captain John, bounty 476 million Bailey.

“Let’s go, let’s go to Knell Mountain.” Sengoku ordered.

According to his will, the warship turned around and slowly left.

After they left, several submarines suddenly appeared in the distant sea.

More than a dozen men dressed as journalists with cameras in their hands came out of the cabin, looking at the floating corpses in the sea and the disappeared Lelay Island, their faces full of horror.

“Hey, the lawless land is gone, it’s gone~~~ The marauder with a bounty of 380 million has also been caught.”

“There are roughly 50,000 island sea thieves, and I see this situation, and only a few thousand can successfully survive.”

“The Warring States of the Buddha is also too terrible, just bring only one warship to accomplish this feat, oh my God.”

“What kind of ruthless people are launched by the Navy, hey, the sea is about to change the sky.”

“This is super big news, the biggest in six years, absolutely, absolutely, absolutely going to sell out.”

“Be sure to release it as soon as possible, hurry up, and connect me to the headquarters.”



Early the next morning, countless newspaper pigeons set off from all newspapers and flew to the New World, the Great Route and the Four Seas.

The content of the newspaper instantly made huge waves among many navies, pirates and civilians.

Countless astonishing, shocking and exaggerated headlines were printed on the first pages of newspapers.

[Navy Nova, Terrifying Soldier – Buddha no Sengoku].

[Wisdom and courage, soldiers and warring countries against the sky].

[Shock! Pirates reveled that Lelai Island was sunk by naval soldiers, and tens of thousands of villains did not survive

[Six years late, justice has finally come, and the sky of the sea is about to change. 】

[Justice of the Navy, Hope of the People – Buddha’s Sengoku].

In the first version, the image position is dominated by the magnified head of Sengoku, and the ruined island of Lelay is in the background.

The dense text below, written by a reporter who happened to be on the island at the time, and dictated by some pirates who escaped, wrote down all the unusual things that happened that night in the lawless land.

First there is a sudden attack by pirate monsters, then the ship is scuttled and stranded on the island, then the navy soldiers go ashore to snipe, then the big Buddha breaks the island, and finally the warship dumps shells to finish.

The two-thousand-word article analyzes all the arrangements of the Warring States.

In the naval base of the four seas and the great shipping route.

The base, which had been calm like stagnant water for several years, suddenly boiled like boiling water in a hot pot.

Countless low-level soldiers waved newspapers in their hands and ran among their colleagues.

“Hey, hey, did you read the newspaper? The lawless island of Lelay was destroyed. ”

“Destroyed is ruined, do labor and management? They pirates themselves fought and destroyed an island, why are you so happy? We should be ashamed to be in the Navy. ”

“Who told you that it was the pirates themselves who consumed internally, and it was our navy who made it.” The Warring States of Buddha with a warship not only destroyed the island, but also sank tens of thousands of pirates into the sea. ”

“Hey, stinky boy, are you lying to me? Really fake? ”

“Really, why did labor and management lie to you? Buddha’s Warring States, the captain of the Iron Four Corners of the Navy two years ago, is too handsome, and from now on he will be my idol. ”

“Six years, six years, does the Navy finally dare to make a move? Hahaha, I almost held back to the point of quitting the navy. ”


Even in the office, the officers who had been depressed looked at the newspaper in their hands with excitement and excitement.

No wonder they are like this, since the loss of high-level combat power in the headquarters, the marshal’s order tells them not to rush forward, just to do a good job of daily cruising tasks.

In the past few years, pirates have been rampant, and the people no longer respect them as much as before, and even some scum soft dan saw the pirates scared and fled.

It is not only the soldiers who feel aggrieved, but even more so the officers.

And today, the Warring States of Buddha who came out of the headquarters did such a big thing without making a sound.

This news was like a big tonic, and the blood of the officers who watched it was boiling.

“Soldiers, set sail to catch pirates.”

The lieutenant general wearing the cloak of justice came out and shouted at the many soldiers in the training ground.


The soldiers roared with excitement.

On this day, the navy, which had been nesting for six years, all spontaneously hunted down the pirates who were high-profile in the sea.


[The author kneels for collections, evaluation tickets, flowers, monthly passes.] 】

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