Newspapers are sent all over the world, and because they are paid for, a very large number of them are distributed for free.

According to the requirements of the Warring States, the newspapers distributed free of charge were thrown in places with many pirates and some large gold caves.

Great Voyage: A certain pirate gathering town.

“Hahaha, it’s really happy tonight, that young lady’s figure, gee…”

“The service is good, the wine is good, but the money is a little too much.”

“Ah, me too, my pockets are empty, and I go out to sea to fight, when will this day come to an end.”

“One day the brothers will probably hang in the sea, hey.”

“If only there was a chance to make a fortune for me, as long as I could have 100 million Bailey, I would not wash my hands with a hundred million Bailey, burp ~~~”


On the street, many pirates who are drunk and rugged, walking shakily, hooked shoulders and holding wine bottles.

Everyone is reminiscing about the beautiful women who “fought” together not long ago, with an evil/evil but troubled expression on their faces.

Consumption in this kind of place is very expensive, even if their money comes easily, but watching Bailey in the wallet flow away like water, it is inevitable to feel heartache.

If the money is gone, you can’t enjoy it.

If you want to enjoy, go out to the sea to fight!

Go out and fight, whether you can come back or not.

At this moment, a newspaper delivery pigeon flew in the sky, and then dozens of newspapers were thrown down by it, some of which happened to smash on the faces of some unlucky pirates.

“Poof, blah, blah, who, so immoral, casually throwing newspapers.”

The troubled pirate was smashed like this, sobered up a little, but also angry, yelling at the street ahead.

The pirates who were with them laughed and said: “It shows that you are lucky, why doesn’t everyone smash you?” ”

“Newspapers? Hahaha, or you change your career to become a journalist, smashing you means that you have a relationship. ”

“Ah, if only hundreds of millions of Baileys fell from the sky to hit the labor and capital, it would be good.”

“Hey, hey, what’s wrong, why don’t you talk?”


The pirate who was smashed by the newspaper looked at the newspaper so excited that he couldn’t speak, which caused the doubts of the people around him.

The pirate closest to him casually raised his hand, took the newspaper, unfolded it, and suddenly gasped, and the wine woke up by itself.

“Oh my God, the treasures of the marauders and those 50,000 pirates have been stolen by someone.”

Hearing the word treasure, all the drunken pirates went quiet.

Soon, the newspapers on the ground were snatched away, and everyone stared at their bloodshot eyes deadly.

“Shhhh If anyone finds this, won’t it be sent? ”

“Is this news really fake? God, isn’t that treasure collector going to cry and faint. ”

“Look at what you said, this is the world economic report, the credibility is still there, indicating that someone really stole the treasure of the marauders.”

“Where is this mountain like a bell?” Do you have any impressions? ”

“I don’t know, but someone definitely knows, do you want to ask someone?” If you find everyone to go on a treasure hunt together, it’s not too much to divide 100 million for each person, right? ”

“Then you have to hurry, if someone else finds it first, it will be in vain.”


The pirates looked excited and quickly left with the newspaper.

Soon, several pirate ships quietly left the port late at night.


Great Voyage, Huge Entertainment City.

A man with long purple hair, a burgundy captain’s suit, and two long knives at his waist walked out of the gambling/casino.

His face was full of anger, and he smacked his hands a few times.

“His mother’s, 500 million is directly lost tonight, what happened to the labor and management recently, is it because of the killing of the crew?”

“Something is not quite right, the pile of treasures in Death Bell Mountain is almost squandered, if you can’t turn it over tomorrow night, you have to go treasure hunting again.”


The man turned around, and just when he wanted to walk towards the luxury hotel where he lived, he suddenly skimmed the newspaper on the ground out of the corner of his eye.

“Huh? A mountain like a bell? Could it be that what labor and management did at Knell Mountain was reported? ”

“If that’s the case, John Labor’s name will stink completely, it’s not okay, hey!!! hey.”

Seeing the familiar words on the title, John did not dare to hesitate, quickly picked up the newspaper on the ground and read it carefully.

Although pirates are extremely vicious and selfish people, they are not idiots with negative IQs.

As a captain, you can kill the crew because they offended you, or you can kill a few of your subordinates because you are in a bad mood or drunk, no one will feel wrong, after all, this is the person you choose to follow, and being killed in that situation can only be considered your own bad luck.

But if because you get the treasure, but you just want to devour it yourself, you don’t want to live and die with you, and kill the crew who fight with you, then the reputation of this captain really stinks.

If everyone knows that you are such a person, then who dares to go to sea with you in the future, who dares to be a partner with you, it will probably be a pit in the head plus death.

You can score less, at most be secretly scolded for slamming the door, but absolutely not score.

John still wants to continue to recruit the crew to find the treasure, if the deeds really break out, then he can only go to sea alone in the future, become a navigator, be a cook, and be a crew guard.

As the newspaper was gradually read, John’s expression gradually relaxed, and he let out a long breath and said

“Fortunately, it’s not about reporting me, it’s scared to death of labor and management.”

“But speaking of which, there are people in Death Knell Mountain who have stored treasures there!”

“Didn’t that guy find out that my original treasure was taken by me?”

John pinched his chin, his eyes twinkled.

He did not doubt the truth of the news, after all, the treasure hidden by others in Knell Mountain had just been taken by him.


On the third day, a group of pirates who had come to Knell Mountain and the nearest pirate landed on the island first.

“Whahahahaha, it seems that we are the first to come, brothers hurry up to the island to search, and if you find the treasure, everyone can eat fragrant and drink spicy.”

The pirate captain at the head pulled out the long knife at his waist and encouraged his crew.

The crew had long been impatient, quickly jumped on the island and quickly rushed forward.

Bang bang….

They had just entered the forest when suddenly countless bullets shot out from the shadows.

Many pirates are dreaming of making a fortune, unguarded, and they are all knocked to the ground in the next second.

The air smelled of blood.

Hundreds of soldiers came out of the woods and surrounded the pirates.

Kelly also jumped down from the tree and stood in front of the pirates of the god Leng God.

He looked at this group of people, and didn’t know what to say, so he could only sigh with emotion

“The commander is really a god, and this fucking pirate really believes in it.”

“It’s safer to be such a pirate and be a pirate.”

Pirates: “…”


[The author kneels for collections, evaluation tickets, flowers, monthly passes.] 】

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