“Declare war with the pirates of the Great Voyage, and come to the battle on top.”

The categorical words of the Warring States fell, and the entire warship suddenly fell into silence.

Kelly and the major general were like petrification, stunned and did not move in place.

After a long, long time.

The breeze blew and Kelly came back to his senses.

He took a deep breath, slowed down the beating heartbeat, and asked in a trembling voice: “Hey, declare war with the pirates of the Great Voyage?” Me, us? ”

“That’s right.” Zhan Chinese said flatly.

“Hey, commander, the pirates in this great voyage don’t even know how many there are in the headquarters, we don’t have enough people to see ah.”

“Little minions, don’t think about it, my overlord-colored domineering will clean them up, we will only face those pirates with a bounty of more than 100 million, which is why it’s called the top, those nameless little pirates are not in my consideration at all.”

“That, that…”

Kelly was still hesitant, no one dared to do this kind of feat, and his heart was still a little hairy.

After all, one is not good, and everyone may be damaged by then.

He did not care about his own life, fearing that his commander, who had great potential and was the hope of the navy, would be safe.

Sengoku threw the cigar he had smoked into the sea, his eyes narrowed slightly: “The navy is already weak to this point, and it is urgent to fight the name again, this is not always an opportunity.” ”

Six years of “steadiness”, six years of humiliation, will end when the current waste marshal is about to step down, at this moment the belligerence of all the soldiers is very strong, they are eager to capture and kill all the pirates, so that the banner of justice will be raised again.

And at this time, it is also the time when the pirates are arrogant and boundless, they regard the navy as a weak and deceitful role, and the Warring States just destroyed a Lelay Island and killed 50,000 pirates to make them angry, daring to openly form an alliance to surround and kill him, and not put the navy in their eyes.

It can be imagined that if the Warring States openly declared war on them, this group of pirates would be like fishy cats, gathering in groups, without him having to go around the world to find them.

There is morale, opportunity, and opportunity, and if you do not seize it at this time, it will be impossible to repeat it in the future.

And his system is a typical battle, the more courageous the battle, the more experience he will gain, and when the time comes, under the accumulation of massive experience, it will not be a problem to become four emperors in seconds.

“So have you already thought of a specific course of action?”

Kelly also knew that saying anything would not shake Sengoku’s resolve, so he said no more, just curious about the plan before the declaration of war.

“First, find a place where we can move in and out freely, which is beneficial to us, and replace the attack with defense.”

“Second, let the newspaper convey it to the whole world, ensuring that all pirates and people on the Great Route can see this message. After six years, it is time to give a satisfactory explanation to the people who have been paying taxes. ”

“Finally .


Sengoku licked his lips, the corners of his mouth slowly pulled out an arc, raised his hand and clenched his fist sharply: “It is to bring victory to the navy and to the world.” ”


The soldiers on the deck who had followed him on his two-year campaign were excited, holding their pistols in both hands, and gazing solemnly at the Warring States.

“Major General, are you going to attend with your soldiers?” Sengoku tilted his head slightly and looked at the major general who had just come to his senses on the side.

At this moment, the young man was also excited and unspeakable, and his face was even bloodshot and red.

Without hesitation, he quickly stood up and saluted, and said loudly: “The duty of a soldier is to obey orders, and if you are sure, sir, we will follow you against the pirates of the Great Voyage.” ”

“Good, what’s your name?”

For the first time, Sengoku seriously looked at the major general in front of him.

He is very young, and he looks like he is in his twenties, and the body hidden under the cloak of justice is also faintly exposed by the shape of muscles.

Seeing and smelling the perception, the breath is also good, with this kind of strength and the rank of major general at a young age, it can be determined that he is not a weak person who sells his reputation.

If you cultivate well, you will also have a great future and future.

“The last general is the major general of the G9 fortress base – Matsuura.”

“I remember you.”

Sengoku is just an ordinary sentence, but it makes Major General Matsuura’s whole person seem to be flying, and he has seen his own path to promotion.

The matter has been decided, Sengoku looked at the two and asked

“So the question now is, which island meets the conditions for both offensive and defensive conditions that I requested, and do you have any recommendations?”

“Well, this, the end will have to think about it.” Major General Matsuura frowned and racked his brains to start thinking.

“If you need to, I think you can ask the intelligence department of the ministry.” Kelly said.

At this moment, Miyu’s voice in the rear suddenly sounded.

“If I were looking for such a place, I would know.”


“My hometown, a rotten/corrupt, foul-smelling kingdom.”


……………… The dividing line……………………

Two days later, the three warships Miwa stopped at their home port.

Sengoku led everyone down, looked at the kingdom in front of him, and beckoned to Miwa behind him, signaling her to come to the front:

“This is your hometown, the Kingdom of Lake Owa?”

“Uh-huh! Yes. Miwa replied.

“You should know that if war is really declared, it will not be said whether the island will exist if you fight with pirates, but this kingdom will definitely be wiped out!” Even so, are we sure we want to go to war here? ”

Miwa did not hesitate or hesitate in the slightest, and nodded wildly.

“Tell me why.” Sengoku was curious about what made a woman willing to take the initiative to destroy the kingdom where she had grown.

Miwa took a deep breath and replied with a serious expression: “You may not know, although this is a kingdom, it is a country protected by pirates. ”

Kelly and Major General Matsuura looked at each other, but seeing that Sengoku did not speak, they continued to listen quietly.

“Five years ago, a gang of pirates came to the island and made a deal with the king. They lent the Pirate Flag to the Kingdom of Lake Owa, announcing to the pirates that this was their place of refuge at the cost of paying a huge amount of Bailey as their protection fee every year. ”

“And every year they pick three months to vacation here, during which women between the ages of 14-34 in the kingdom are taken to designated locations to stay with the pirates!”

Speaking of this, Miyu’s eyes showed a painful look: “The men on the island, those who resisted were killed by the Kingdom Guards. ”

“The huge protection fees paid to the pirates are also paid by the people.”

“The king and those nobles continue to live a carefree life in the inner city.”

“This rotten/rotten, foul-smelling place, I think it’s not just me, everyone on the island will want to destroy it.” And my idea is that if the war is started and wins, this place as a place where many pirates die, the reputation will definitely increase greatly, even without the protection of the pirate flag, those pirates may not appear here in the future. ”

“If your plan succeeds, the Kingdom of Lake Owa can even rely on this fame to successfully join the World Government alliance countries, and there will be naval patrols from now on, this is the little calculation in my heart.”

In the end, Miwa looked at Sengoku with hopeful eyes.

“I’ll take a look at the layout of the entire island first.”

Sengoku did not accuse Miwa of being careful, which was a matter of mutual interest, and as his subordinate, he was also obliged to seek welfare for him.

Provided, of course, that the island fits his ideas.

Sengoku Moon Step, rushed towards the sky, and looked around the entire island.

It took a long time before he returned.

“It’s good here, that’s it. Then Miyu, the task of persuading the people will be entrusted to you, and the soldiers will cooperate with you. Sengoku said.

“Great, then, what if the king and nobles stop it?”

“Kill!” Warring States said lightly, this kind of scum who pushes his own people out to be insulted, it is not a pity to die.

The protection of civilians is also one of his objectives.


[The author kneels for collections, evaluation tickets, flowers, monthly passes.] 】

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