After finishing his speech in the square, Sengoku took Tsuru towards the empty office with the steel bone.

In the four corners of the navy iron now, only Karp has not yet arrived, and the steel bone empty still needs to wait there.

Four years ago, in addition to team tasks, they also had their own individual lieutenant general assignments.

Abandoning the Warring States that obviously exceeded the standard, the goals of the three of them are also famous existences in the Great Route.

And when the Warring States declared war on all the pirates, the three of them did not do nothing, because they were far away and could not rush over immediately, but one person squatted on one route, and also killed the pirates who wanted to set off halfway.

While Sengoku became famous, the other three were not badly mixed, and although they did not have the same eye-catching record as him, they were also famous in the stable navy.

“What you said today is so much and very philosophical.”

Tsuru suddenly turned his head and said with a smile.

With familiar people, the Warring States were also much more relaxed, and he shrugged: “The soldiers also have to work their own, only strength can ensure the operation of justice, if I rely on me alone to defend civilians, I will be exhausted to death.” ”

He pursed his lips and smiled, nodding: “Indeed, upholding justice and protecting civilians is also one of your goals, I remember.” ”

“Your memory is still so good.”

Sengoku smiled at the crane, raised his hand and finally patted her shoulder: “Then again, I also know about your deeds, Zhi Demon Crane, this name is the best among the four of us.” ”

[Buddha no Sengoku], [Tekken Kapu], [Black Fist Zefa], [Wise Demon Crane]…

These four names are placed together, and it is obvious that the name of the crane is more special and impressive.

Buddha’s Warring States this is not to say, it is obviously based on the fruit ability of the Warring States, to say that the difference is not too bad, but it is definitely not good, ordinary is right.

Iron Fist Karp, this is rotten street, now the pirates or navy known as Iron Fist on the sea do not have ten thousand or a thousand, even a child will say that he is an iron fist child.

Black Fist Zefa, the same nature as Iron Fist, but a little better than Karp, there are not ten thousand people with this name, but there may be a thousand.

Only the wise demon crane is very special, not only a legendary demon, but also famous for its wisdom.

The monsters that have been passed down by word of mouth throughout the ages have evolved from wild beasts, and among them, they have never heard of ordinary people, and you can imagine how rare they are.

It’s good not to say this, as soon as he said this, he pouted and said dissatisfied:

“You men just don’t understand women, you actually think this sounds good, I think the person who gave me this name must have read less, what kind of demon.”

Tsuru carried his hands behind his back, turned to face the Warring States, bent slightly and complained: “You know that I once went to rest in the town, and a child recognized me, do you know how he called me?” ,”

“How did you shout?” Sengoku asked curiously.

“He pointed at me and shouted at everyone, the youkai is coming, the youkai is coming, and at that time I thought there were really youkai, and the knives were all drawn, only to realize that it was talking about me, my God.”

“Hahahahaha, although it’s a little funny, I still think the wisdom demon sounds good.”

“You still laugh, your name is good, simple and easy to remember.”

“No, no, no, for me, it is better to call it Buddha Sengoku, why did I change it to it, I also want to ask the person who gave me this name.” But then again, after these two years, your femininity has become stronger. ”

“Huh? How to say? Tsuru looked at his clothes and blinked.

“You never pouted before, hahahaha, weird and cute.”


The two just talked and laughed and walked forward.

I haven’t seen each other for a long time, both sides have a lot to say, and they have become closer than before.

Not long after, the classical officer office building standing in the center of Marin Fandor appeared in front of him.

Steel empty office.


The door was pushed open, and Sengoku walked in with Tsuru.

“Brother Warring States, Sister He, I haven’t seen you for a long time.”

Zefa, who was sitting on the sofa, stood up and quickly ran over and said with a laugh.

“Zefa, your boy’s body has grown.”

Sengoku smiled and hugged him heavily, punched his strong muscles, and nodded.

Zefa grinned, a little embarrassed: “It’s okay, hahaha, then again, the words you just said in the square that Warring States Big Brother are very strong and good.” ”

Zefa gave a thumbs up: “I listen to my blood boiling.” ”

“Ahem, ahem…”

The ignored crane couldn’t see it, and coughed lightly to show his existence.

“Sister He, you have become beautiful.” Zefa then noticed the crane and quickly praised.

“Slippery tongue, have you only learned this in the past two years?”

Although she was praised for her beauty, she tried to hide her smile from her eyebrows and patted Zefa’s arm.

“Whatever, I’m strong.” Zefa quickly denied it.

“Oh? Your name is Black Wrist, show me it, I’ll see how it goes!” ”

Sengoku raised his eyebrows and spoke.

For Zefa, the guy who became a general with a pair of arms and wrists in the original book, he is still quite curious about his growth rate.


Zefa’s armed color was launched, and the arm of the thick //da was suddenly blackened, and the color was bright and shining.

If you don’t know it’s an arm, it’s easy to mistake it for steel casting.

Sengoku reached out and knocked on his arm.

The crisp sound of “bells” echoed in the office.

“Not bad, not bad, I haven’t exercised in the past two years, and the strength of this arm’s armed color domineering is very good.”

Hearing the praise of the Warring States, Zefa was obviously even happier, he flexed his muscles vigorously, and said proudly:

“After learning the armed color, I feel that this move is very powerful, not only can provide stronger attack and defense than the sixth style, but also has a great restraint effect on those who can do it.”

“So my main exercise goal in the past two years is this, but don’t worry, I haven’t left the rest behind.”

“But as you know, armed color domineering is the activation of energy bursting through the cells in the body, and it is very difficult to activate the cells of the whole body and exercise, I ignore other places, just focus on this pair of wrists.”

“So in the past two years, my iron fist has been invincible, but recently it has become more and more difficult to improve, and I can’t scratch my head.”

After Zefa finished showing, he said with some distress, he just wanted to take off the armed color, but the Warring States who had been quietly listening to him on the side struck out.

The palm of his usual skin tightly restrained Zefa’s armed arm, and the severe pain suddenly made him gasp.

“Shhh, big brother Sengoku, it hurts!”

“Do you feel it?” Sengoku’s voice sounded in his ears.

Zefa looked over with a puzzled face, and his eyes gradually widened: “Your hands are not armed, why do I feel that you are using an armed color when you grab me?” ”

“Once the armed color reaches the top, you can begin to learn to show through the body surface and flow to attack.”

Sengoku withdrew his palm and said slowly: “And once you learn to move armament, you can attack the ability body without having to attach black to your fist, and the defense and attack are the same, but there is a premise…”

“What premise?” Zefa quickly asked.

“The armed colors of the whole body are activated to the same extent, you are now a deformed child, only a pair of arms are strong, if you want to break through, you have to start exercising other places.”

Zefa’s eyes lit up, as if he had figured out something, standing in place and pinching his chin in deep thought.

The corners of Sengoku’s mouth hooked slightly, bypassing him and sitting on the sofa.

The crane did not bother, and also followed and sat beside him.

“The second time I sat on this sofa, I didn’t expect it to be four years later.” Sengoku sighed.

I’ve been fighting outside before, and I haven’t thought about coming back for a vacation or anything, but this is the second time he’s been in the empty office.

Tsuru also nodded, his expression equally complicated.

“Although it was a little hard, the result was good, at least the Great Route was quiet, and you can go anywhere you want to go on vacation in the future.” Tsuru, tell me about your experiences over the years. ”

“Well, good. After we separated two years ago, I went to…”

Sengoku and Tsuru got together and talked in low voices.

Zefa also continues to fumble for the flow of armed colors.


Time passed slowly, and Tsuru finally finished everything he had experienced for two years, and looked at the layout of the office with a dry mouth.

“Give, water.”

Sengoku got up, poured two glasses of water, handed Tsuru a cup and sat down.

At this time, cheers suddenly sounded in the square.

“If there is no accident, it should be Karp back.” Sengoku listened sideways, and he could vaguely hear Karp’s name.

“It should be, are we going to pick him up?”

“It’s okay, wait here, he’s coming here anyway.”

Sengoku shook his head, originally the last gathering place of the four was here, now go out to meet him and then return, a lot of this move, and Karp is not the one who minds this kind of thing.

On the contrary, if they really went out to pick them up, Karp would definitely laugh at them for walking stupidly twice.

No doubt, that’s what Karp would do.

Sengoku put the water cup to his mouth and raised his head to drink.

Suddenly, the door creaked open, and Karp’s loud voice sounded in the next second.

“Dragon, come in and call someone, this is your Warring States Uncle.”

Poof, ahem…


[The author kneels for collections, evaluation tickets, flowers, monthly passes.] 】

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