After Steel Bone Kong walked into the office, he came directly to his seat and sat down Shi Shiran.

They had already said hello at the port before, so the four of the Warring States did not get up and continued to sit on the sofa.

Five pairs of eyes looked at each other, and Steel Bone Kong looked at the four people who looked more and more comfortable and imposing in front of him, and the curve of the corners of his mouth slowly expanded.

“Congratulations on the completion of the mission I took from me four years ago, and on the day I am promoted to marshal in two days, you will be announced in public as lieutenant general of the headquarters.”

After listening to Steel Bone Kong’s words, a smile appeared on Zefa and Tsuru’s faces, and Sengoku and Karp were much calmer.

“Let me tell you in advance, the War Congress is a brigadier general.”

Brigadier General?

The first time he heard about this position, Zefa asked curiously: “What does it mean to be a brigadier general?” ”

“Associate general, as the name suggests, is a general alternate, also has the rank of lieutenant general, but is the highest rank of lieutenant general, has some of the privileges of general, in addition to ordering all lieutenant generals, but also has independent command when performing tasks outside, no need to ask the marshal for instructions.” Steel bone empty science popularization road.

“In this case, it is almost equivalent to a weakened version of the general.” Tsuru pinched his chin and whispered to himself.

Sengoku’s eyes flashed, and after thinking for a while, he raised his head and asked, “Can all the great general candidates have this power?” In particular, independent command. ”

As the protagonist, although he has long known this position, some details are not very clear.

Hearing this, Steel Bone shook his head and said: “No, it’s just because it is a special/special/hour/period, if you fully grow up, and the high-end combat power lost by the navy is also restored, even if there will be a candidate for a general in the future, it will only have the status of the highest vice admiral, and as for the independent command, it is only for you in this period.” ”

Sengoku nodded, indicating that he understood.

Independent command is very important for the officer level, and with this power, no matter what happens outside in the future, it can make its own decisions, without first calling the marshal for instructions and asking for advice.

Although they have been giving them a very relaxed and free environment since they graduated and went to sea, they can make their own decisions when encountering things, without having to call specifically to inquire.

The most vivid example is the demise of 50,000 pirates on Lelais Island two years ago, which was only known after the Warring States themselves decided to do it and successfully made it.

But this kind of thing is actually unruly in the Navy, and it is only because of the mess made by the previous marshal that they have a strong degree of autonomy.

If it really had to be said according to the rules set by the Navy, the Warring States should first call Gangkukong and tell the whole story of their plans, and then Gangkuku would either make a decision on the spot or gather all the think tanks of the headquarters to study and discuss, and finally come to the result.

And whether the result is feasible or negative, the Warring States must unconditionally obey, and if there is any objection, it can be raised and discussed again, but the order must not be violated on the spot.

This complete mechanization, suppressing one’s nature and play, is the navy that powerful monsters and the chosen sons of unlimited potential refuse to enter.

Even if someone comes in, they will definitely leave because they can’t stand it.

And if you want to be free from this rule, you can completely carry out your will, unless you can become a general.

But to become a general, not only must you meet the requirements, but you must also stay in the strict system of the navy for at least ten years.

Those monsters and the chosen ones, let alone ten years in this system, even if it is just one year, it is estimated that they will go crazy.

Therefore, for Warring States and others, this era is unattainable.

The extremely weak navy broke many rules and relaxed many requirements.

“Zefa, do you have any opinions?” Steel Bone asked with his hands propped up his chin.

As a commander and senior, he could not help but take care of the mood of the other three, after all, the four went to sea at the same time, acted separately at the same time, and returned at the same time, but the final result was that the Warring States stood on their heads and could give orders to them.

He didn’t know how the four of them were feeling, so he asked more questions, so that if anyone was not satisfied, he could immediately explain and solve it.

Zefa shook his head like a rattle: “No, the deeds made by the Warring States brother are even greater than mine, and the strength is also very strong, I have no opinion on the brigadier general.” ”

Steel Bone Empty Eyes moved slightly, looked at Tsuru, and asked.

“I’m okay with that.” Tsuru replied just as quickly.

Steelbone’s smile deepened, but when he turned his gaze to Karp, who was playing with the dragon, the corners of his mouth involuntarily tugged, directly ignored him, and continued:

“Okay, then that’s it. You remember two years ago I said I would…”

“Hey, Uncle Empty, why didn’t you ask me, my opinion is also very important, right?”

Karp poked his head out and said to the steel bone empty angrily.

“You smelly boy, the old man doesn’t know what to say about you, the four of them went out together, only you brought a child back, you went out to enjoy and talk with your face?”

“But my task is also completed, you can still talk about me, really.”

“Shhh…” Steel Bone Hollow choked in a tone, but there was really no refutable to be said so, he could only pinch his eyebrows and ask, “Then what is your opinion?” ”

“No, I don’t have any opinion.”

Karp stretched out his thumb and revealed a row of shiny white teeth: “Even think you’re fair.” ”

Steel bone empty: “…”


“Don’t stop me, I won’t teach him a lesson today, he doesn’t know how to write the four words of respecting the old and loving the young”

“Marshal, don’t be impulsive, he still has children on his hands, how bad the influence is.”

“Tsuru, you take the child out.”

“Hey, hey, Uncle Kong, what are you doing, I’ll fight back if you hit me again.”

Bang bang.

The office was in a mess, and Sengoku sat on the sofa, looking at Karp, who was beaten by the steel bone, speechless.

How is it exactly the same as the daily life of the naval high-ranking officials in my impression?


Twenty minutes later, Steel Bone Empty sat back at his desk after a refreshing and comfortable meal.

Karp, who had a blue nose and a swollen face, and several large bags on his head, held the dragon with an extremely resentful expression.

“Remember when I said two years ago that I had a big gift for each of you?”

Steel Bone took out a rectangular box from under the table and placed it on the table.

The eyes of the four people of the Sengoku were completely attracted to the past.

Steel Bone Kong did not waste time, reached out to open the box, and said generously: “One for each person, you divide it.” ”

The office was silent, and the eyes of the four Warring States froze.

What appeared in front of him were four devil fruits with different appearances.

The crane carefully looked at the pattern on the devil fruit, recalled the fruit guide he had seen in the academy, and only after a long time spoke: “Is this what you said as a big gift?” Two animal lines, two superhuman lines. ”

“Oh? So what are the four cranes? ”

“Superhuman line • washing fruit, superhuman line – silent fruit, animal line ・ dragon fruit ・ancient species ・ allosaurus, animal line ・ canine fruit ・ dachshund form.”

“Your memory is really not a joke.”

After Steel Bone Kong sighed, he pointed to the four devil fruits and said: “This is what I asked for with the five old stars in the world government after I decided to be promoted to the new naval marshal, using the reason to train naval masters as soon as possible.” ”

“Marshal, I don’t really want to eat the devil fruit.”

Zefa looked constipated, and resisted: “I also fought with the capable people when I was chasing the pirates, and I feel that their restrictions are quite large, and they can’t enter the water.” ”

“I have the same opinion as the Zefa kid, I think physical skills are enough for me to become the strongest, and I don’t want to eat it.”

Karp also expressed his thoughts.

The abilities possessed by the capable people are currently unfamiliar to them, except that they will seem strange at the beginning of the battle, and after the familiarity, they will have no greater effect, and at that time, the competition between the two sides will be pure physical skills.

If the current situation in front of them is the Nature Department or the powerful Superhuman line, they may consider it for a few minutes.

But in front of him, except for the dragon fruit that was not bad, the others were just like that.

In this case, after eating it, the future cannot enter the sea, and the two are completely worth the loss.

“If you don’t eat it yourself, you can use it to cultivate subordinates with potential.”

Steel Bone Kong said, and then waved his hand: “I don’t care, this is yours, take it one by one, you will take it first.” ”

When the crane heard this, he slowly got up and walked to the box.

Xiu Shou swayed among the four fruits, and finally took the washed fruit.

“Zefa, come and get it.”

Being named, Zefa could only get up, choose among the three bells, and finally put his hand on the dragon fruit.

He also deliberately turned his head to glance at Sengoku and Karp, as long as the two showed the same expression of want, he immediately gave up.

But what bothered him was that Sengoku and Karp didn’t even look at him.

“I choose this Dragon Dragon Fruit, if you want to exchange it with me Big Brother and Brother Kapu.”

As soon as the words fell, Zefa took the dragon fruit away.

“Karp, it’s your turn.”

Karp came forward holding the dragon, grabbed the dragon’s small hand, and said casually: “Dragon, you choose one.” ”

“Hee-hee, Daddy, Daddy, this, this.”

“Okay, that’s him.”

Karp grinned, took one of them, and returned to his seat.

At this time, there was only one devil fruit left on the table, and the steel bone looked at the Warring States and said:

“Because you have already eaten the Devil Fruit and your strength is the strongest of the four, I put you last. So this one is picked and the remaining one can only be yours. ”

“It’s okay, it’s all for the soldiers anyway.”

Sengoku slowly got up, came to the table, took the selected fruit in his hand, and put it in front of his eyes to carefully observe.

Looking at the dazzling texture, the eyes kept flickering.

Is this a coincidence? Or fate?


[The first day of ten more 20,000 words has been delivered! ] Please check it out!! 】

[The author kneels for collections, evaluation tickets, flowers, monthly passes.] 】

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