Time passed slowly, and it had been seven days since the Sengoku entered the depths of the castle.

During these seven days, Tsuru spent most of her time wandering around the kingdom of Lake Owa and rarely went to the royal palace in the castle.

The reason is that every time I go in, I can always see Miha, a flower / crazy woman standing at the highest place and looking at the Warring States.

Miyu’s undisguised emotions, gushing love, and unbridled dedication made her have a great sense of crisis, and the alarm bell sounded in her heart.

Bulu Bru Bru …

Walking down the street, the phone worm on the crane suddenly rang.

“Hey, I’m Lieutenant General Tsuru, please say something!” Tsuru connected and spoke.

“Ah He, it’s me Kapu! Sengoku is not with you? ”

On the other end of the phone worm, Karp’s grinning voice rang: “I called his phone, and I couldn’t get through.” ”

“He’s cultivating, what’s the matter? If you are in a hurry, you can tell me, and I will tell him when the time comes. ”

“Oh no, it’s just… Ahem. After a few dry coughs, Karp said a little embarrassed: “This time, I will take a half-year break in the windmill village, accompany the dragon mother and son, and then try to see if I can reproduce a companion for the dragon.” ”

He only felt that her ears were inexplicably a little hot, she was still a yellow / flower / big / ladies / female, but this incongruous Karp did not care at all and dared to say anything.

However, she also understood Karp’s messy personality, and when she heard this, she glanced at the phone worm: “I know, there is no need to explain this kind of thing so clearly.” ”

“Hey, I’m not ashamed of you, I don’t treat you as a woman.”

“You owe it.” Tsuru’s teeth itch.

“Okay, that’s all I want to say, my wife is already waiting for me in the bathroom, so I pray like this, I wish you and the Warring States an early fruit!”

After Karp finished speaking, he hung up the phone worm.

Tsuru suddenly spoke up: “Wait, Karp, I have something to ask you!” ”

“Huh? Consult me? Ah Tsuru, are you serious? You’re a wise crane! ”

Karp was obviously stunned, and the phone worm reproduced his confused expression at this time: “But you ask, I will definitely tell you what I know.” ”

The crane pursed his lips, looked around like a thief, grabbed the phone worm and used the six-style shave to instantly leave the place and run to the most hidden place.

After seeing that Wen Se launched with all her strength and ensured that there was no one in a radius of thousands of meters, she let out a long breath, looked at the phone worm tangled, and the corners of her mouth moved slightly.

Karp is also a master of the Six Styles, and although he has not seen it with his own eyes, he also heard the sound of shaving from the phone worm, and his expression became serious.

After a long time, Tsuru hesitated and spoke: “What I want to ask is, will you men care most about the first woman?” ”

“Bang, bang”.

Basically, as soon as Tsuru’s voice fell, there was a sound of falling to the ground and hitting the table on Karp’s side.

“Hahahaha, Ah He, you really laughed at me, I just thought you were in some big trouble, it scared me.”

Soon, Karp’s laughter sounded again: “It turns out that you are asking questions about feelings, then it is right to ask me, among the four of us, I have a wife and son.” ”

Several black bars appeared on the crane’s forehead, and it felt that a crow was slowly flying over its head.

But since she asked, she also forced herself to hold back the shame in her heart and said seriously: “Answer me, this is very important!” ”

Karp smashed his mouth, thought for three seconds and then focused his head: “It must be that men will be very impressed by their first woman.” ”

“Then why do men like to marry so many women?”

“To be honest, Ah Tsuru, this is the nature of men, you have to blame God. Even if it was me, I often wanted to marry more. ”

Karp lowered his voice and said quietly: “If I have the strength and face of the Warring States, I will definitely marry more, like those stupid king eight landlords in our town, I don’t know how many they raise outside.” ”

“Then why didn’t you marry?”

“Hey, my wife is a little strong, I’m afraid of being killed by her, and don’t say anything else, she’s really serious, turn off the light I’m not her opponent, my waist is faintly painful, I really don’t have this condition to find more.”

Tsuru: “…”

Karp also figured out why Tsuru asked this question, and continued: “The physique of the Warring States doesn’t know what’s going on, it seems that there is a demon blood like that Kaido, either stay single all the time, or find a wife of the same level, or use the quantity to make up, hey, you shouldn’t understand this, if you mind very much, stay in the headquarters, next time the three of us set off by ourselves, you should fade after a long time.” ”

“I don’t!” Tsuru did not hesitate and shook his head in refusal.

“Then there is no way, anyway, love freedom, if you really like it, I think you can get on the bus first and buy a ticket, how do you know if you can’t accept it in the future if you don’t try?” My wife and I didn’t even seriously fall in love at the beginning, and now we don’t live well together. ”

When He heard this, after thinking about it carefully, he also felt that there was some truth.

How will you know if you don’t try something?

She doesn’t even hold hands with Sengoku now, so she is worried about the future, and she really looks a little distressed.

Always practice first.

And she is now 27 years old, and in a few months she will be 28, and 11 years of crush youth should also draw a symbol of consummation for herself.

“Karp is right, how do you know that you can’t accept it without trying? It is impossible for that guy from the Warring States to take the initiative. Tsuru thought to himself.

After confirming what he had in mind, Tsuru thought about it, picked up the phone worm close to him, and said softly in an inaudible voice: “By the way, I remember that when you established a relationship with your wife, it was a group of pirates who used some kind of spray, right?” ”

“Well, that’s right! What’s wrong? ”

“What’s the name of that pirate?”

“I remember it was called the Black Chief Pirates, I threw it to the nearby base to guard at that time, and I should be advancing the city now, Ah He, do you want to ???”

In the end, Karp finally tasted it, and his tone flashed with a strong taste of gossip: “You want to hook with spray…”


The phone bug was abruptly hung up.

The crane’s entire face turned red, his head seemed to have mist rising, and his heart was pounding violently.

She stood in place for a while before calming down and walking towards the port without saying a word.

“Lieutenant General Tsuru, are you going to set sail?”

When the soldiers on duty on the warship saw the crane, they immediately saluted and asked respectfully.

“Yes, drive to the city.” Tsuru said.

“Yes!” The soldiers did not dare to hesitate, and quickly set sail in the direction of advancing the city.

Standing on the deck, the refreshing sea breeze blew the crane’s rosy cheeks gradually returned to normal.

She looked at the kingdom of Lake Owa that was gradually fading away in her sight, and the faintly revealed Buddha light in the deepest part of the castle, and said to herself.

“Warring States, the first to know us is us, and I will never let others take the lead this time.”

………… The dividing line…………

Not to mention what happened after Tsuru went to advance the city, Tokai.

In a small house in Windmill Village, Karp, who was only wearing a pair of beach pants, scratched his head, looked at the phone bug who was hung up, and muttered with some uncertainty: “I shouldn’t have taught her wrong, right?” ”

“What do you say?”

At this moment, there was an answer behind him without fluctuation, and the whole room seemed to be trapped in an ice cave.

Karp’s body trembled, swallowed his throat and slowly turned his head.

He pulled out a smile with difficulty, and said dryly: “Old, wife, don’t be like this, I don’t seem to have made you angry today.” ”

“You said you wanted to marry more?”

“No, no, you must have heard it wrong!” Karp categorically denied it, and his head had to be as fast as a rattle.

“Dragon, did you hear that too?” Karp’s wife looked at the dragon who had been playing with toys not far away.

“Hmm! I heard it, and Dad did say that. The dragon said with an innocent face.


The furious momentum suddenly rose, and a fist quickly enlarged in front of his eyes.

“Wife, I’m joking, just to help the Warring States, don’t fight, don’t fight, ah…”


[The author kneels for collections, evaluation tickets, flowers, monthly passes.] 】

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