“Hehe, because of a pig-like Draco, is it your order to push all the navy over?”

“You guy is still the same, marshal you also deserve? Bah me! ”

Lockes said disdainfully to the steel bone, and then spat out a mouthful of thick blood mixed with the internal organs of the lung lobes on the phone worm.

The phone bug is a creature, although it is used exclusively as a calling function, but there are also people’s emotions, caught off guard and vomited a large mouthful of blood, and its entire face is distorted.

Far away in the marshal’s office, the telephone worm in the empty hand of the steel bone also had a distorted face.

Steel Bone Empty’s face sank.

Although this matter was personally issued by him, it did not mean that he felt good in his heart.

If Sengoku, Kapu, Zefa and Tsuru, or even the naval soldiers who went to the war scolded him, he would have suffered, after all, there was a big problem with that order, and it was they who had been paying for justice that were hurt.

But when the initiator of Rocks spoke, he couldn’t bear it.

Nima, if you hadn’t had nothing to hold on to catch the Draco, would the old man have given this order?

Will the Navy fight in the place you choose?

Now you are going to hang, and in turn accuse the old man that he is not worthy of being a marshal of the navy and should not let soldiers go to the island.

The good guys and the bad guys let you be, and you are too doggy!

Just when Steel Bone took a deep breath and was about to spray back angrily, the phone worm connected with another person.

The steady and calm voice of the Warring States sounded: “This guy Rocks is stunned, don’t care, I’ll call you again later.” ”


When the words fell, the phone worm was immediately hung up, not giving him a chance to speak at all.

Steel Bone Kong’s face was flushed, and the breath almost didn’t come down.


The Sea of the Valley of the Gods.

After Sengoku hung up the phone, he glanced at Lokes with a strange expression.

“You guy, before you die, you have to make the steel bone empty uncomfortable for a while!” Sengoku shook his head.

“Hahahaha, when you think that a guy like you will obey his orders, labor and management feel unhappy, and it is cheap to scold him.”

The look on Rox’s face suddenly became much better, and he replied with a big laugh.

When Sengoku saw his appearance, he also knew that he had returned to the light, and shrugged his shoulders and did not argue with him about these little things.

At this time, several figures suddenly crossed the warship and came to this side from mid-air.

Karp, Zefa, Tsuru and five CP0.

“Buddha Warring States, where is Lord Christo?”

Captain CP0’s eyes widened behind the mask and asked anxiously.

Sengoku licked his lips and looked at Lox.

Lox suddenly smiled and said to CP0: “Labor and management killed, that pig has done so many things that are inferior to animals, and still wants to live from me?” ”

The air freezes instantly.

Five great murderous auras rose up into the sky and forcibly pressed towards Lokes.

“Damn pirates, damn it!”

“You actually dare to kill Draco, you guy is finished.”

“It’s over, we haven’t rescued Christo Sheng’s wife and children, how do we explain it now?”

“Hey, Rocks bastard, you really deserve a thousand cuts.”


CP0 members roared one by one.

The five murderous auras were like the last straw that overwhelmed the camel, and the aura of Lokes gradually weakened like a residual candle, and finally slowly disappeared.

Before he died, he still had a rampant smile on his face, and the faint sound he made at the end echoed in the ears of several people.

“Before he died, there was a Draco man who was buried, and the labor earned it, hahaha…”

The insolent words, coupled with the posture of calmly dying, at this moment he reproduced the appearance of the pirate overlord.

Karp, Zefa, and Crane looked at each other, and their eyes revealed embarrassment.

The three of them have always followed the Warring States to fight, and for thirteen years in the New World, they have all fought and pursued Lokes.

Crisis, win, lose… I have experienced all kinds of situations, and it is also because of him that everyone’s strength has improved so quickly.

And today, the pirate overlord Lockes finally died here, which also represents the end of this pursuit of more than ten years.

This momentary emptiness made their mood very complicated at this time.

But they are full of sighs, CP0 is different.


A killing intent flashed in Captain CP0’s eyes, and his palm slammed into Lox’s corpse/body.

Extremely powerful power appeared in the palm of his hand, and if this blow hit the corpse/body, it would definitely tear it apart.

However, in the next second, a leg kicked up sharply, directly blocking his venting/angry attack.

Captain CP0 looked down his legs and said in a deep voice: “Buddha Warring States, why stop me?” ”

Sengoku smoked a cigar, glanced at him and said lightly: “People are dead, what else are you going to do?” ”

“You can’t control it!”

Captain CP0 replied bluntly, his mood was extremely bad at the moment, his mission targets were all dead, he couldn’t even imagine how to explain to the five old stars and the Draco after returning to the Holy Land, it would be strange to have a good temper.

The corners of Warring States’ mouth turned up, and his calves reused his strength heavily, and he directly kicked it back a few steps: “My captive, even if it is just a corpse/body, it is my thing, you say I don’t care.” ”

“You…” Captain CP0 steadied his figure and looked at Sengoku angrily.

Seeing that their captain was humiliated, the other four members quickly stood up, looked at the Warring States with hostile eyes, and angrily reprimanded:

“What do you want to do? Do you want to start with us CP0? ”

“Don’t forget your identity, you’re just in the Navy.”

“If this hinders us, aren’t we afraid of the accountability of the five old stars?”

“Hindering us from avenging the Draco, even Marshal Kong will definitely not be so unwise!”

Karp, Zefa and Crane raised their eyebrows, and the three of them walked directly behind the Warring States without saying a word.

“Revenge on a dead man is really majestic!”

Karp buttoned his nostrils and said with disdain: “Why didn’t I see you fighting when people were alive, they ran faster than monkeys one by one, and now they are dead but they are heroes?” Scold! ”

At the end, Karp sneered.

Zefa put his hands around Hun and looked at them with a serious expression: “Do you want to do it?” Come on, I’m ready, one by one. ”

Even the crane, who has always been gentle to outsiders, had a rare poisonous tongue at this time, and after glancing up and down at the tightly wrapped cp0, she spoke: “When the navy has at least dignity, does cp0 have it?” ”

Seeing that the four corners of the navy showed hostility, the four members of CP0 felt pressure for a while and were silent.

Sengoku shook the cigarette butt into the sea, looked at the warship that was gradually coming, and then looked at the corpses/bodies of soldiers floating on the sea, and said indifferently: “Since the death of the Draco, the mission of the navy to cooperate with CP0 to save has been announced, and now…”

“Don’t hinder us from organizing soldiers to retrieve the hero’s body, you can go back and report to the five old stars!”

Captain CP0 took a deep breath, forced down the anger in his heart, and stepped forward again and said to the Warring States: “Is it okay to let the soldiers help salvage the remains of the Cristo Holy Family?” ”

This time it was no longer the tone of command, but discussion.

They are only the direct guards of the Draco, not the Draco.

Once there is no order from the five old stars, they and the navy are two completely different systems, and it is completely normal for the Warring States to give them face.

And at the moment, their mission has failed, and the Navy can also have no need to cooperate.

But they have to take the corpse/body of the Draco back to hand over the errand, and if there is no help from the navy in the vast sea, there is absolutely no way to find the five of them alone.

“Let’s fish it together, and if you can find it, I will hand it over to you!”

Warring States nodded, not caring about such trifles, and said lightly.

“Thank you, let’s go!” After getting an accurate answer, Captain CP0 nodded back, said a word to the four members, and took the lead to leave here and return to the warship.

“The responsibility for the salvage will be left to you.” Sengoku ordered to the three of them.

The three nodded, then left here and returned to the warship, instructing the soldiers to jump into the sea and carry the remains of the soldiers that could be seen and found onto the warship.

Sengoku sighed softly, grabbed Lox’s body/body, and led him back to the ground outside/periphery of the Valley of the Gods.

He found a pile of clean trees to cover him, lit a fire with a lighter, and burned.

“This is the last thing I can do to you, as the end of these thirteen years!”

Sengoku stood by the fire, looking at the enveloping flames, and whispered to himself.

Time passed minute by minute, until Lokes’s body was completely burned to ashes, and Sengoku got up and left and returned to the warship.

At this time, the officers who had been sent to support by the steel bone space before finally arrived.

After missing the war, they came to the Sengoku to plead guilty, and a large number of centaurs were sent by the Warring States to the bottom of the sea to help fish the remains of soldiers.

With enough manpower to join, the speed and efficiency are faster.

Before the sun goes down, all salvage work in the sea area comes to an end.

The CP0 Five also carried the bodies of Draco Christo and his wife back to Kelly’s warship.

“Go back! Head towards Marin Fandor! Let the Air Marshal see the soldiers who were single-handedly pushed into hell by him. ”

Sengoku looked at the densely packed corpses of soldiers on the decks of other warships, and the palms holding the fence were slightly forced, and he let out a long breath and gave instructions to the soldiers behind him.

“Yes!” The soldier quickly answered.

Soon, all the warships slowly left the sea area and headed towards the location of the great route


[Next Chapter: Navy Headquarters and the World Government! ] 】

[The author kneels for collections, evaluation tickets, flowers, monthly passes.] 】

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