“This navy is really humiliated.”

The four of the Warring States came out of the officer building and walked towards the mansion in the center, and Karp said indignantly on the way.

Along the way, there were still a few soldiers on duty, they stood on both sides and saluted silently, hearing this sentence with a puzzled face, I don’t know how the lieutenant general of the headquarters who already has great authority can hold back.

Most of the soldiers at the bottom would not think too much, nor would they be exposed to deeper events, and they naturally did not feel the binding power from the Draco.

“Pay attention, don’t affect the soldiers!”

Tsuru reminded softly to Karp.

Karp smacked his lips, knowing that he had lost his words, so he closed his mouth and stopped talking.

This kind of trouble between the high-level is really not suitable for the soldiers, who face the daily threat of life from pirates, and the pressure is already great.

If they were to know that the world government did not care about their lives, it would be a devastating blow to their fighting spirits.

The four of them walked unhindered and soon returned to the mansion.

With a “creak” the door was closed, and the mansion was completely cut off from the outside.

In the courtyard, the dragon was sitting on the steps, looking up at the moon in the sky, not knowing what he was thinking.

His body exuded a very obvious melancholy temperament, which even the grinning Karp could see.

“What’s wrong with Dragon Boy?” Sengoku looked at Karp and asked.

“I don’t know, he has been like this for several days since the end of the Battle of the Valley of the Gods.”

Karp shook his head, his face was also full of puzzlement: “I have always locked myself in my room, every day I either look at the sea or the moon, and I don’t know what I’m thinking!” ”

“Speaking of which, it’s time for the dragon to have his own mind!” Zefa said.

“Only 16 years old, there is a heart hidden in the bottom of the heart, recently must lack the iron fist of love, I will beat him up!”

Karp rolled up his sleeves, clenched his fists and was about to walk up.

But in the next second, Sengoku raised his arm to stop him: “I’ll talk to the dragon.” ”

Although Karp looked puzzled, he nodded and put down his sleeve after thinking about it.

He has a lot of trust in the Warring States, and since the Warring States has the intention of wanting to solve the dragon, the effect must be much better than his iron fist education.

Karp is reckless, but not stupid.

Zefa and Tsuru naturally had no opinion, and took Karp around the corner and left.

Sengoku walked forward slowly and sat down next to the dragon.

“Is there anything you can’t figure out? You can say it and listen to it, and let the uncle help you with your doubts. ”

Sengoku patted Ryu’s shoulder and said softly.

“No, I didn’t think about anything!” The dragon came back to his senses, his eyes flickering slightly, but he still shook his head decisively.

The corners of Warring States’ mouth turned up, and the dragon at this time was obviously very immature, and this look looked like he didn’t think about anything.

He shook his head helplessly: “Can’t believe your Warring States Uncle?” ”

“No, Uncle Warring States, you are my relative, how can I not trust you!” The dragon shook his head and said quickly.

“Then don’t hold it in your heart, say, let the uncle give you a reference, after tonight the uncle will forget to talk to you!”


The dragon was silent, but it was clear that there was some intentionality.

These days, he has been thinking back to the scene he saw in the Valley of Gods, and the thoughts in his mind are complicated, but there is no one to talk to, and he is already going crazy.

Looking at the mature and stable uncle next to him, who was much more reliable than his own father, Long gritted his teeth and sat up abruptly.

“Uncle Warring States, I, I want to ask, what is the justice of the navy?”

Justice in the Navy?

Sengoku raised his eyebrows slightly, his eyes looked at him with deep meaning, and thoughts surged in his mind.

The battle of the Valley of the Gods made Karp think that he didn’t want to be a general, and did it also affect Dragon?

If this kind of thinking is allowed to continue to be doubted, defection to the Navy is already a matter of ironclad.

“Kill pirates and protect civilians!”

Sengoku pulled out a cigar, lit it and replied.

“Protect civilians? But, but when I was about to save that Draco before, I saw a lot of slaves, and those slaves were tortured to the point of losing their personality, and they…”

Since he opened his mouth, the dragon no longer stopped talking, and clearly expressed everything he saw when he fought with the middle-aged pirates in the tomb of the Valley of Gods.

Even his feelings and doubts at that time blurted out one by one.

Sengoku did not interrupt him and listened quietly.

Finally, Long finally voiced his deepest doubts: “Before they became slaves, they were all commoners!” And they are good citizens who have not committed any sins at all. ”

“Pirates and some black bang’s fault! As far as I know, the slave trade is what they have been doing! Therefore, killing pirates is also equivalent to protecting civilians in disguise! Sengoku replied.

“But, but the Draco are also too terrible, and they don’t treat civilians as humans at all, and teach them to be machines with extreme cruelty!”

The dragon was anxious, he danced his hands, and said in a very fast voice: “I heard that the navy is completely protective of the Draco, right? If, I mean, if the Draco kills civilians, or gives orders for the Navy to kill civilians, are we going to do it too? ”

“As far as the current Navy is concerned, it will be done, and it will be done!”

After thinking about it, Sengoku gave an affirmative answer.

The battle of the Valley of the Gods made him understand the policy of the Steel Bone Void better, and if the Draco really had such a request, he would indeed order the naval soldiers to complete the instructions.

However, his words made the dragon’s whole person fluster, like a basin of cold water poured down, extinguishing his full blood.

Even the current marshal sky, the highest rank of naval officer Buddha Warring States said so, then the fact must be that he did not run.

That is, the Navy really serves the Draco.

The dragon sat down again decadently, his head buried in his hands. Between his legs, the lost one spoke: “Is such justice also justice?” Is it the justice of the people, or the justice of the exclusive Draco? ”

“As far as the current navy is concerned, justice exclusive to the Draco!” Sengoku continued.

The dragon’s body trembled, and the momentum of the whole person decreased a lot.

Sengoku did not speak again for the time being, half lying on the ground, smoking a cigar and looking at the starry sky.

After a long time, the dragon suddenly raised his head, he looked at the Warring States, a little puzzled but a little expectant: “Uncle Warring States, why did you just say twice in a row, “as far as the current navy is concerned”? Will the Navy be different in the future? ”

Sengoku smiled, and the dragon kid finally heard what he meant.

He touched the dragon’s head and said slowly: “Marshal Air is a “good friend” of the Draco, as long as he is at the helm of the big ship of the Navy, he will give priority to the interests of the Draco. ”

“But not everyone is willing to be the puppet of the Dragon Man, your Sengoku Uncle, including your father, your Uncle Zefa, your Aunt Crane wants the same justice as you expect!”

The dragon’s pupils lit up, and he asked excitedly, “Uncle Warring States, do you mean that if you become a marshal, will you change the navy?” ”

“It will!” Sengoku smiled and nodded, “There is dust at home, you can’t expect it to disappear on its own, we have to wipe it clean with our own hands!” So don’t have doubts, don’t have doubts, just wait and see, the future Navy will be the way you want to see. ”

“Uh-huh!” The dragon clenched his hands and nodded emphatically.

“Don’t think about it anymore, improve your strength. Only when you are strong will the justice you want truly come. ”

“Uh-huh, but Uncle Sengoku, I still have a question.”

“Say it!”

“You are now the strongest person in the Navy, why do you have to wait until you become a marshal to change? Can’t we hit Mary Joa directly and overthrow the Draco? ”

Dragon asked puzzled, his current age was not yet mature, and these days he came to the conclusion that as long as he hit the holy place and killed all the Draco, then the justice of the navy would not serve them.

Bang bang.

Basically, as soon as the dragon’s voice fell, there was the sound of something being hit in the dark corner.

The three figures were quickly laying things up and hiding their figures, but Zefa’s striking purple hair revealed the identity of the eavesdropper.

Sengoku glanced at it and didn’t care, he let out a puff of smoke, his eyes flickering.

“Strength! And the heritage! We don’t yet know what forces the world government has besides the navy, and the point is…”

“How strong is the strength of the five old stars in the Holy Land.”

“Intelligence is the key to victory, at least until we find out their details.”


[The author kneels for collections, evaluation tickets, flowers, monthly passes.] 】

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