The Sengoku Mischina father and daughter, who had reconciled and reached a consensus, rescued the belly of the Sea Kings and brought them back to the Kingdom of Lake Owa and handed them over to Miwa to arrange.

Evening, in the port.

“My vacation is coming to an end, I have to leave!”

Sengoku patted Miwa on the shoulder that was holding him and sighed softly.

“Uh-huh! Come by anytime if you have time, I will make you happy every day. ”

Miwa is not a little girl anymore, she has long passed the age of being a stalker, and she knows that she only needs to be a good helper, and besides, she also has pure gold, and there are many years for the two to get along together in the future.

She took a deep breath, took the initiative to let go of her hand and took a few steps back, and said with a big smile.

“Mischina father and daughter will be handed over to you, remember to keep their existence a little secret.”

Sengoku waved his hand, and his body disappeared in place.

The warship set sail and gradually disappeared into the sea.


Early the next morning, Sengoku returned to Marin Fandory.

“Good morning General Sengoku!”

“Good morning, Lord General!”


After stepping off the warship, he walked towards the location of the officer’s building amid the greetings of many soldiers.

The time of the vacation was caught by him, and today happened to be the last day of the eight-day holiday, although the time was a little tight and small, but there was nothing to do.

All the way unimpeded, Sengoku soon arrived outside his office.

The alpaca at the door who went to work on time was already waiting there quietly, and the first time he saw the Warring States, he immediately stood up and bleated.

Sengoku looked amused, but did not hesitate, pushed open the door and came to his general’s seat and sat down.

In the square, the soldiers also began to busy, and the sound of shouting slogans and fighting each other’s fists and fists was clearly heard.

Sengoku lit a cigar, let out a long puff of smoke, and shook his head: “It’s a comfortable work life again, no wonder everyone wants to be a general!” ”

Bang bang.

There was a knock at the door, and the figure of the soldier appeared in sight, he stepped in and handed several documents in his hand to the Warring States, and said respectfully: “General of the Warring States, this is the document that needs your approval today.” ”

“Just a few?” Sengoku fiddled with the number of documents and asked with a raised eyebrow.


“Hmm! Wait here. ”

Sengoku nodded lightly, took out a pen to correct, and after five minutes, all the documents were approved and handed over to the soldiers.

The soldier took it and immediately took it away to carry it out.

“It seems that today is another free day, squint for a while!”

Sengoku extinguished the cigar in his hand, pushed the chair back, raised his feet folded on the tabletop, wrapped his hands around the back of his head, and narrowed his eyes.

In the past few days, I have experienced the life of a king in the feudal era in the Kingdom of Lake Owa and the nutritional deficiency is a bit serious, and I urgently need to recover my spirit by catching up on sleep.

Time passes by minute by minute, and the sun in the sky is slowly moving.


Suddenly, the gate was violently pushed open, and the movement woke up the Warring States.

“Warring States, you have finally returned, the headquarters is so boring these days, I want to go to the new world to stroll, give me a document.”

Karp’s rough voice sounded in the office, and a big face slammed directly in front of Sengoku.

“Go and go, don’t get too close to me, I don’t like men.” Sengoku opened his sleepy eyes and pushed Kapu away angrily.

Seeing the bloodshot in the whites of Warring States’ eyes, Karp also knew that he had disturbed his good dreams, scratched his head and smiled embarrassedly, then walked to the sofa and sat down quietly.

Sengoku sat down, pinched his eyebrows with his hands, and only after a while drove away the sleepiness.

“You want to enter the new world?” Sengoku asked as he picked up the unfinished cigar and rekindled it.

“Uh-huh, it’s so boring headquarters, I really didn’t expect the lieutenant general and the senior general to work so idle, without ordering everyone to stay in the office, read books, read newspapers and sleep!”

Karp nodded quickly, and said with a look of disdain: “No wonder the strength of the lieutenant general is not comparable to the pirates of the new world, how can such a waste of time be greatly improved!” ”

Sengoku nodded with empathy, and the work in the body/department was indeed idle.

He doesn’t care, but Karp, who is still in the prime of his life, is obviously not a lord who can sit still, and the warlike blood is already about to move.

“Didn’t you promise the world when you became a general? It is said that the next step is to subdue the hinterland and deep sea of the New World, and this time is just right. Karp continued.

“Hmm! I know. Sengoku’s eyes flashed slightly.

He thought for a while, took a deep puff of smoke, and shouted to the soldier at the door: “Call Lieutenant General Matsuura!” ”

“Yes!” The soldiers, who had been on standby, hurriedly left.

Soon, Matsuura, who received the summons, walked in quickly: “Sir, are you looking for me?” ”

“Hmm! Sit! ”

Sengoku gestured to the sofa, and after he sat down, he held his chin with both hands and said to him: “Karp wants to enter the new world, and the current navy does have the ability to head towards the hinterland seas. ”

Matsuura looked stunned.

Sengoku continued, “I plan to draft a document to lead the fleet towards the New World with Karp as the commander-in-chief, are you interested in following him?” ”

“Subordinates willing!” Matsuura quickly stood up and said loudly.

Sengoku smiled: “The new world is much more dangerous than the Great Voyage, just say what you really think, if you don’t want to go in, I will arrange for others.” ”

“No, the subordinates are really willing!” Matsuura’s face was serious, and he said in a deep voice: “At present, there are no pirates in the Great Route, and it is a waste of time and potential to continue to stay in the headquarters, and since the subordinates have become lieutenant generals of the headquarters, they have not made great achievements, so they are very enthusiastic about the trip to the new world.” ”

Meritorious service is extremely important to officers in the Navy, and it is related to their treatment after retirement and the benefits that future generations will enjoy when they re-enter the system.

Moreover, Matsuura is only in his thirties at present, which is the golden time for his strength to improve rapidly, and if he continues to fool around in this department, he will not only waste his potential, but he can only stop there.

It is clear that Matsuura’s ambitions and ambitions have not yet been extinguished, and he wants to seize this opportunity to expand his professional achievements.

There are two ways to earn merit, one is to kill a well-known sea thief, and the headquarters will award rewards according to their degree of harm, and the other is to participate in and complete some kind of major event, and the merit reward will be more.

And now it is obvious that after more than ten years of conquest in the Iron Four Corners of the Navy, a large number of well-known pirates have been killed, and the probability of wanting to obtain merit through the first way is currently very low.

Then there is only the second left, to participate in and complete some kind of big event.

And the complete recovery of the hinterland and deep sea of the New World, this event can be said to be the biggest event now and even in the future, and the current danger level of the New World has long been reduced compared to decades ago I don’t know how many times, the headquarters does not know how many major generals and colonels are waiting to participate, and it is still an iron fist Kapu with the combat power of a general to lead the team, and a fool will refuse.

Sengoku took out two cigars and threw them to Karp and Matsuura: “Sit down and say.” ”

“Yes!” Matsuura hurriedly took the cigar, followed the order and sat down on the sofa again.

The sound of a lighter igniting sounded.

There are two more mouths in the general’s office.

Sengoku shouted at the soldier at the door: “Close the door.” ”

The soldiers also knew that the commanders had an important meeting to talk about next, and quickly closed the door tightly to ensure that the content of the conversation inside would not come out.

The office of the marshal and the general in the officer building is built to a very high specification, the whole room is made of the best materials, the sound insulation is the top, as long as the door is closed, even if there is a quarrel outside, you will not hear the slightest sound.

Sengoku took out the precious anti-eavesdropping black phone specially assigned to the general in the headquarters and placed it on the table, ensuring that the next conversation would not be heard by the fourth person.

“It’s all my own people, so I won’t be polite with you.”

Sengoku knocked the cigar butt in the ashtray, licked his lips, and spoke: “In addition to the task of subduing the New World Sea on the surface, I have a personal mission to hand over to you.” ”

Private tasks?

Karp and Matsuura both sat up straight.

“Sengoku, you say.”

“Sir, please order, and your subordinates will do their best to complete it.”

Sengoku said: “Doesn’t the record pointer point to the end of the world in the end, on the deepest island in the New World, I want you to take the warship there, take the end island as the center, take the warship in the form of a net, and find an island that has not been recorded by the magnetic record – Ralph Drew!” ”

“Or find a red stone with the text of the history on it, and complete only one of the two private missions!”

It is currently known that four red historical body road signs are needed to get to Ralphdru, but at this time, it is not clear where these four road signs are in this time period, and the only two pieces known are on Zou Island and Fishman Island, but only two pieces are useless, so Sengoku did not want to fight those two pieces.

The other two pieces are in the hands of Kaido and Charlotte Lingling according to the original book, but it is estimated that the two have not yet obtained it at this point in time.

On the way to wait, let Karp and Matsuura, who have entered the new world, look for it, and maybe get some clues.

Matsuura’s pupils shrank, it was obvious that he knew about the World Government’s ban, but as a member of the Warring States, he did not hesitate and nodded sharply.

Karp will not refuse.

Sengoku spit out thick smoke, his whole face was hidden behind the smoke, and said meaningfully:

“This private mission is only known to the three of us, if it is accidentally known by the world government, I will not admit that I gave this order, understand?”

“Understand, sir, please rest assured, everything is the subordinate’s own thoughts.”

Matsuura knew that Sengoku’s words were addressed to himself, and quickly stood up and saluted assured.

Sengoku saw that he sensed his sincere emotions and tone and nodded.


[The author kneels for collections, evaluation tickets, flowers, monthly passes.] 】

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