According to the plan, the active Karp attacked the New World with a large fleet of people, and the crowded Marin Fandor became much quieter.

The current senior officers left in the headquarters are: one marshal, two senior generals, two lieutenant generals (the chief staff officer is also a lieutenant general), six major generals, twelve brigadier generals, and other officers and soldiers of varying numbers.

Although the middle and low-level masters left, the high-level were still stationed in this righteous base camp, so the soldiers who remained did not feel the slightest sense of insecurity.

This kind of combat power is much stronger than more than ten years ago, not to mention that there is a Buddha Warring Country with the title of “the strongest man in the world”, and no pirate will dare to attack at all.

Warring States’ days as generals are as dull as ever.

After processing the work papers, go to bed in the afternoon, leave work on time in the evening, and go to Roger after dinner to brush up on the experience.

Until early the next morning.

“Go, go Mary Joa!”

After taking a hot bath from the mansion, Sengoku boarded a small warship and ordered the soldiers.

Today is the day he guards the Holy Land in shifts, so there is no need to stay in Marin Fandor, and the documents are handed over to Zefa to correct and decide.

“Yes!” The soldier hurriedly answered, and then set sail towards the location of the Red Earth Continent.

Standing on the deck, Sengoku looked at the sea and licked his mouth: “At this point in time, Vegapunk is only in his twenties, and the name has not yet come out.” ”

“This month’s vacation is gone, then go and cut off this guy next month.”


It didn’t take long for the warship to reach the Holy Land of Marie Joa.

As soon as the Warring States stepped on the ground, the official in charge of reception at the front immediately ran over.

“Hello Sengoku General, because you are here for the first time, so Marshal Air sent me to introduce to you the location and content of the work in the Holy Land.”

“Hmm! Lead the way. Sengoku said lightly.

Guan Yuan did not hesitate, turned his body slightly and made a gesture of invitation, and walked with the Sengoku towards the official’s office building.

Along the way, his mouth did not stop, introducing Sengoku to all the work he needed to do on the Holy Land.

“As the highest combat power in the headquarters of the Navy, the task of guarding the Holy Land in shifts is very simple, similar to what you do on Marin Fando. It is to be on duty in the office building to prevent a small night from coming here to carry out a surprise attack, and although no one has dared to do this in eight hundred years, it is also a rule to prevent trouble. ”

“If the Five Old Stars or Draco adults have a task during the duty period, you also need to do your best to complete it, but please rest assured that under normal circumstances, the official of the world government will take the initiative to complete it, and only when it cannot be completed, it will find you, basically without your help.”

“You are free to arrange the rest of the time, as long as you do not leave Mary Joa without permission during work hours, and you do not enter the place where the Draco live at will.”

Warring States raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at the official who led the way, and asked, “Can’t you enter the interior at will?” ”

“Yes, it is a place where only the honorable Draco and CP0, as well as the guards, can enter, of course, if the five old stars summon, it is naturally possible.” Guan Yuan replied.

“Hmm! So what if Draco invites? ”

“Hahahaha, you said and laughed, I have never heard of a distinguished Draco who would take the initiative to invite us inside.”

Guan Yuan shook his head with a smile and explained: “Our office is located on the periphery of Mary Joa, and even this has been said by Draco that we polluted the air here and strongly asked us to move away, but then the five old stars pressed down and reprimanded it.” ”

The corners of Warring States’ mouth pulled up an arc, but he didn’t say anything.

The two walked all the way, walking on the green ground.

At this time, an extremely long escalator appeared in front of him, not static.

“There are escalators here, would you like to go up?”

Guan Yuan pointed to the escalator and introduced: “Although it is still now, if we stand up and press the switch, it will start soon, so we don’t have to walk to the office building so tired.” ”

Sengoku’s eyes were slightly drooping, if people who didn’t understand the situation came here, they might think that this was a fully automatic escalator, but seeing and hearing the color clearly reflected the skinny slave atmosphere underneath.

This is completely driven by human power, and the use of people as animals is just to make it easier for the Draco people to be with the officials of the world government.

“No, just walk!” Sengoku said lightly.

“This, okay then!” Guan Yuan obviously wanted to go up and save some effort, but the Warring States said so, and he couldn’t refuse, so he could only helplessly continue to walk forward.

Ten minutes later, the panting Guan Yuan took the Warring States to his destination, pointed to the extremely richly decorated office inside, and said: “General of the Warring States, this is the office that belongs to the general, and General Zefa was also on duty here last time, if there is nothing wrong, I will leave first.” ”

“Well, it’s okay, let’s go.”

Sengoku waved his hand. Anyway, he has already understood the content of the work of the shift here as a general of the headquarters, in fact, it is just to prevent accidents, and the rest does not need to be paid too much attention.

Although it is not clear that there are high-end combat power guys guarding like CP0, why should the five old stars let them come over in one fell swoop, but since they are in the rules, it doesn’t matter if they adapt before they are ready to break.

He walked into the office, pushed open the window, and looked around him.

Desks, chairs, sofas, bookshelf!

No, just these four, it is really clean as ordinary work.

The corners of Sengoku’s mouth turned up, lying on the side of the window, smoking a cigar while checking the officials coming and going below.

Seeing that the domineering aura was launched all the time, shrouding the entire Mary Joa in perception, noting the powerful aura that appeared.


The first day was spent so uneventfully, and as soon as I arrived in the Warring States at 6 p.m., I left work on time and returned to Marin Fandolly.

Nothing happened during this shift, no one bothered, no tasks were given, it was like a resort.

The general needs to come to the Holy Land every two days to clock in shifts, except for vacations and business trips, he has to come rain or shine at other times.

On the second and third days, Sengoku continued to be on duty at the headquarters.

On the fourth day, continue to the Holy Land.

The life of the iron rice bowl is completely the same as in the previous life, with a salary and no work, boring and unpretentious.

Time kept passing, and a month passed in the blink of an eye.

Outside the office building, a meadow with excellent scenery.

At this time, Sengoku was wearing sunglasses, lying on a sun lounger basking in the warm sun, holding a book unique to this world in his right hand and holding the back of his head with his left hand, with a relaxed look on his face.

From time to time, the mouth opens and closes silently, as if repeating the contents of the book, but if you get very close, you will hear completely different words.

“Another strange breath, this breath is slightly inferior to the general, it should be the Seven Martial Sea level, and it actually entered the place of the Five Old Stars directly from other places, who is it?”

“Huh? Although this guy has taken a bath, the smell of blood is still very strong, it seems that he has gone to carry out the assassination mission of the world government, which organ of CP1-9? ”


Sengoku’s pupils hidden under the sunglasses skimmed to the side, squinting slightly whenever he saw other people coming and going.

In the past month, although he has been on duty in the Holy Land every day like a holiday, he has not stopped seeing and hearing for a moment, although he is not very clear about the other combat forces hidden by the World Government, but he has a general understanding of the guarding forces on this Holy Land Mary Joa.

In this regard, the Warring States can only be said to be worthy of being a force that has ruled for eight hundred years, and there are already a lot of powerful auras that have appeared.

However, it has always been limited to the periphery/periphery, and the places where I can understand are really limited.

Warring States’ eyes flashed slightly, and thoughts surged in his brain: “What makes me care all the time is that mysterious Im, I haven’t seen her in person, my heart can’t let go.” ”

The five old stars that have appeared on the bright side are not terrifying even if they are strong, and the danger hidden in the shadows is the most worrying, which represents the greatest unknown and possibility.

How strong is the mysterious Im, and what ability she possesses is the most important exploration task, as long as she is pulled from the dark place to the sun to dry, then she can deal with restraint according to her various means.

“I should have gone into the deepest part of the Holy Land, but… How do I get in? Sengoku said secretly in his heart.

And at this moment, suddenly a voice sounded in my ears.

“It’s hard work, everyone, so busy to protect us Draco. Today is the first birthday of my youngest son, Don Quixote Rosinandi, and I have ordered a batch of special pastries for you to eat. ”

Don Quixote Rosinandi?

Future Nanabukai, brother of the sea rogue Doflamingo?

Sengoku’s pupils froze sharply, and he turned his head to look at the place where the voice came from.

In the line of sight, two couples dressed in Draco costumes appeared.

The man was thin and tall, with long blonde hair that stood up and rolled up at the ends, and he was holding a blonde boy wearing small sunglasses.

The woman was holding a baby in her arms, with a gentle smile on her face, and followed the man to hand out pastries to many officials.

The two have kind faces, which are completely different from other fat and vicious Draco.


[The author kneels for collections, evaluation tickets, flowers, monthly passes.] 】

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