The Holy Land Mary Joyari, the conversation between the Warring States and the Five Old Stars lasted for a long time.

After the two sides exchanged ideas, they finally resolved the possible barriers and guards.

Sengoku promised to forget everything between the flowers, not to tell anyone, and continue to be the admiral of his naval headquarters with peace of mind.

The five old stars also promised not to suppress, ostracize, or even shoot him because of this incident.

And after seeing that the Sengoku did not feel unacceptable to the phenomenon of the Devil Fruit devouring the soul of the able, the attitude of the five old stars towards him was also a little milder than usual.

If you put it in numbers, it’s trust +3.

The Warring States are also happy to do so, as for whether the two sides want to do as they want to do as they reached a verbal agreement, it is up to the benevolent and the wise to see the wise, and who believes who is a fool.

Time passed slowly, and the sun in the sky had already set into the western mountains, and the sunset fell on all the buildings as far as the eye could see.


The gate was slowly opened, and the figure of the Warring States walked out from within.

“Since everything is over, then I will go back first!”

Sengoku turned his head and said something to the five old stars with a smile on his face, and then took a step and walked out.

Five pairs of eyes full of various meanings kept looking at his back until it disappeared from sight.

The drawing room fell silent for a while.

“That slave turmoil was abrupt, and I always felt that something was not right!”

After a long time, the old man with the sword suddenly said, and his brows furrowed at this time.

“You mean someone planned it? Who? The bearded old man touched his beard, his eyes flickering.

“Not sure, but don’t think it’s too much of a coincidence?”

“You mean the Warring States of Buddha, right? But it was the first time he entered the castle, and CP0 also investigated clearly that it was invited by Don Quixote’s family? ”

“So I’m not sure about 243!” The old man with the sword stroked the scabbard and shook his head.

The curly-haired old man supported his chin with both hands, sat in place and thought carefully before speaking: “Since it has already happened, it doesn’t matter, so be it!” Arrange for someone to observe his every move and make sure he has no other ideas. ”

“I always feel uncomfortable knowing about the national treasure, so do you really just let it go?”

“At present, it can only be so, his own strength and prestige are no longer something we can arbitrarily handle, and Lord Im’s order cannot be disobeyed!”

“Do you know why Lord Im is interested in him?”

“I don’t know very well, I just know that his background seems to be very unusual, I have arranged for CP9 to investigate, wait for their results.”




Bright leather shoes trample on the grass, and the cloak of justice hunts in the breeze.

Sengoku walked outside with his hands in his pockets, his face expressionless, and his deep eyes turned in thought.

Im interested in me?

I only met her for the first time yesterday, and I didn’t do anything else earth-shattering against the Draco, where is she interested in me?

And before I left, I specifically asked me if my real name was Warring States?


The Sengoku footsteps paused slightly, and then moved again, only this time his expression had become solemn.

“Thinking too much doesn’t help, you still have to improve your strength. As long as it is strong enough, everything is not a problem. ”

Warring States secretly said in his heart: “The next goal is to continue to work hard to improve, but the blank century-old history is also very curious, since the navy can’t enter, then let the pirates help me find it!” “Wan . Just as he was thinking, a loud voice came to his ears. Er.” Sengoku, I’m back! Hahahahaha, didn’t come to the night, right? ”

The warship in front of his eyes, which was broken and even had a bitten bow, appeared in sight, and a wet Karp was waving at him on the deck.

Next to him is Lieutenant General Matsuura, who has a broken arm, is also wet with seawater, and even has a sea creature on his head.

All around were soldiers who looked pale and looked afraid.

Sengoku suppressed the thoughts in his mind, a smile appeared on his face, and as soon as he stepped on his feet, his figure flashed to the deck.

“Sir, subordinate Matsuura greets you!” Lieutenant General Matsuura immediately raised his hand in greeting.

The other soldiers were also awakened, straightened their bodies, and shouted: “I have seen the Warring States General.” ”

Sengoku waved his hand and signaled to the soldier before looking at Matsuura, his gaze focused on his empty sleeve for a moment before patting him on the shoulder: “Hard work!” ”

“It’s not hard to do things for the chief, but it’s the world that attacks us in the new world…”

Before Matsuura finished speaking, he saw the reminder of Sengoku’s eyes, and he instantly woke up and quickly closed his mouth.

“Go back and talk about it!”

Warring States said to him lightly, and then looked at Karp: “I really saved more than half of the journey, how did you come back?” ”

“Oh nothing, I beat up a sea king and let him take us all the way back.” Karp buttoned his nostrils, his face full of indifference.

Sengoku smiled, although he knew from their appearance that the road was definitely dangerous, but it hurt his feelings to talk politely in the relationship between the two.

“Then go back and get a good night’s sleep, see you haven’t slept for two days like this!” Sengoku hammered Kapu Hun and said with a chuckle.

“Hehe, then again, nothing happened, right?”

Karp grinned, then leaned in and asked quietly.

“I just let you come back prepared, but now it’s okay!”

“Phew, then I will be relieved, next you will command the warship, I will go to sleep first!”

Karp put down his heart, and then turned back to the cabin without saying a word, it was obvious that he had consumed a lot in the past two days, and he urgently needed to replenish his sleep at the moment.

“Follow me back to the headquarters!”

After Sengoku gave Matsuura an order, he returned to the shore and picked up Doflamingo, who had been waiting there, and returned to his warship.

The warship set sail and drifted away from Mary Joa.


Sail on the unobstructed sea and soon return to Marin Fandory.

As soon as the Warring States stepped on the port, a figure appeared in front of him, and it was Zefa, who had been nervous for a day.

He first grabbed the Warring States and looked at them carefully for a while before he breathed a sigh of relief: “Brother Warring States, it seems that there was no battle today. ”

“Well, let you worry, go back!”

“Good! Is Capco back? ”

“Sleep in the cabin!”

“Then I’ll resist him and go back.”

Zefa jumped on the warship and resisted Kapu, who had slept all over his snot.

“Matsuura, you also have a good rest today, and come to me tomorrow to report!”

After waving his hand at Matsuura, Sengoku walked towards his mansion.

Back in the mansion, Tsuru, who had received the news in advance, had already placed all the food on the table, and the Kapu snot bubble that smelled the smell of meat shattered, and then immediately appeared on the seat without saying a word and started eating.

“Don’t worry, the kitchen is still there, have you been hungry outside for ten days and a half month?”

At the dinner table, Tsuru slapped Kapu’s hand that reached his dinner plate away, and said helplessly.

“Ah He, you don’t know, that sea king is really disobedient, I have to fight with it at any time, it’s a waste of physical strength.”

Karp’s mouth was full of meat, and his hands were still grasping the steaming beast legs, and he said indistinctly: “If I have the same overlord color as the Warring States, then I don’t have to beat it all the time.” ”

Tsuru was speechless, and no longer asked about these things, but silently handed the meat over, and at the same time got up to bring out more colorful and fragrant meat from the kitchen.

Sengoku and the others did not speak, sitting in their places and eating quietly.

The meal lasted almost two hours before it ended.

“Whew, comfortable, refreshing!”

Karp sat on the courtyard floor, looked up at the starry sky, and sighed.

“Let’s stay in the headquarters for a while, just take a vacation!”

Sengoku took out a few cigars from his arms, threw one of them, lit them with a lighter, and smoked them.

“Well, anyway, even if I don’t want to let go, I can’t lead the team out anymore, and Uncle Kong shouldn’t let me go so simply until I explain the matter of searching for Ralph Drew.”

Karp took the lighter handed by Sengoku, lit it, and let out a long puff of smoke.

“Ralph Drew! Don’t mention it again in the future, forget about it! Zhan Chinese said flatly.

“Huh? Brother Warring States, why did you suddenly make this decision, I heard Sister Tsuru say that it is your goal. ”

As soon as Zefa put the cigar in his mouth, he was shocked by this sentence of the Warring States.

After the matter of Kapu’s search for the end of the new world was made bigger, Zefa, who was also a general, had already received the news, and knew from Tsuru’s mouth the importance of that place to the Warring States.

Not to mention that it was one of the life goals of the Warring States, it was also of great use to them to understand the Draco people, and the importance was self-evident.

But the Warring States, who had always been enthusiastic about this matter, took the initiative to forget about it and no longer look for it, which made him feel very puzzled.

Sengoku supported the ground with his elbows, looked up at the sky, and said faintly: “The current navy cannot leave the support of the world government, we cannot ignore the interests of the soldiers, and it is clear that the CP department will definitely focus on us in the future.” ”

“So we can only give up?” Zefa asked.

Sengoku shook his head, and the corners of his mouth turned up: “It’s better to leave professional matters to professionals, I have a better candidate for Ralph Drew, and if there is no accident, he can definitely find it!” ”

“Huh? Why so sure? Tsuru, who came out after washing the dishes, heard Sengoku’s words and asked.

“As I told you before, there is a will against the One of the Holy Land, and it will be arranged.”

Sengoku squinted his eyes slightly, and after a long while, he whispered, “Is that will the planet itself, or??” “_

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