The World Government Conference finally dispersed after seven consecutive days, and of course there was no major movement to decide in this era, so there was no special news.

The kings who came to attend were just going through the motions, ready to be escorted back by the navy again.

In the general’s office.

“Whoever sent it back is sent back, so let’s arrange it like this!”

Sitting in the chair, Sengoku supported his chin with his hands and ordered the soldiers who came to inquire: “Go and ask the staff to give orders to the officers.” ”

“Yes!” The soldiers nodded, turned and ran quickly outside.

Sengoku ignored it and continued to correct the files on his desktop.

The port was bustling, and some of the officers who had escorted the kings to Mary Joa and stationed at the headquarters received orders to move their soldiers up to the warships and set sail.


“Sengoku, after I escort that king of Raushizi back, will I continue to return?”

Karp, who was striding in large strides, walked in, and a big grin sounded.

Sengoku put the pen down, looked at him and asked, “Do you have any ideas?” ”

“Of course there is, I want to continue to go out to sea to catch pirates, and everyone staying in the headquarters is about to rust!” And Roger’s guy seems to be making a lot of fun in the new world, I’ll go and recapture you!” ”

Catch Roger? That’s not going to work!

I’m still waiting for him to go to Ralph Drew to give me a live broadcast!

Sengoku raised his eyebrows, but after thinking about it, he decided not to tell Karp the truth, anyway, if there was no accident, Roger’s slippery guy should not be caught so easily.

Although Karp is very strong, Roger, who has been bloodied by the Warring States on the high-altitude island, but never gives up, has not improved his strength.

Whether it is strength or luck, he is unlikely to be recaptured by the Navy.

And there is Karp, who is also an iron four corner of the navy, to hunt down, and when he goes up to Ralph Drew, it can also solve the suspicion of the world government against the warring countries to a large extent.

“After such a long time, there is no reaction from the five old stars, the limelight should pass!” Then you can continue to go to the new world to make trouble, as long as you don’t continue to search for Ralph Drew! ”

Sengoku tilted his head and said with a chuckle: “When you are tired of being outside and want to come back again, the headquarters has me to support you.” ”

“Hahahahaha!” Karp grinned, “Sure enough, it’s still much more comfortable to do things under our own people, unlike Uncle Kong’s guy who always restricts this and that, then I’ll go first, there is something to contact the phone worm!” ”

Karp got an accurate answer, waved his hand and walked out the door.

“I remember encountering a powerful pirate who came to my side.”

“Don’t worry, I know this.”

Karp’s figure gradually disappeared from sight, and at this time the dragon also trotted in with a book.

“Uncle Warring States, I have read all these books, and I will return them to you now!”

“So fast, you seem to have worked hard during this time!”

The few books that are placed on the table are incompatible with the mainstream of the world, and even labeled as “big contrarian”, are not low, more than 50 centimeters thick.

The dragon can see it in such a short time, it is obvious that every day from morning to night, or even staying up all night without sleeping, you can see the heavy dark circles under his eyes.

The dragon smiled sheepishly.

The Warring States put the book away and put it in the drawer, and after thinking about it, he still said: “If you have any ideas and don’t make your own decisions, you can tell your Warring States uncle, I may be able to give you some advice!” ”

The dragon’s eyes flickered, and he nodded heavily.

“Kapu brother, where are you going? What the? I’m going to sail so soon, can’t that work, can I do it tomorrow? ”

“Let’s get together in the Chambord Islands tonight!”


Zefa’s voice suddenly sounded outside the door, and then he walked into Sengoku’s office with Karp between his shoulders.

“Brother Warring States, are you free with Sister Crane tonight?”

As soon as Zefa came in, he immediately spoke, and as soon as the words fell, he immediately said: “If you don’t have time, you have to squeeze it out!” ”

“Oh? Is there anything particularly important? Sengoku asked suspiciously.

“Hehe, my wife has packed up the house in the Chambordi Islands, bought a lot of ingredients yesterday, and today I am waiting for everyone to get together together, by the way.”

“Since that’s the case, then you really have to go, Karp, you can leave tomorrow!”

“What about King Raushizi, that old guy I think he will make trouble!” Karp didn’t remember to go out when he heard this reason, but he still spoke.

After all, the other kings who came together were gone, and only one of them did not set off, and these guys who were accustomed to being people could not bear a little grievance.

Sengoku didn’t have any respectful thoughts about these kings, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly: “Is it hard to go and let him sleep?” ”

“Huh? Hahahaha, dragon, you quietly go over and punch the guy, and then drag it out until tomorrow. ”

Karp was very familiar with the Warring States, and when he heard it, he immediately knew the meaning, and shouted at the dragon with a smile.

The dragon’s eyes lit up, and he turned away without saying a word.

“Then I’ll inform Sister He!”

“I went back to sleep.”

Zefa and Karp saw that there was nothing to do, and the two disappeared into the office side by side.

Time passes by minute by minute.

As the sun set over the sea, the warship carrying the world-famous naval iron four corners headed towards the Chambord Islands.

“The four of us, how long has it been since Zefa and I were promoted to generals and stood on the same warship together.”

Sengoku himself was lying on the fence and said with a sea breeze.

“Actually, it didn’t take long, it just felt like a long time!” Zefa next to him heard this, and also sighed.

They have been teaming up to fight the sea since graduation, except for the two years when they completed their personal tasks, they stayed together at other times, and they didn’t think much about it when they suddenly separated, but now they are together again, which makes them feel very good at this time.

“If the pirates on the sea hear that the naval iron four corners have set off together again, they will definitely be scared and can’t sleep.”

The dragon standing next to Karp poked his head out and said.

Hearing this, Sengoku, Karp, Zefa, and Tsuru couldn’t help but laugh.

Time can change a lot, and you can get a lot, and the fame and glory gained by the four of them in the past twenty years of conquest are indeed an extraordinary deterrent for pirates.

“The era of the Warring States” and “the era of the iron four corners of the navy” are not just words.

“If you say so, Zefa, your wife’s face is really enough.”

Karp bumped Zefa’s shoulder, frowning and laughing, “If it weren’t for her, we wouldn’t be on the same warship.” ”

“Hey, hey, hey!” Zefa scratched his head silly.

Soon, the warship landed.

The five people who changed into civilian clothes walked directly down.

“Hey, I, I didn’t read that wrong, right? The Navy Iron Four Corners actually came here together, is something big going to happen? ”

“Wow, Buddha no Sengoku, Tekken Kapu, Black Fist Zefa and Zhi Demon Crane, and the Navy rising star Monchi Dragon next to him who has not recently become famous? My mother, I saw the living Iron Corners. ”

“Shouldn’t there be a mission, didn’t you see that they are all wearing casual clothes, they should be here to play.”

“It’s so happy that I met my idol so closely! Sengoku General, I love you. ”

“Can you take a picture with me?” I’m going to put it in the living room of my home. ”


There were many merchants and civilians busy at the port, and when they saw the figure of the five, they all gasped.

But after coming back to his senses after being shocked, everyone was pleasantly surprised, and he rushed away, and the madness/heat on his face was clearly visible.

Sengoku stopped, glanced at Kapu, Zefa, Tsuru and Dragon, and shrugged helplessly.

“This is also one of the inconveniences caused by fame, let’s go!”

All four nodded.

Whoops, whoops.

The naval six-style shaved out, and the figures of the five disappeared in the blink of an eye, only smoke and dust drifted in the air.


After the experienced Sengoku Five came in, they no longer picked places with many people to walk, used shaving along the way to leave afterimages on the road, and arrived at their destination a few minutes later.

Outside the door of a small white villa.

“Wife, open the door, open the door, big brother of the Warring States they have arrived!”

Zefa walked to the door, and after fumbling for a moment in his pocket, he found that he didn’t have a key, so he directly began to smash the door and shouted.

“It’s coming!”

A nice sound sounded in the house, and at the same time the sound of clicking and running appeared, and after a few breaths, the door was pushed open.

A woman with short brown hair and a loose dress appeared in everyone’s sight, her face was gentle and virtuous, and her eyes narrowed into a meniscus when she saw Zefa.

Zefa hugged her before leading her over: “Ahem, this is Rennei.” ”

“Hello eldest brother, good second brother, good third sister, it’s nice to meet you.”

Seeing the three Warring States standing in front of her, Zefa’s wife was obviously a little nervous, and quickly bent down to greet.

Sengoku nodded at her: “In the future, we will all be a family, don’t be too raw, just be comfortable!” ”

Karp scratched the back of his head and said with a hearty smile: “Yes, it’s all a family, you are Zefa’s wife, it’s my Karp’s old … Eh, cough, brother and sister, it’s my Karp’s younger brother and sister, uh-huh, another day I’ll also ask my wife to get to know you. ”

After the words fell, Karp showed a touched look to his son behind him, fortunately there was a dragon just reminded, otherwise his first impression would be ruined by himself.

Although the price of the reminder is that the toe that is stepped on is a little sore.

“Wife is wife, learn who said, let me hear it in the future will definitely not make you look good.”

After giving Zefa a blank look, Tsuru took the first two steps to take the initiative to grab Zefa’s wife’s palm, touched the other party’s stomach with the other hand, and said softly: “Look at his father’s appearance, he must be a fat and fat child, it’s very good.” ”

Zefa and his wife smiled when they heard this.

The dragon, who was carrying a large number of gifts in his hand, lifted the bag and took the initiative to speak: “Hello, uncle!” ”

“Hello to you, Dragon.” Zepha replied softly.

“Okay, okay, don’t stand outside, I smell the food, let’s go inside!”

When everyone got to know each other, Zefa immediately took the posture of a man in charge and beckoned everyone to walk towards the house.

Sengoku, Karp, Tsuru and Ryu also had no opinion, and followed the steps.

“Hey, so envious!” Tsuru suddenly approached the Warring States and said resentfully.

How could the Warring States not hear the subtext in the words, he took a deep breath and replied softly: “There is still a week, when the beginning of the month I will immediately rush to ask for leave in front of Zefa, stop chanting, I will do my best to cooperate with you.” ”

Only then did Tsuru smile.

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