Holy Land, Mary Joa.

The warship docked in a special port, and the Sengoku cloak of justice walked down, and he led Doflamingo and slowly walked forward.

Today is his day as a senior general on duty in shifts.

“Good morning General Sengoku, I hope you have a good mood today.”

“Good morning, Sengoku-san.”

“Sengoku-san, finally waiting for you to be on duty, I have a box of good cigars in my office, and I will send it to you later.”

“Hello, Lord Draco!”


On the way, there happened to be many officials who also started to work, and the first time they saw them, they immediately took the initiative to say hello with a flattering smile.

Sengoku nodded faintly in response.

Doflamingo, who had been following him to receive teaching, did not pose as a Draco, although he did not have too much enthusiasm, but he did not arrogantly ignore the officials.

The two walked all the way through the beautiful scenery.

“Brother, brother, brother…”

Ahead, a little fart boy in diapers straddled the fleshy little short legs, staggering and fast, and a flavorful voice spit out from his mouth.

Behind him was Huo Minggu Sheng and his wife following behind, carefully guarding him to prevent him from falling suddenly.

“Your brother is coming to you, go play with him!”

Sengoku patted Doflamingo’s head and chuckled softly.

“Uh-huh! Master, then I’ll go first! ”

Doflamingo nodded heavily, and then ran forward with a grin and joy, while shouting loudly: “Rosinandi, I’m coming!” ”

“Cluck!” Rosinandi’s clear laughter echoed across the surrounding lawns.

Looking at this warm scene, the smile in the corners of Warring States’ eyes became stronger.

Don’t care about the appearance of the original Rido Flamengo when he grows up, at least now he is still a child, although he is born evil, but the evil in his heart has not been completely stimulated.

And as long as he will no longer be stimulated by the original in his childhood, under the teaching of the atmosphere of the naval headquarters, Sengoku and Tsuru, he will not be a good person, but he will never be like ordinary dracos without a view of good and evil.

“Mr. Sengoku, my wife and I have prepared a meal for you, which you can use to fill your stomach when you have nothing to do.” Huo Minggu Sheng came over and said with a smile on his face.

His wife saw that the two children had played together, and no longer worried about Rosinandi’s safety, and now Doflamingo was a qualified big brother who knew how to take care of his younger brother.

She came to the front of the Sengoku and bent down to thank you: “Thank you for teaching Dover, if you still need anything in the Holy Land, please don’t hesitate to mention it.” ”

“That’s right, Dover has changed a lot this year, thank you very much!” Huo Minggu nodded repeatedly, and also bent down to express his feelings.

Sengoku took a step forward and picked up the two: “Don’t pay too much attention to it, since I have already received little Dover, I have the responsibility to make him better.” ”

Since receiving Doflamingo, this kind Draco couple has basically thanked him sincerely every once in a while, and has also sent many gifts.

Not to mention many valuable items, the pastries every morning, noon, and evening were not broken at all, and he even knew that he liked to smoke, and moved all the fine cigars specially provided by the world government to the Draco.

Sengoku said that it was impossible to have no waves in his heart, and the reason why he took more flamenco at that time was to use this opportunity to allow himself to enter the depths of the Holy Land to have a look.

His purpose was achieved perfectly, not only knowing the true strength of Yimu, but also knowing the secrets that ordinary people could not know.

But the two did not know these things, and they were still full of gratitude to him as always.

This is also the reason why the Warring States have no reservations and seriously taught Doflamingo over the years.

“Anyway, thank you!”

“I received the wish, I won’t take up your time with little Doover’s parent-child time.”

“Okay, please, we’ll send him over in the evening.”


Sengoku waved goodbye to Huo Nengusheng’s family, and walked towards the office building with his hands in his pockets.

Not long after, he came to his own recliner, which had been cleaned by the guards, and lay down directly without saying a word.

He took out the unfinished book from his arms, basked in the warm sunshine, and ate the delicious pastries next to him and read it.

As for the general’s office in the building, it was a decoration for him, unless it was a rainy day, it was necessary to go in and hide from the rain.

Time passed in this languid gesture.

Although the whole holy place of Mary Joa does not have the noisy and energetic state of the headquarters, the peaceful atmosphere is also quite good.


At this moment, a group of people in black suits walked over.

“Warring States General, thank you for lending me the Demon Slaying Order some time ago, and now I will return it to you!”

CP5 captain Spandyne brought his subordinates to the front, took out the golden phone worm from his arms, and said in a respectful tone.

Sengoku looked away from the book and looked at him.

“Didn’t use it to harm civilians, did you?” Sengoku took the golden phone worm and asked lightly in his arms.

A faint imperceptible Buddha light flashed in the depths of Spandyne’s eyes, and he quickly shook his head: “No, no, I just used it to complete the task assigned by the world government, and did not hurt other innocent people.” ”

“Hmm! Well, if you need it in the future, don’t hesitate to come to me to borrow it. Sengoku replied calmly.

Although he used both Buddha and demon to control Spandyne, the Buddha who stimulated good thoughts in his heart occupied more weight.

Spandyne in this situation will no longer be as in the original, unscrupulous in order to achieve the end.

“That would be great!”

A clear look of joy appeared on Spandyne’s face, and after thinking about it, he waved his hand at his subordinates, and when they were far away, he approached and covered his mouth with his hand, and asked quietly: “The boy you let me pick up on the poison island last time has now been arranged into the training institution of the World Government.” ”


It’s already been arranged, which is good news.

Sengoku raised his eyebrows.

Spandyne continued: “When he graduates, which department do you want him to go to?” ”

“Let’s arrange to go into the city! There is the best fit for him. ”

“The teachers in the institution also think so, his ability is terrible, and he has diarrhea most of the day, only this is the best place for him to work.”

“Well, then it’s up to you to be responsible.”

“Don’t worry, then I will continue to perform other tasks, if there is anything, please feel free to order.”

Spandyne straightened up, then turned to leave.

The corners of Sengoku’s mouth curved slightly, and then he lay down again.

Suddenly, a voice sounded in my head.

“Want to come and talk to each other?” Buddha no Sengoku. ”

Sengoku’s eyes froze.


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