The Chambord Islands, which used to be very peaceful due to the presence of the navy, are now broken, and screams, furious roars, arrogant mockery and mockery are rising one after another.

The sounds of battle and shooting also echoed in midair.

A group of imposing, tyrannical pirates are at war with the navy.

“Hahahaha, you stinky navy, the target of labor and management is not you, hurry up and get out, otherwise you will leave it all to me!”

“Little ones, catch up with the woman holding the child, that is the family of Admiral Zefa, who used their corpses/bodies as a stepping stone to our reputation before entering the New World, so that the guys in the New World know that the laborers and management have come in.”

“Yes, yes, Captain, we have to come as soon as possible, if there is no accident, the general will come over.”

“No need to keep your hands, give them all to me / Kill them.”

“Captain, the ship has been coated.”

“After five minutes, if we don’t succeed, we’ll have to leave, let’s kill as much as we want.”


The pirates brandished their blades, laughed and rushed towards the navy.

The navy on the opposite side was escorting Zefa’s wife back quickly.

The commander of the naval base drew his sword and roared: “Everyone is given to me, and they must not be allowed to get what they want.” Dedicate yourself to justice! ”

“Dedicate yourself to justice!”


The soldiers also took up their weapons angrily and rushed directly forward to open a white-knuckle battle with the pirates.

Navy Iron Four Corners, if the family of General Zefa of the headquarters were killed by pirates in front of them, it would definitely be the greatest insult to them.

Although the strength of the pirates in front of them is not weak, and there are many capable people, this cannot make them retreat.

Zefa’s wife hugged Xiao Chengzheng tightly in her arms, and ran madly backwards with a pale face.

Xiao Chengzheng was also frightened, and loud cries sounded in the battlefield.

“Hahahaha, if you want to blame, blame you for being Zefa’s wife, go and die!”

The pirate captain with a bounty of more than 300 million killed many soldiers, appeared next to him, and a fist with extremely terrifying power aimed at the head of Zefa’s wife.

Before the attack arrives, the fist arrives first.

Zefa’s petite body was immediately shocked and fell to the ground.

At this moment, a figure appeared, and the armed domineering fist greeted it without hesitation.


The wind blew up, and all the big trees around were blown wildly and swinging.

“Sister!” Ignoring the blood flowing from the corner of her mouth, Mrs. Zefa looked up at Mrs. Karp who was blocking in front of her, and shouted worriedly: “You leave me alone, take Chengzheng and go first!” ”

“Don’t worry, you run first, this idiot will be dragged by me, your man should be on his way.”

Karp’s wife did not look back, but after a word of comfort, she immediately burst out with all her strength and rushed towards the enemy in front.

“Which pimple did you come from, the object of labor and management to kill is not you, let me get out of the way.”

The pirate captain felt the power coming from the other side, and the whole person also became solemn and roared.

“You stupid guys really don’t know whether to live or die, they really deserve to be frogs at the bottom of the well, even the sea thieves in the new world will never dare to do this, you wait for death!”

“Labor and management let you die first, come and kill Zefa’s woman, and the others are ready to withdraw at any time.”

Bang bang.

Karp’s wife and the pirate captain fought in place.

After hearing their captain’s orders, the other pirates quickly gathered together without saying a word.

Although the Chambord Islands are guarded by a base of the naval branch, the highest rank is only at the level of colonel, far from the opponent of this group of pirates who have stood out after a brutal battle at sea.

After the two sides collided, the pirates quickly solved their target and rushed towards Zefa’s wife.

“I can’t die, Chengzheng is still so young, he still has a bright future.”

Zefa’s wife quickly got up and ran towards the location of the port.

“Hahahaha, where are you going? It’s a pity that we are in a hurry to go to sea, otherwise we will definitely leave you with your life and take it on board to accompany us for a few days. ”

A pirate with messy hair chased after him, he showed a big black tooth and laughed, and then swung his knife and slashed over.

Although they had the audacity to come over to find trouble with General Zefa’s family, this does not mean that they really did not think about anything.

It was determined long before the start that it was necessary to dive to the bottom of the sea as soon as possible, otherwise they would be dangerous when the support of the naval headquarters arrived.

And now, the time they agreed upon is just about to arrive.

As long as they successfully kill Zefa’s family, their purpose will be achieved.

Thinking that the world would know the name of his gang because of this incident, the smile on the pirate’s face became even more rampant.

They go to sea, money and beauty are only incidental, the main thing is to make a name for yourself and make a great splash.


A cold light flashed as the blade was swung appeared, and Zepha’s eyes widened.

“Sister, get out of the way, quick!”

Not far away, Karp’s wife is anxiously coming, even ignoring the pirate captain who is frantically attacking him behind his back.

“No…” Seeing the blade getting closer and closer, Mrs. Karp roared.

At this moment, the wind suddenly exploded, and then a figure appeared beside Zefa’s wife, and narrowly caught the blade one centimeter in front of her neck.

“War, big brother Warring States!” Mrs. Zefa looked at the familiar tall body in front of her, and tears in her eyes flowed uncontrollably.

At this moment, she finally felt safe.

The name that Warring States broke down was enough to make anyone believe him.

Warring States turned his head slightly and glanced at her, and after finding that there were no injuries, he let out a long breath: “Close your eyes, it will be bloody next.” ”

“Uh-huh!” When Mrs. Zefa heard this, she quickly obeyed and did so.

The pirate captain not far away stopped his steps, his whole face involuntarily frightened, he turned back to his crew and roared: “Why did you come so quickly, didn’t you say the fastest five minutes?” ”

“No, it’s impossible, I have thoroughly calculated, even if they get the news at the moment we start, it will take a long time to come, five minutes is still a lot in advance.”

“The ship, captain, is the Buddha Warring States who killed Lokes, I, what are we going to do?”


Hearing the words of his own crew, the pirate captain who felt that he was pitted was so angry that he wanted to kill them himself.

Although he was arrogant but did not feel that he was capable of fighting against the man who was known as the strongest in the world, he roared: “Do you still need to ask? Of course, run, hurry up and get on the coating boat, he is capable of entering the sea. ”


Basically, as soon as the pirate captain’s voice fell, an extremely strong overlord-colored domineering aura suddenly fell from the sky, and the indiscriminate strong pressure on everyone’s body.

The air froze, and many weak people were immediately crushed to their knees, unable to move.

Even the pirate captain only felt as if he was being pressed on his back by a high mountain, and his whole face turned pale.

“It’s only been a few years since you started, and you seem to have forgotten our existence, Pirate Supernova, right? It seems…”

“The world needs another big cleanse!”

Sengoku broke the blade of his sword, walked forward expressionlessly, and walked slowly.

And the pirate in front who originally wanted to kill Zefa’s wife, when he passed, his whole body exploded violently.

Blood, flesh/pieces everywhere.


The sound of gasping for air in the field sounded one after another.


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