Shells exploded all over the world.

When merchant ships are sailing at sea, they can also encounter waves of pirate floats/corpses.

Some of them hiding in the town were also personally captured by many lieutenant generals leading soldiers to the island and executed on the spot.

The battle between the pirates and the navy began again.

In the body/department, the orders of the superiors are like holy orders, and no one dares to refuse if the strength, temper and backstage are not hard to a certain extent.

The officers did not dare to be passive, and the soldiers at the bottom also learned the specific reason for this big move from the newspaper, and they worked even harder to protect their families.

The bounty orders piled up in the Marin Fandor staff were greatly reduced, and each bounty order removed represented the destruction of a pirate group.

Countless pirates were angrily resenting the group of pirates who kidnapped Zefa’s family before they died, and if it weren’t for them, they wouldn’t have had such a hard time for themselves and others.

This large-scale operation that shocked the world completely greatly increased the safety of the future naval families.

In the future, once it is heard that some daring guy wants to take revenge on the officer’s family, the first to come out to stop it is the pirates who are sailing on the sea.


The four seas and the great shipping route have already begun the prelude to the “pirate cleanup”, and many headquarters elites in the new world have also begun to move, and warships full of soldiers are sailing in the front and hinterland.

New world.

The group of white-bearded pirates, who were sailing dashingly, also received newspapers at this moment.

“Daddy, big news, big news.” The crew shouted loudly as they ran waving newspapers.

The other crew members froze, and then asked curiously:

“What’s the big news? Looking at you like this, it must be a big thing, right? ”

“Could it be that the world is going to be destroyed? Or is the Navy going away from the world government? ”

“Hahahahaha, don’t think too much, how can that kind of thing happen, let’s hear what happened!”

“Since the death of the pirate overlord Lockes and the promotion of the Buddha Warring States to the general, there has been no big news in the sea for a long time.”


The white-bearded man who was drinking in a large bowl stopped drinking, took the newspaper handed by the crew, and read it carefully.

When he saw the words “The Family of the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters Was Deliberately Revenge by Pirates” and “The Warring States of the Buddha Wraden, the Great Cleanup at Sea Opened”, his brows furrowed.

The crew members who were the first to see the news also began to tell their companions about the contents of the newspaper.


After hearing the whole thing, everyone gasped.

“What, I’m Gan, the current newcomer is really too daring, even the family of the general of the headquarters dares to make a move, it’s really he/mother who lives too long.”

“And even everyone, the whole world navy moved, I can already see the wailing of other guys in a trance.”

“What a bunch of fools, Ma’s, how dare this brain go to sea, it’s really not a pity to die.”

“I see that the new world is going to be chaotic, daddy, what are we going to do next?”


The crew members were as uncomfortable as eating flies at this time, and it was obvious that they were also within the range of the blow.

Real people sat on the boat, and a catastrophe came suddenly.

No way, who called them the same in the name of pirates, and judging from the newspapers, the angry Sengoku at this moment obviously will not pay attention to their thoughts, he just wants all the pirates on the sea to taste this lesson, so that all those who have such thoughts in the future weigh before they start, whether they can eat the revenge of the navy.

Whitebeard finished reading the newspaper and pinched his chin in thought.

After a while, he shook his head: “Children, go back to the deepest place, I think we have to lie dormant for a month.” ”

“Dad, why go back, even if you encounter a fleet in the New World, they can’t help us.” The crew asked suspiciously.

“With my understanding of the Warring States of Buddha, he should personally bring the fleet into the New World, and we may not be able to escape when we encounter him.”


The crew choked.

Once the Warring States who killed the pirate overlord Lokes, known as the strongest man in the world, really appeared in front of him, no one at sea dared to say that he could definitely escape.

After they looked at each other, they quickly turned the bow of the ship and headed towards the end of the sea.

Whitebeard looked at the sea in silence, and only sighed softly after a long time: “That guy who did it, he really had enough to eat, but unfortunately died, otherwise I really want to punch him.” ”

Although he had a no-war agreement with the Warring States, he didn’t want to meet with the other party if he could.

Otherwise, even if people keep their promises and will not leave their families, he will definitely be beaten up.

Daddy’s dignity he still wants to maintain in front of his family.

Moreover, it is only a short period of one month, and it is not bad to go to the island to repair it.


Of course, in the depths of the new world, there are whitebeards who do not want to meet the Warring States, and naturally there are arrogant and fearless.

In a small-town tavern, Momo’s fruit ability Bundy Wald is drinking and having fun with his pirate group.

The newspapers sent by his subordinates were being turned by him.

“Walder, looking at this formation, the navy should send real masters in, shall we avoid it?” His brother Binjack said worriedly from the sidelines.

Vegapunk stopped moving, then tore the newspaper to shreds, and said without care: “Avoid? Why should we avoid, no matter who stands in my way, they will be destroyed, even if it is the Warring States of the Buddha, brother, you are too timid. ”

The drunken crew members around also raised their glasses and responded loudly:

“That’s right, the captain’s strength is the most powerful, isn’t that Iron Fist Karp also repelled by us?”

“They have warships, and the captain can throw a small mountain of cannonballs at will, and there is no need to worry about pirates at all.”

“I see, it’s the navy that should be worried, hahahaha, if we encounter them at sea, they will definitely let them know how powerful it is.”

“That’s right, Captain Momo is the most powerful, Hiccup ~~~”


Listening to the, Bundy Wald grinned happily.

He raised his rum and said loudly: “Drink it all, tomorrow I will leave for the hinterland, I want to see if the navy dares to do it after seeing me.” ”


The atmosphere in the room became more and more enthusiastic, only BinJack’s face was full of worry.


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