In the officer’s office building, Sengoku wearing a cloak of justice came out of it, his hands in his pockets, and he walked forward without saying a word.

Behind him are the equally calm-looking Iron Fist Kapu and the Wise Demon Crane.


Footsteps echoed around, and soon they came to the location of the port.

Three large warships were ready, and nearly a thousand soldiers on the deck straightened up and were stationed at their posts with serious faces.

“All of them, hello sir!”

“Hello sir!”


When the soldiers saw the figures of Sengoku, Karp and Tsuru, they immediately saluted and greeted loudly.

Sengoku crossed the welcome soldiers by the stairs and stepped straight onto the deck.

“Go, target a new world!”

Standing at the bow of the ship, the Sengoku hand waved heavily.

“Yes!” The soldiers roared, and then controlled the warship to set sail towards the position of the Red Earth Continent.

Seeing the location of the port, some soldiers who had just returned covered in blood stared at the warship that was gradually moving away.

“The Warring States General, Lieutenant General Karp, and Chief Crane of the Great Staff were all dispatched? Are there any guys at sea who can alarm them? ”

“I heard that there are a few sea thieves in the new world who have made a lot of noise, and no one can control them except the general, and the Warring States General should be for them.”

“Even the highest combat power is dispatched, no matter who it is, it will definitely not escape.”

“But no, well, don’t look at it, hurry back to rest, and continue to leave tomorrow after the commander replenishes the supplies.”


The soldiers were first shocked by the dispatch of Sengoku and the others, but after they came back to their senses, they stopped paying attention to it and began to get busy.

Stemming from their trust in the strength of Sengoku and others, they believe that no matter who it is, it will definitely not last long.


The warship came to the Red Earth Continent, passed directly through it, and soon entered the waters of the New World.

The three warships advanced towards their positions in the hinterland.

On the deck, Karp looked at the Warring States suspiciously: “Why let Zefa be an instructor?” Don’t quite understand your idea. ”

“The Navy can’t always rely on us, and it also needs a lot of mainstays to grow up.”

Sengoku patted him on the shoulder, leaned close to him and said softly: “And if you turn your face with the world government in the future, the navy will also need experts to deal with others, and the headquarters at this stage does not have this possibility.” ”

When Karp heard this, he nodded silently and stopped mentioning the matter.

Making the navy independent and out of the Draco’s control was their goal before.

Although he didn’t think too much about it, it didn’t prevent him from knowing the true background of Draco and the world government.

Obviously, only three or four high-ranking naval combat forces are completely unqualified, and even the first time this idea is revealed will be absolutely extinguished.

Therefore, it is necessary to let Zefa train cadets and teach some more powerful guys to fill the naval headquarters that is strong on the outside and weak on the inside.

After the Warring States saw that Karp had understood, he no longer mentioned this stubble.

“Three warships, one person leads one! Karp, you are responsible for patrolling all the seas, leaving some guys who came out of the depths here, Tsuru, you go to the base to coordinate all the officers and collect intelligence, when the time comes, inform us of the location of some pirates that the lieutenant general cannot solve, and we will find them. ”

Sengoku looked at the two and ordered.

After looking at each other, Karp and Tsuru nodded to each other, and Tsuru asked curiously, “Okay, then what are you doing next?” ”

“Bundy Wald, Balorick Ledfield these two guys just leave it to me, it just so happens that the pirates above me need some fresh blood.”

“Got it!”

After confirming the division of labor, the three returned to their warships, and then separated and advanced towards different areas.


A few days later.

Somewhere in the sea in the heart of the New World.

A pirate ship is chasing a warship.

The warship was full of broken marks, and a few canvases on the mast had been blown up to the point that only one remained, and the speed of navigation became slower and slower.

The soldiers on deck watched in horror as the pirate ship approached more and more.

“Hahahahaha, run, navy, you are running, in front of labor and management, you all have to be eliminated.”

On the bow of the pirate ship, Bundy Wald, wearing a horned hat, grinned wildly.

Behind him, many crew members wielded blades and looked bloodthirsty.

“Wild beggars beggars, destroy everything that stands in our way, the navy is anything, we have to die!”

“Captain, let’s teach them a little lesson.”

“Blast them with Momo powers, I can’t wait to hear their beautiful/wonderful wails!”

“What pirate purge, you are not afraid to laugh out of people’s teeth when you say it, you can only fight in the four seas and the great voyage.”

“Get out of the new world, this is a pirate’s paradise.”


The unbridled laughter of the pirates echoed throughout the sea, and one of the rear admirals on the warship clenched his fists with weapons white, looking at them with hatred.

“Sir, we can’t escape, we will definitely be caught up.” The seafaring soldier ran over and said urgently.

The major general gritted his teeth, came to the front to look at all the soldiers, and roared: “Soldiers, you have also heard, according to the current situation, we can’t run away.” Since you become a navy, you are already ready to sacrifice your life for justice, and you will go back and fight to the death with those guys! ”

The soldiers were stunned at first, and then their whole faces turned red, and they roared loudly one after another: “Fight to the death, we fought with them.” ”

The navy and the pirates are completely opposite to each other, if the navy falls into the hands of the pirates, let alone leave a life, it is already very good to die painfully.

Therefore, after seeing that there was no hope of escape, everyone decided to fight to the death.

Seeing this, the rear admiral immediately ordered: “Give all the shells to the other side, and the warship will turn its bow and hit it.” ”

“Yes!” The soldiers quickly answered.

The warship turned around, stopped fleeing, and rushed with its soldiers in an indomitable posture.

Countless shells were fired from the muzzle, slamming forward continuously.


Bundy Wald looked at the rainy shells and smiled disdainfully.

“Playing these in front of labor and management is really self-defeating.”

As soon as the words fell, he picked up the pistol on his waist and saw that he was domineering and locked onto the incoming shells.

“Momo 100x gun.”

A round of ejection of the chamber, the size and speed instantly increased by 100 times, directly blowing up many incoming shells in midair.

“I’m tired of playing, you guys go to death, bring the cannon!”

Bundy Wald put away his pistol and turned back to the crew and ordered.

The crew skillfully lifted out a disassembled cannon mount and aimed it at the warship in front.

“Momo 100x Cannon.”

Bundy Wald held the outer end of the muzzle with both hands and roared his ability to fire the shell when it was about to fire


The cannon chamber instantly expanded to 100 times, as huge as an island.

The major general looked up at the large shell that gradually fell, and the whole person trembled uncontrollably.

This kind of thing he can’t attack at all, and once attacked, the shells will only explode instantly, and the aftermath is enough to kill them all.

But the sails were all damaged, and they could not escape.

When the soldiers who had plucked up courage saw this scene, they all collapsed on the deck with pale faces and gave up their struggle.

The attacks launched by the fruit ability were completely dimensionality reduction blows for ordinary people like them.


Will die!

The subconscious of the major general told him the result directly.

As the shell was about to hit the warship, he spread his hands to the sides and roared, “The headquarters will avenge us.” ”


A violent explosion sounded in his ears, but the major general and all the soldiers who closed their eyes did not feel pain and burning, only a violent wind blew in front of them.

Everyone opened their eyes, only to see that there was no threat of giant cannonballs in their sights, the smoke gradually disappeared under the drive of the wind, and a tall figure was standing at the bow of the ship, and the cloak of justice behind him was hunting.

“Soldier, your mission is complete, leave it to me next!”

Looking at the familiar back, the major general’s pupils widened.

“War, Warring States General.”


[Thanks to the two big guys “ll465179” and “Alexaong1202” for their tips]

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