The Warring States did not care about the follow-up disposal of officers and soldiers, his order had already been issued, and he did not have to worry about the implementation of the matter, and the people of his own staff department carefully studied it and then handed him the plan.

After leaving the empty office, he first returned to the mansion to take a hot shower, and then lay down on the soft bed and closed his eyes to recharge his spirits.

The next day, after changing into a loose set of practice clothes, he directly stepped on the moon step and left the headquarters.

“Ah~~~ It’s the Warring States General, go and report to the director!”

The jailer stationed on the first floor of the sea saw the Warring States coming from the sky, first said to his colleagues around him, and then quickly stood in the front.

When the figure of the Warring States landed, he immediately bent down respectfully: “Lord General, Advance City welcomes your presence.” ”

“Hmm!” Sengoku patted him on the shoulder and walked straight inside.

As soon as he walked in, the figure of the director immediately appeared in the rising elevator.

When he saw the Warring States, the expression on his face was very complicated, but in the end, he still walked over with a big stride with a smile on his face and held the hand of the Warring States tightly.

“Warring States General, are you coming to fight with the guy from the sixth layer again this time?”

“That’s right!”

Although he had expected it, the flesh on the director’s face twitched, and he asked softly: “Today is Saturday, are you here for a double holiday?” ”

“No, I took eight days off in a row.” Sengoku replied with a chuckle.

The director smacked his lips and didn’t reply for a long time.

But in the end, he still got out of the way and took the Sengoku elevator towards the sixth floor.


In the silent and dark infinite hell, the sound of leather shoes stepping on the ground sounded, and many sea thieves opened their eyes, subconsciously exuding a domineering attitude.

When they sensed that familiar breath, everyone’s faces suddenly turned livid and ugly.

“I’m Gan, has the time of a month come again so soon? The injuries of the last beating of labor and management have not yet recovered! ”

“Buddha Warring States, is this guy of yours poisonous, obviously the strength is terrible, is it so cool to abuse us?”

“Oops, nostalgic for the carefree days before, although boring but at least without being beaten.”

“Ma’s, whoever loves to hit whom, anyway, I will definitely not follow his wishes.”

“Then you stay away from me when you will die, last time there was also a tough guy who didn’t fight back, and the eyes/beads/seeds flew to me.”

“No matter how much labor and capital, this guy from the Warring States is coming, then it means that he can eat again, Wuhu ~~~ I want to eat, I want to eat.”

“Idiot rice bucket, what a big idiot.”

“Kaido boy, this time you continue to take the lead, and the old man covers you with his ability behind.”


The sixth floor was as lively as a wet market, and everyone’s whispers echoed around.

The Warring States with his hands in his pockets watched this scene, and the curve of the corners of his mouth gradually expanded.

The more energetic/exuberant, the better, so that the frequency of doing it will be faster when the time comes.

“Their stomach problem is solved by you!” Sengoku spoke.

“From the first time you stepped here, the jailers were already preparing, and fortunately there were many sea kings in the sea, which was able to manage the stomachs of these guys.” The Director replied helplessly.

After the words fell, he instructed the jailers behind him: “According to the previous rules, first bring people to the fifth floor from the outside. ”


The jailers ran to the cage, opened them all with their keys, and pushed the pirates out.

More than a dozen pirates walked out resignedly, and after nearly a year of severe beating, they were all used to it.

The director of the Sengoku Dynasty nodded and walked away.

It didn’t take long.

In the Red Lotus Hell on the first basement floor, the chief sat at the exit to guard against the riot of the pirates.

Bang bang.


The terrifying battle power penetrated below, and the advancing city began to shake slightly.

Some of the pirates who were serving sentences in other hells, as well as the jailers who were working, were stunned at first, but the next second they ignored them and continued to do their own thing.

“I’m going to wait here for another eight days, hey! I already knew that I was thick-skinned and said that I owed favors, and I didn’t know when I would pay it back. ”

The commissioner supported his head with his right hand, and sighed when he saw that the domineering color covered everyone.

If time can be turned back and repeated, he will definitely not give any broken promises, and he is not fragrant with thick skin?

Now there are always eight days a month when he is most uncomfortable, he can’t relax or rest, and he has to cooperate with the jailer to bring the unconscious pirate back, and then bring out more terrifying guys to fight with the Warring States.

It’s like a babysitter.

“If there is no accident, it should wait until I retire and this favor will be completed.”

The director closed his eyes and whispered, “Then again, it’s time to train someone to take over.” ”


Time flows like an hourglass.

Eight days later, the shaking of the advancing city stopped.

The figure of the Warring States came out from inside, and after waving his hand to the rear, he rushed into the air.

After stepping on the air for a while, he returned to Marin Fando.

After fighting non-stop for eight days, he returned to the mansion, and without saying a word, he took a hot bath to wash off the rich smell of sweat on his body before changing into a general’s uniform and walking towards the officer’s office building.

Sengoku came to the door with a pinch, pushed the door in without saying a word, walked to his chair and sat down.

“Soldier, send the documents, hurry up and change me so that I can sleep!”

Sengoku knocked on the table and shouted outward.

The soldier hurriedly walked in with the document in hand, respectfully placed it in front of the Warring States and left with a salute.

Sengoku picked up a pen and buried his head in correction.

Outside the window, the soldiers have also gathered and started to exercise/exercise.

The sun in the sky gradually rises.

“Brother Warring States, I have a document here for my reference.”

At this moment, Zefa walked in from outside and handed a document in his hand to the Sengoku.

“Huh? Is it tricky? Sengoku took it suspiciously and looked at it seriously.

As the contents of the document were gradually swept away, he pursed his lips and looked at Zefa: “The lieutenant general in your moderate faction is applying for retirement?” ”

“Yes, the veteran lieutenant general who stayed in the headquarters, he also led the team out during the pirate purge, and if the dragon boy hadn’t arrived in time in the great voyage, he would have almost been killed by a new star pirate.”

Zefa nodded and replied, “Maybe it’s because of this that I started to serve the old.” ”

“Speaking of which, he is still a contemporary of Marshal Kong, and he is now sixty or seventy years old.”

“Sixty-eight years old, to be exact.”

“Then agree, is it difficult to approve?” Sengoku pushed the document back and tilted his head.

“However, if approved, there will only be three lieutenant generals left in the headquarters, Capo, Kelly and Matsuura, and there will be a shortage of manpower.”

“Karp’s willfulness can not be counted, so there are really only two left.”

Warring States raised his eyebrows slightly, and he thought for a while before saying: “Then break the rules and promote, Long should also become a lieutenant general, he is enough in strength and merit, there is not a big problem.” ”

“If that’s the case, then it’s true, since that’s the case, then I’ll have no problem, I’ll go back and continue to approve the documents.”

Zefa’s eyes rolled down, he also felt appropriate, he was also very clear about the situation of the dragon, if the object of the promotion to lieutenant general of the headquarters was the dragon, it would not cause anyone’s dissatisfaction.

He put the document back in his hand and left with a grin.

“By the way, did you start being the instructor I told you about last time?”

“I am currently getting to know it, and I will start teaching when I thoroughly understand the teaching methods of the instructors and create a new set of my own.”

Sengoku smiled: “Believe in yourself, you will cultivate a lot of good seedlings.” ”

Zefa scratched his head, his face full of embarrassment: “I’m still afraid of screwing up, but I’ll work hard.” ”


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