One of the nineteen kings who created the world government eight hundred years ago, the Draco led by him has already fought the Galactic Patrol.

The image of the Draco people, Sengoku, has already been understood, so his focus is more on the Galaxy Patrol.

High in the space, two centaurs drove spaceships and fired laser cannons at each other.

Some Draco, who were not weak, withstood the laser bombardment and rushed forward at an extremely fast speed.

And the more than a dozen spaceships of the Galaxy Patrol also rushed out.

“The righteous forces of the universe are still a little different from the headquarters of the Navy.”

The Warring States swept his gaze over the galactic patrolmen one by one, shook his head and said: “The headquarters recruits all humans, at most add a giant race, and other three-eyed races and the like do not have them at all, but there are quite a few races in the galactic patrols.” ”

There are very few of the same races in the Galaxy Patrol who came out, there are people with beast heads like the image of Memorized Ottman, and there are people with ordinary human figures…

Diverse races have come together and are working together to resist the Draco.

“Without powerful characters joining, even if there are multiple races, it is useless.” Yim said lightly.

Sengoku smiled, but did not refute.

Strength is king, and without power, even if you do some bells and whistles, it is really just adding jokes.

Bang bang.

The two people in front began to collide, and a huge explosion sound echoed in all directions.

“This gang of pirates is stationed here, they must be enslaved some lives again, we can’t let them succeed and kill.”

“Damn guys, my galactic patrolman Gark is going to destroy you.”

“Look at my laser repeater.”

“For life, for justice, rush.”

“No, these are not ordinary people, we are not opponents, withdraw, retreat quickly.”


The blinding light flickered non-stop, and there were casualties immediately from the beginning of the battle.

The spaceships of the galactic patrolmen were shattered, and countless patrolman corpses/bodies of different appearances floated in the universe.

The strength of the Draco is not invincible, and there are also casualties under the bombardment of the laser, and they also fell without life.

In just ten minutes, the galactic patrolmen immediately retreated without saying a word, driving the spaceship to escape in a panic.

Sengoku frowned.

Although Im had previously disparaged the Galaxy Patrol as useless, he only knew the powerlessness of this cosmic force by seeing it with his own eyes.

You must know that the old man of the same level as the five old stars has not yet made a move, and just relying on the people under his command alone let them leave many corpses/bodies, and finally even ran away skillfully.

Galaxy Patrol? It’s better to have something than nothing.

The Draco people chased for a long distance before coming back, grinning one by one.

“These guys really don’t remember beating, so weak and keep coming over, it’s really funny.”

“If it weren’t for Lord Im’s refusal to let them out, labor and management alone would have been able to destroy them.”

“Lililili, rest assured to continue to garrison, fulfilling Lord Im’s order will increase our lifespan.”


The old man at the back looked at this scene and waved his hand: “Go back!” ”

When the Draco heard this, he immediately went to the ship and flew in the direction he came.

As for the corpses/bodies of their fellow people who are still floating in the universe, no one cares.

It wasn’t until Draco disappeared from sight that Im’s spaceship descended from the sky.

“Let’s go too, take you somewhere else.”


The spacecraft began to charge up.

Warring States’ eyes suddenly froze, and I saw a galaxy patrolman with a weak breath floating to the side, a pair of eyes gradually became dim, and his mouth opened and closed up and down unconsciously telling the four words “for justice”.

His five senses were beyond ordinary people, and he heard it, and his eyes suddenly lowered to cover his flickering pupils.


At this moment, Im’s voice sounded in his ears.

Immediately after that, the spacecraft disappeared directly.

Only a corpse/body remained in place, which was ignored.

………… The dividing line…………

Time passes like an hourglass.

The spaceship carrying Sengoku and Im is advancing alone in the empty universe.

The universe is big, very big.

The solar system in the universe is nothing more than a sand glowing with a faint glow.

Not to mention the space pirates during this time, even the living planet has not been seen, but there are countless death stars.

Along the way, Sengoku also knows how rare and precious planets like One Piece World that can give birth to civilization are.

It is indeed worth the stay of a person like Yim for eight hundred years.


Sengoku leaned against the wall and looked at the life paper with his palm moving slightly, and let out a long breath.

“It’s really strange that you can still point the way after being so far away.”

Sengoku solemnly withdrew it into his arms and secretly said in his heart.

If you have a direction, even if you turn your face with Im in the end, you know the way back.

“Sailing in the universe is like being at sea, loneliness/loneliness is the norm.”

Im came out of the cabin with hot coffee, said this, and then walked to the chair and sat down.

“The sea is more likely to meet people and islands.” Sengoku straightened up, came to the chair opposite and sat down as well, took out a cigar from his arms and lit it, shaking his head.

“If you want to say so, it is true, but time is different, those people only live for a few decades, you and I are more than that.”

“Yes, then again… I don’t seem to have any goals, if you can’t meet other pirates or planets all the time, what are you going to do? ”

Hearing Sengoku’s question, Im put down his cup after thinking about it and said, “Then change the route and go to the commercial planet protected by a cosmic sea thief, where you will meet the people standing at the apex.” ”

“I think you can change your route now.” Sengoku shrugged.

Im tilted his head in thought.

Suddenly, the two turned their heads at the same time to look at a planet in front of them.

It was a cratered planet like the moon, with nothing but earth as far as the eye could see.

But at this time, a spaceship was parked on the land, and five people of the same race were waving at them from a distance.

“Wow, finally met someone, hello, we are a group of free pirates, do you want to come for two drinks?”

The voice of the guy who was obviously the captain came as clear as rolling thunder.

“Pirates? It seems that you have met a peer, do you want to contact the contact? Sengoku asked with a puff of smoke.

After Yim carefully looked at the five people for a while, his face was slightly heavy: “No need!” ”

“Your disgusted look is a little strange, is there anything unusual about this group?”

“The cosmic pirates are not all burned and plundered, and there are some guys who have come out of their own planet just to see and understand the universe.”

Yimu’s eyes closed, and he said without emotion: “They are the second one, and they came out of the universe just to explore.” ”

When the Warring States heard this, they immediately understood the nature of this group of people.

People like Roger, Whitebeard, and Luffy.

The spacecraft ignored the group’s shouts and swept straight through their disappointed eyes.

Just when the free-walking pirate group was about to disappear into perception, Yim suddenly opened his eyes and stood up.

“After all these years, I still hate these idiots like Joey Boi.”

After she said this, the whole person disappeared from sight.

Sengoku’s eyes shone.


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