Tick Tick Tick Tick …

In a hidden cave in the ninja world, the sound of gurgling dripping water echoed in the empty space.

In the dim depths of the light, a thin old man was sitting on the ground, closing his eyes and pretending to sleep.

In his back, a dozen tubes from time to time delivered some kind of white blood cell to him, sustaining his life.

“What about white and black? How come it hasn’t appeared for a long time. ”

Suddenly, the old man opened his mouth, and a hoarse voice spat out of his mouth.


There was a noise in the cave, and a white doppelganger walked over: “Madara-sama, the body is dead!” ”

The Hakujue body is a change from the person who read Kaguya-hime’s infinite moon in the year, and has its own thoughts, personalities, and senses.

The avatar is a multitude of entity doppelgangers that are split from the cells between the thousand hand pillars, even if the body is dead, they will not disappear, but there is no center that can receive the information transmitted by thousands of doppelgangers all over the ninja world.


Uchiha opened his eyes, his brows furrowed tightly.

“Killed by whom?”

“Killed by a mysterious person who suddenly appeared, the entity passed all the information into our brains before it died. Hanzo was killed by the mysterious man, and your chosen future to be resurrected was also taken away by him, oh yes, Kurojie also died. ”

As soon as the words of the doppelganger fell, the entire cave suddenly fell into silence.

“Mystery Man? Kill Hanzo with just one move? ”

Uchiha’s expression became solemn, although Hanzo didn’t put it in his eyes, the intelligence sent from Bai Jue also confirmed that he had shadow-level strength, and such a person was actually killed with one move.

Among the people who can do this kind of deed, only he and the Thousand Hands Pillar in his heyday.

“Is it comparable to the guy between the pillars? When such an existence appeared in the ninja world, I didn’t even know. ”

“And I also took away the little one who transplanted my reincarnation eye, and my plan to use Nagato to resurrect me has changed.”

Things turned out to be out of control, which made Uchiha’s face more and more ugly.

If he is still in his heyday, then there is no need to worry at all, no matter who comes and how strong his strength is, he can directly go over and slaughter those who dare to destroy his plan.

But now that his body is dying, and he is tired and panting even after taking two more steps, he can be said to be completely helpless with such a terrifying guy appearing.

“Is there any specific information about him?”

“No, he broke the space and suddenly appeared, and the body didn’t even know what his name was!”


Uchiha closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and silently thought of countermeasures.

“Madara-sama, many of our doppelgangers still need people to receive intelligence and rule, you may be able to make another body out, and you can also share a lot of pressure with him to help you find a way.”

“Hmm!” Uchiha nodded, he raised his hand and slapped the outer path golem behind him, and shouted lowly: “Yang Dun, Bai Jue.” ”

The body of the outer path golem moved, and the next second he opened his mouth, and the freshly baked Bai Jue jumped out from inside.

“Hello, Madara-sama!” After Bai Jue landed, he first looked around, and then respectfully asked Uchiha.

“Well, in the future, you will be called Bai Je.”

Uchiha replied faintly, and then the chakra in his body surged, and the yin converged on the palm of his hand, and he continued to pat the outer path golem as before: “Yin, black.” ”


“Huh? What about Black Jeopardy? Could it be that black can only be created? ”

The Outer Path Golem did not react in the slightest, and Hei definitely did not come out the same as when it was first generated.

This situation suddenly made the expression on Uchiha’s face even more gloomy.


Konoha Village.

In the mansion exclusive to Orochimaru.

“Lap 10, lap 11… Nagato, come on Xiaonan, the daily task assigned by the master is almost completed. ”

“Yahiko, you better take care of yourself, I’ll have one more lap than you.”

“Brother Yayan, you don’t have to worry about me, I will work hard.”

Three small figures were sweating profusely running around the mansion.

Sengoku lay on the ground, drinking and looking at them.

“People in the two worlds have different physical qualities, and the three of Nagato are still more suitable for practicing ninjutsu.”

I have been living in Konoha village for several days.

Except for the fact that when he first came in, because it was parallel to the ape flying sun, it caused a great sensation and received great attention from the entire village, so many days nothing major happened.

The idle Sengoku began to train Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan.

But these days he also came to conclusions.

The laws of the two worlds are different, the pirate world is based on physical skills, and the focus is on tapping the power in the human body.

And the Hokage World for some unknown reason, everyone’s physical fitness is more suitable for Chakra.

Using Chakra to stimulate the body’s acupuncture points and cells can burst out with a physical strength that is not inferior to the powerhouses below the lower levels in the pirate world.

Therefore, the current Warring States just let them exercise their physical fitness first, and when they start learning ninjutsu, they can have a good body that is not inferior to some children of big families.


At this time, the door was pushed open, and the figure of the big snake pill appeared in sight.

“Sengoku-san, this is the Chakra extraction manual you want, as well as some specially sorted out E-level to A-level ninjutsu.”

Orochimaru handed him the few books he was holding in his hand and said in a respectful tone.

“Thanks!” Sengoku took it and thanked him with a chuckle.

“You’re welcome! You can read it first, if you don’t understand, I will be happy to answer for you. ”

Orochimaru glanced uncontrollably at the ring on Sengoku’s finger, licked his lips and said repeatedly.

Sengoku nodded without speaking, opened the first manual that taught how to excite Chakra in his body, and read it carefully.

Since he accepted Yahiko as apprentices, he didn’t want to be an incompetent master.

It is most correct to teach them ninjutsu according to their aptitude, and Nagato’s reincarnation eye also needs Chakra if he wants to be activated.

Besides, when he came to the Hokage world, he was also quite interested in such things as ninjutsu.


The Chakra Extraction Manual was turned page by page.

The deep pupils of the Warring States are getting brighter and brighter, and all the attributes of his body have reached the level of “god”, and his comprehension power is also the top existence of the world.

Soon, the entire manual was finished, and Sengoku then picked up another ninjutsu manual and read it.

Time passed slowly, and the fingers of the Sengoku turning pages finally stopped, and his eyes first closed, and then opened them again.

“The time required to extract Chakra generally varies from person to person, but the fastest known time is, er…”

Before the big snake pill finished speaking, he immediately froze in the next second, and his snake-like vertical pupils contracted.


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