“It seems that I don’t need to agree.”

The light blue long-haired young man Shinobu relaxed his body and sat back in his seat.

He looked at Tsunade’s glowing eyes, his eyes glued to the Sengoku appearance, and for some reason he only felt uncomfortable in his heart, as if he had missed some wonderful opportunity.

“Who is that person? Is it the shadow of which small ninja village? He asked to Shangshin beside him.

The people around shook their heads when they heard this, and replied in a low voice:

“I don’t know, but it shouldn’t be the shadow of other ninja villages, you can see that he is not a ninja at all.”

“I just know that he is a very powerful person. Break, you should have received the news too, the other day Naruto-sama specially ordered that none of us can provoke him. ”

“I remember that he was personally greeted by Naruto-sama and Danzo-sama, and we can’t afford to provoke the characters, just watch quietly.”


The fact that Sarutobi Hinata, Danzo and the others met Sengoku in the wild but were overwhelmed by his overlord-colored domineering spirit was unknown to everyone in Konoha except for the accompanying Dark Ninja.

All civilians, including ninjas, received the news that an honorable guest came to live in Konoha, and no one was allowed to provoke him, otherwise he would be directly imprisoned, regardless of status.

Therefore, hearing the consent of the Warring States, seeing the overly polite and overly polite of his own Hokage-sama, it can be said that he looked cautious, and everyone was subconsciously silenced.

“So it is! I remembered. ”

He recalled how he looked when he was in his room when a member of the Dark Department showed him the portrait and told him to be careful.

After knowing that it was someone he couldn’t afford to mess with, he took a deep breath and put away the complicated feelings in his heart.


The conference room fell silent.

Sarutobi turned sideways and asked, “Constructive? I don’t know what your high opinion is, Mr. Sengoku? ”

“Takami doesn’t dare to behave, it’s just that in the forces I rule, medical soldiers are actually very precious battlefield resources, and their importance is even comparable to a whole storm/force/army/team.” Zhan Chinese said flatly.

But as soon as his words fell, it was like a stone falling into a calm lake, making waves in circles.

Ape Flying Sun’s pupils shrank.

The ruling force, sure enough, he is not a lone traveler.

And with his strength, he is definitely the biggest force in that world.

If one day, he came with his army…


The more the ape flew away, the arc of his heartbeat gradually accelerated.

But soon, Tsunade’s excited voice suddenly interrupted his musings and pulled his mind back.

“Sengoku-san, you said that medical soldiers are very important?”

“That’s right!”

“Can I please explain in detail?”

Tsunade quickly asked, and after seeing the attitude of many Shinobi, including her own teacher, she also found that her preparation was very inadequate.

Since it is impossible to convince these old antiques, it should be possible to change the attitude of their own teachers by letting Sengoku, who understands the importance of medical soldiers better, explain it.

“In the past, our side also did not pay attention to the role of medical soldiers, believing that life and death in wartime depended on luck. In the war of nearly a million people, the two sides combined died hundreds of thousands, of which 9 out of 10 died from wound infections and bleeding. ”

Warring States supported his face with one hand and swept around everyone in the conference room before slowly speaking: “If your proposal is passed, it will be the beginning of an epoch-making era.”

“A war of nearly a million people? It’s fake, right? How could there be such a large-scale war. ”

“That’s right, now all the ninjas in the ninja world add up to not know if there are a hundred thousand.”

“Did he mean civilian war? However, the daimyos of the five great powers were all relatives, and I had never heard of a war between countries since I knew it. ”


The upper ninja whispered, doubtful of what Sengoku had said.

But their unbelief in not knowing the situation, Sarutobi Hinata, Orochimaru, and Tsunade have completely believed it.

“Shhh, the war of nearly a million people?”

Ape Fei Ri gasped and asked in a deep voice.

“Hmm!” Warring States nodded faintly, anyway, from the beginning to the end of the ancient war in his previous life, the troops invested by both sides added up to a million people, and there was a rebellion in a superpower like Alabastan in the pirate world, and the king’s guard and rebels added up to nearly a million.

He had also seen a lot of wars of this magnitude in his headquarters.

“You are right, every time the battle on the battlefield ends, in fact, many people really do not die in ninjutsu, but because the wound is not properly healed and die.”

Tsunade nodded repeatedly, clenching his fists and saying heavily: “I also went to the battlefield to see it, I know that if there are very good medical ninjas present, no, even if you only need some medical patience, many people can leave a life, but…”

She gritted her teeth and said unwillingly: “These people are responsible for giving tasks, and they don’t understand medical ninjas at all, they only know that carrying wounded soldiers is a burden.” ”

The upper ninja looked at each other, but neither of them opened their mouth to refute.

“That’s when you’re young and haven’t found an entry point that will get them to agree.”

“Huh? Sengoku-san, what is the entry point you said? ”


Sengoku said with a chuckle, and after the words he continued under the puzzled gazes of everyone, “As Tsunade said, except for a few people in war, the vast majority of people actually do not die on the spot, they die more in their own camps or wail in front of you until they are unable to gradually die, right?” ”

“You’re right!” Sarutobi nodded.

“Although I have never seen the effect of medical ninjutsu, if there were a large number of medical ninjas present at that time, would most of the wounded soldiers who went back for treatment be revived?”

“That’s true, but every medical ninja’s chakra is limited, even if it can be cured, it can’t cure a few, instead of spending a lot of resources to train a medical ninja, it is better to make it a combat ninja, although it is better to end the war.”

“You should think differently! Think from the point of view of benefits and practicality. ”

Sengoku shook his head and continued: “It takes a lot of time and resources to train a ninja who can play a role on the battlefield, and this kind of recruit will give away 100% of the first time he fights people, expecting them to be able to kill the enemy, and they have to wait for the next fight.” ”

“And many people in this situation will die directly without a second chance, which is equivalent to years of investment in your ninja village going down the drain and losing it.”

“What a loss! If there are many medical ninjas at this time, not only can novices with on-the-spot experience be active again, but even some injured veterans such as Naka Shinobi and Kami-ninja can continue to go to the battlefield. ”

“You guys think too simply about the value of medical ninjas. A medical ninja…”

Sengoku raised a finger, and his calm voice echoed around: “It is not exaggerated to be equivalent to a hundred-person squad, although their combat power is low, they can restore the combat power of many people and return to the battlefield.” ”

“One medical ninja can make ten ninjas on the front line, two can make twenty, and so on, as long as ten medical ninjas are there, the hundred ninjas who should have died can stand up again, and they have lost their childish and simple color.”

“How many resources do you need to train a hundred ninjas, and how much do you need to train a medical ninja, have you counted?”

“This is only a time of war, peacetime medical ninjas can also steadily contribute to your Konoha, how valuable are you or not?”

“As a superior ninja, you should look at the overall macro war situation, not only see the low combat power of medical ninjas, but also consider the benefits that their abilities can bring.”

“Think about it from this aspect, is it really useless to train medical ninjas.”


Sengoku no longer speaks.

Needles can be heard in the room.


(As a migrant worker to return to his hometown, you need a H acid certificate, so I went to get it, it was too late and too tired before, now make up for it, sorry.) )

(Four more today!) )

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