It is conceivable that the ninja world was originally a powerful planet, with many strong races and masters.

And all this has become a passing cloud.

Just because, by an injured strong person passing by, because of the need to heal his injuries, he instantly sucked the originally prosperous and rich planet dry, and all creatures with powerful energy could not escape the fate of being devoured.

If the creatures born on this planet heard about this, they would definitely scoff at it.

The big snake pill seemed to be listening to the heavens, and his face was full of disbelief.

In this world, the most powerful ninjutsu is only to destroy a mountain, and no matter how it is, it cannot break through a larger boundary. As far as the Sengoku knows, the ninja war in later generations, the battle between Payne, Madara, Naruto, and Naruto, its maximum power radiates out and the boundary can be seen.

Therefore, when it was heard that the whole world was sucked dry of this strange thing, the big snake pill was a hundred people who did not believe it, not to mention that the one who was sucked dry was still a strong person who was far stronger than the current slug immortal thousands of years ago.

And the Warring States really knew that what the slug immortals said was very likely to happen.

The Nova level Im can still fully control a powerful pirate world.

And the existence far above the Nova level, destroying a world with a snap of your fingers is not a complete fantasy.

“It’s really interesting, such a powerful existence is actually the one who was hunted down.” Sengoku sighed. The outside world is far more thrilling than imagined, and even more exciting than expected.

This is the motivation, he has the system, quickly dominates the pirate world, it is too boring.

Sengoku nodded to the slug, “It was at that time that the origin of the world was also plundered. ”

“Yes! The current origin of the world is actually accumulated by slowly beginning to absorb the essence emitted by the stars. The slug-fairy replied.

“And where are the rest of your people? You won’t be the only one left,” Orochimaru asked curiously

“Yes, it’s just me” The slug’s immortal looked at the big snake pill with a resentful face, and was very speechless to this straight man who was pouring salt on the wound. Seeing that the Warring States also felt a little curious, he explained angrily: “At that time, I was still a baby, and I was a newborn in the clan, and we slug youth began to absorb the essence of heaven and earth to cultivate, and at that time, I was the only one under the youth.” ”

It’s miserable…. Sengoku mourned silently in his heart.

This kind of thing, Sasuke will call it an insider when he hears it.

“So, the exercises of your slugs have been lost?” Sengoku suddenly thought of something and couldn’t help but ask

“Yes, the scrolls in the clan are all encrypted with immortal arts, it’s not that the clansmen can’t open them, and at that time, there was no immortal art in heaven and earth, and I couldn’t open them. Since then, everything, armor, weapons, scrolls, because there is no immortal cultivation, has slowly turned to ashes. ”

The slugs immortal also slowly eased his mood. He began to calmly recount: “The only thing that remains is this slug’s orb, and it is because of this orb that I can absorb the power of nature and turn it into the natural power of slugs.” The natural power of slugs is very suitable for us slugs to absorb, outsiders want to absorb the natural power of slugs, must maintain balance with Chakra. ”

The slug-fairy said and took out a jewel that glowed blue like a breathing lamp from his non-existent pocket.

As soon as he saw this orb, the big snake pill instinctively swallowed his saliva, and his eyes gradually climbed into greed.

The slugs and immortals vigilantly protected the orb, covering up the light of the orb.

Warring States slapped the big snake pill’s head angrily: “Fight for some gas, net shame on me!” ”

Orochimaru scratched his head slightly embarrassed, smiling at the slug.

The Warring States saluted the slug immortal slightly: “There is a problem with my subordinate, and when I see good things, I can’t walk, and I laugh.” ”

The slug’s immortal rolled his eyes: “I can show you how to absorb the power of nature, but please don’t absorb the natural power of this world anymore.” I have absorbed the power of nature here, and I will essentially remain in this world, and will continue to cultivate it in turn. And if you absorb the power of nature and run, the world will be even more ruined. ”

“That’s natural, since I agreed, I will do it.” Warring States shook the cloak on his body, looked at the slug-immortal without any weakness, and said slowly.

To be honest, if improving strength comes at the cost of destroying a world, the Warring States will never do it.

It has nothing to do with humanity and about justice. From the perspective of sustainable development alone, Warring States are not the kind of short-sighted people who exhaust themselves and fish.

“Then I believe you, although I hate to admit it, but there is a convincing feeling in you.” The slug’s immortal nodded, but he looked at the big snake pill’s eyes inadvertently with a hint of wariness.

The big snake pill turned his face away in annoyance, and looked at the Warring States with resentment: “Lord Warring States, it seems that I have to let you observe the absorption method of the power of nature alone, and my words are not that blessing.” ”


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