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Pit Demon Spider and Bloodthristy Iron Crystal Ant have fought for 10000 years. After all, the Bloodthristy Iron Crystal Ant Race failed!

And still a fiasco!

If it weren’t for Monray, even Little Gold, a contemporary Ant Sovereign, would be cut weeds and eliminate the roots by Pit Demon Spider, which was a complete failure!

Little Gold is very frustrated!

“Little Gold, you are still young, you can’t be blamed for this!”

Monray touched Little Gold’s head: “Besides, the end result is that you are alive and Pit Demon Spider Sovereign is dead. This is the most important thing, isn’t it?”


Little Gold is nodded again and again, turning sorrow into joy!

Yeah, it’s still alive!

There is hope if you live! !

Winding all the way down!

Sometimes spacious!

Sometimes narrow!

Sometimes weird rocks!

Sometimes sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces!

Sometimes undercurrents tunnel!

Sometimes ten thousand zhang Abyss!

The terrain is very irregular, and it’s all black, no daylight. If it weren’t for Little Gold’s guidance, Monray wouldn’t have the guts to move forward!

If you walk in such a place, you will get lost if you are not careful. Once you get lost, you will undoubtedly die. There is absolutely no possibility of survival!

“Old Dean, have you been underground before?”


Walk all the way, chat all the way!

A very spacious underground cave finally appeared in front, Little Gold introduced: “This is the space mezzanine!”

“Space mezzanine?”

Monray turned his head and looked!

The mezzanine of the space is very large, you can’t see the end at a glance, and there is a hundred zhang high, which is very spacious and vast!

The magic is that there are patches of luminous plants growing on the ground, walls, and ceilings, just like a forest, reflecting the interlayer of this space very brightly!

“What a nice view!”

Monray was shocked. The luminous forest in front of him was like a shining gem, exuding dreamlike rays of light, magnificent!

“The night view of Pandora’s forest in the movie “Avatar” is just this too!” Monray murmured!

“Who could have imagined that in such a dark and secluded underground, there should be such a beautiful place, and the Creator is a True God!”

The old man was also shocked, stroking his beard and looking at the glowing forest, his words were full of emotion!


Just when the two people were stunned by the beautiful scenery in front of them, dozens of Pit Demon Spiders, all gray and white, suddenly appeared, stepping on the luminous forest and ploughing one after another deep ravine!


“Pit Demon Spider!”

Little Gold let out a low growl, his eyes full of hatred and anger. This space mezzanine was originally the site of their Bloodthristy Iron Crystal Ant Race. Pit Demon Spider is prohibited from entering and leaving!

But now, these hateful invaders are walking here unscrupulously, which is really hateful!

“Pit Demon Spider? Hehe!”

The purpose of Monray’s entry into the ground is to destroy Pit Demon Spider Race. How can you be polite to see Pit Demon Spider right now?

“go with!”

God Killing Spear flew out instantly!

“Puff puff puff ——”

God Killing Spear struck a phantom, and dozens of Pit Demon Spiders were pierced to the ground by God Killing Spear before they could react to the clear and sweet sound.

“A group of terrifying dogs!”

Monray accepted the God Killing Spear and glanced at the body of the Pit Demon Spider. He didn’t even bother to get the magic core. He really didn’t look down on it for a dozen or so 10000 Gold Coins!

“Keep going!”

Passing through this space mezzanine, and entering a dark and quiet tunnel, and then moving on, the beauty and magic of the underground world are revealed in the eyes of Monray and old man!

Space mezzanine everywhere!

Pieces of luminous forest!



Monray and the old man feasted their eyes and finally came to a completely different space mezzanine!


This is a golden space!

The golden earth!

golden sky!

golden walls!

golden plant!

Everything is golden!

The brilliant golden light illuminates the entire world, and on the vast and flat golden land, there are each and everyone holes!

These well-sized holes are as many as 1000000, evenly distributed on the ground, densely packed, neat and tidy, with an interval of no more than 10 meters, and the size is exactly the same!

Like a hornet’s nest!

It’s like a bee nest again!

And in the hole, filled with golden liquid like honey, some of which are soaked in fat white ant eggs!

“this is……”

Monray and old man’s eyes widened!

“This is our Divine Artifact-Bloodthristy Golden Nest!”

Little Gold was inexplicably excited: “All the people were born from here, so there is a mysterious connection with the Bloodthristy Golden Nest. The young Ant Sovereign can order all the people through the Bloodthristy Golden Nest!”

“so that’s how it is !”


Monray and the old man were shocked, but Little Gold looked at the quiet Bloodthristy Golden Nest with sadness in his eyes!

“Before the invasion of Pit Demon Spider, Bloodthristy Golden Nest was very lively. Queen ants lay eggs every day, and worker ants came in and out!”

“But now…”

A dead silence!

There is no queen!

No worker ants!

Bloodthristy Golden Nest is quiet and scary. Even the ant eggs soaked in the holes are still motionless, obviously dead for a long time!

Bloodthristy Golden Nest, a depression!

“Little Gold, don’t be sad! As long as you, the Ant Sovereign, are still alive, it will not be a problem to reproduce the glory of the past!”

Monray said with a smile: “The top priority now is to take control of the Bloodthristy Golden Nest first, and then return the Bloodthristy Iron Crystal Ant summon who fled outside, lest they continue to wreak havoc!”

“Hmm! I get it!”

Little Gold nodded, then vibrated the little wings and drilled into the center of the Bloodthristy Golden Nest, a hole about 2 meters in diameter!

After a while, a mysterious and desolate horn sounded from the Bloodthristy Golden Nest, sending a mysterious and unknown message!

“Old Dean, can you understand what the horn sounds mean?” Monray looked towards old man!

The old man shook the head, saying that he did not know: “It is probably the unique communication method of Bloodthristy Iron Crystal Ant Race!”

2 What people don’t know is that the desolate horn sound passes through the golden world, then passes through the thick rock layer, and finally reaches the Magic Beast Forest on the surface!

The magical scene happened:

All Bloodthristy Iron Crystal Ants, no matter where they are in the Magic Beast Forest, no matter where they are, no matter what they are doing, they all stopped without exception!

They magically froze in place, as if they were tapped collectively, motionless and uniform!

The one who chased Magic Beast…stopped!

The attack on city…stopped!

4 The flow…stopped!

“what happened?”

“Why did the ant tide stop?”

Countless people and beasts threatened by the ant tide were confused. Then, in their more confused eyes, the ant tide receded like a tide!

In the blink of an eye, they retired cleanly!

If someone stood in the sky and had a bird’s eye view at this time, they would see an incredible scene, countless ant tides rushing from all directions, and then gathered in the same place!

That is the entrance to the underground world!

Finally, they rushed into the mouth and returned to their world!

PS: The end of this volume, a new volume will start tomorrow!

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