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“puchi -“

The azure Wind Blade easily smashed the ice armor on Diamond Mammoth’s body, and then fell into Diamond Mammoth’s body!

0.01 second later, the azure Wind Blade flew out of Diamond Mammoth’s body, and then cut all the way into the snow on the ground, cutting the ground into a deep crack!


Diamond Mammoth froze in place, a thin line of blood appeared on his neck, and the bright red blood shot out, resembling a spring, leaving mottled red spots on the silver-white snow!

“Ding! Kill 1 Diamond Mammoth and get 123100000000 Gold Coin!”

The system hint sounded, and only then did Diamond Mammoth’s head separate from the body, and then crashed to the ground, motionless!

“Get it!”

Monray dropping from the sky, fell to Diamond Mammoth’s corpse, and gave the command: “system, use [Ruthless Plunder] to pass Diamond Mammoth’s Ice Element magic talent!”


Wealth points have shrunk by 23100000000 in an instant. At the same time, Monray has successfully obtained the Ice Element magic talent!

“As of now, I have a total of 8 magic talents: Lightning Element, Earth Element, Fire Element, Wood Element, Wind Element, Darkness Element, Metal Element, Ice Element!”

“The difference between Water Element and Light Element!”

“Yes, keep going!”

Digging out the magic core of Diamond Mammoth, Monray stepped into the magic array leading to the 35th floor without looking back!


The sky is spinning!

The surrounding environment changes again!

This time, I came to the sea!

At first glance, it is the boundless vast sea, the salty sea breeze blows, and waves are set off, seabirds soar, the smoke is vast, and the horizon is endless!


Looking at the vast sea, Monray suddenly smiled. His hometown is on the seashore. It can be said that he grew up walking on sand, playing with shells, and eating seafood!

Even if he works later, he will take his wife and child to play on the beach every weekend. Looking at the vast sea, he will easily calm down!

The sea is his home!

“Hahaha, go home!”

Monray cheered, pulled off the magic robe on his body, then jumped and plunged directly into the sea, without showing up for a long time!

After a long time, Monray reappeared, and saw both of his hands stirring, kicking wildly, and slapping his body rhythmically, like a swimming fish, galloping fast in the water!

Furious freestyle!

Comfortable breaststroke!

Finally, the effortless backstroke!

After a lap, the whole body is comfortable and beautiful!


Lying on your back on the sea, feeling the gentle touch of the sea, Monray feels more relaxed than ever, and it also feels more secure than ever!

“The sea is still the most beautiful. If there is an opportunity in the future, you can make your home by the sea…”

Monray thought comfortably!

At this moment, a huge impact suddenly came from the water, and a black shadow was seen jumping out of the water, biting it!

“Little trash fish, dare to bother me?”

Monray lightly snorted, suddenly soared into the air vertically, separated from the sea and flew into the air!

“oh la la ——”

The black shadow bit a hole, but under the influence of inertia, its huge body also flew out of the sea. It turned out to be a strange fish shaped like a python but with a shark head!

The huge mouth is wide open, the mouth is full of dense fangs, the whole body is covered with hard scales, the body length reaches an astonishing 20 meters, and each scale is the size of a watermelon!

“Level 8 Magic Beast-Python Shark!”

Monray glanced at the strange fish, and a cloud of white air burst from his fingertips, instantly enveloping and enveloping Python Shark!

“Ka ka ka-“

The body of Python Shark was instantly frozen, and after a few breaths, this mighty Python Shark turned into a big ice sculpture!

row upon row, lifelike!


Monray tapped ice sculpture lightly!

“ka-cha -“

Big ice sculpture broke into slag instantly!


Looking at the sea contaminated with minced meat and blood, Monray suddenly lost the mind to continue swimming, put on the magic robe, and flew towards the place where the magic element is the most concentrated!

Ten minutes later, a small island suspended above the sea is in sight. The small island neither too big nor too small is about ten kilometers long and wide!

Some tropical plants grow sparsely on the island, and the magic array leading to the next level is located in the middle of the island!

And on the beach next to it, a huge golden tortoise as big as a mountain lay there with its eyes closed and rested!

The giant tortoise is lying quietly and motionless. You can’t feel the powerful aura from it, but its huge size gives people a powerful oppression force!

Even if you are lying on your stomach, it is 100 meters high!

Such a figure is none other than Sacred Territory Magic Beast!

“Old Dean, what Magic Beast is this giant tortoise?”

“Titanic Golden Armored Turtle, Water and Metal Elements Sacred Territory Magic Beast, powerful, most skilled in defense! Defensive power alone is stronger than the Diamond Mammoth you encountered before!”

The old man explained: “So Titanic Golden Armored Turtle is hard to kill. Don’t blindly meet force with force. To find its weakness, one strike certain kill!”

“I will!”

Monray slightly nodded, and then flew towards the island!

As if to notice someone coming, the Titanic Golden Armored Turtle, who was lying on the beach, closed his eyes and raised his head slowly, golden eyes looked towards Monray!

“shua ——”

Without any signs, the Titanic Golden Armored Turtle shot directly, and the sea next to it rolled violently. Several dozen meters long water dragons rose into the sky, fiercely crashing into Monray!

“Level 9 magic-Water Dragon Blast!”

Monray sighed: “As expected of Sacred Territory Magic Beast, level 9 magic is easy to come by, almost instant! But…”

Monray disappeared abruptly in place, flashed several times, and appeared in front of Titanic Golden Armored Turtle across several hundred meters. A golden ball of light appeared in the palm of his right hand!

Monray looked at the Titanic Golden Armored Turtle and said one word: “Forbidden Spell-Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion!”


A dazzling golden beam suddenly ejected from the golden light ball, and then turned into a dazzling golden light connecting to heaven penetrating the earth, slashing to the head of Titanic Golden Armored Turtle!

“xiu – ”

The speed of the Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion is incomparable, but the Titanic Golden Armored Turtle is faster, its head shrank suddenly, and instantly hid in the hard golden shell!

The sharp Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion slashed on the beach. He only heard the sound of “stab” and divided the beach into two, cutting out a 2-3 li gully!

As the Metal Element Forbidden Spell, the power of the Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion is unquestionable. Even if the Titanic Golden Armored Turtle is unparalleled in defense, as long as it is hit by the Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion, there is no life!

Of course, except for turtle shells!

But this old tortoise is very cunning. Its horns retracted at the moment the Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion fell, making the Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion to no avail!

“It’s really a coward, I actually avoided it!”

Monray clicking one’s tongue in wonder!

At this time, the Titanic Golden Armored Turtle’s *** reappeared. It roared, and countless metal spikes flashing cold glow suddenly appeared, like densely packed sword rain, hiding the sky and covering the earth and shooting towards Monray !

Level 9 magic-Storm Arrow Rain!

PS: It will be on the shelves tomorrow, please support!

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