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This is a jade green lake, like a pearl inlaid in the continuous forest sea!

The lake is clear and the waves are blue!

The breeze is blowing, ripples rise!

Surrounded by dense reeds, one by one, a long circle around the lake, blocking the view!

“Moo ~~~”

“Moo ~~~”

Suddenly, the roar of the beast came!

I saw a head of 20 meters long, covered in black steel wool, 6-hooved python tail, and first-born one-horned bovine Magic Beast, lying in the middle of the reeds, and let out a stern wailing!

It is the level 9 Magic Beast-Black Eyed Python Bull!

At this moment, the situation of this Black Eyed Python Bull is not good. Its python tail was bitten by a cracked giant crocodile, and it was about to be dragged into the lake!

Black Eyed Python Bull struggled desperately, even though his tail was bitten drenched with blood, it was painful and painful, but he still did not give up!

“Moo ~~~”

One drag, one drag!

One wants to survive!

One wants food!

No one wants to let go!

In this way, the two sides fell into a tug-of-war, competing for endurance, whoever can persist to the end, who can survive!

“xiu – 鈥?/p>

Unexpectedly, the mutation grew suddenly, and a green leaf suddenly broke through the air, and accurately sank into the temple of the Black Eyed Python Bull, and then came out from the other side!


Black Eyed Python Bull’s wailing stopped abruptly, his eyes widened suddenly, and the struggle was stopped instantly. The Sky-Splitting Giant Crocodile was overjoyed and dragged the Black Eyed Python Bull into the water!

“xiu – 鈥?/p>

Another leaf struck and pierced the left eye of the Sky-Splitting Giant Crocodile, and the Sky-Splitting Giant Crocodile immediately froze in place, and there was no sound!


The indifferent voice sounded, and the magic cores of the Black Eyed Python Bull and the Sky-Splitting Giant Crocodile burst out and flew to the next big tree!

Standing on the big tree was a sturdy youth with a burly body, blond hair, and as strong as a lion. The young man grabbed two 2-level magic cores in his hand!


Sturdy youth licked the fresh blood on the magic core, the body flashed disappeared on the branches and disappeared!

Only two corpses of Level 2 Magic Beast lay quietly by the lake, silently telling the tragic scene before!

“As expected of Golden Dragon Lion Sachen, 2 leaves killed the 9th-level Magic Beast Black-eyed Maniac Bull and the Sky-Splitting Giant Crocodile. It’s extraordinary!”

In front of the Dragon God Church, everyone clearly saw the scene of sturdy youth killing the black-eyed mad cow and the sky-splitting giant crocodile. They couldn’t help but boiled and were amazed!

“Flying flowers and picking leaves can kill level 9 Magic Beast!”

Emperor Frederick 32th slightly nodded: “This Little Brat named Sachen is really not bad, and his understanding of Law is better than Barbarossa’s strong!”

“Your Majesty is too good!”

Dragon God Institute Head said modestly: “Imperial Prince Barbarossa by this age will definitely be able to surpass Sachen!”


Frederick 32th cannot deny: “Dean Luke, Sachen shouldn’t be a simple Human Race, right?”

“Your Majesty bright vision like a torch!”

Dean Luke nodded said with a smile: “Sachen owns the Golden Dragon Lion Bloodline and is a descendant of the Golden Dragon Lion Race!”

“Golden Dragon Lion Race?”

Frederick 32th was shocked: “It turned out to be a descendant of Golden Dragon Lion Race, no wonder it’s so good!”

Seeing the emperor鈥檚 expression, some ministers mysteriously asked, “What family is the Golden Dragon Lion Race, which makes Your Majesty so moved?”

And most Sacred Territory powerhouses are also slightly discolored, with complex expressions such as shock and fear in their eyes!

The uninformed do not know what Golden Dragon Lion Race is, but the insider knows that this is a huge monster!

Golden Dragon Lion!

That is the family that was born a great being!

On the background, second only to 4 great ancient empires!

“Look at the others!”

Frederick 32th looked towards magic light curtain!

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

The picture on the giant magic light curtain changed, and a towering mountain appeared, a waterfall of hundreds zhang high flowing out of the mountain, crashing down the cliff!

Below the waterfall is a pool!

At this moment, a fierce scene is happening at the water pool!

A big snake with 6 heads has a roar, and the 6 snake heads either spray ice blades, or water arrows, or boulders, or poison…

Crazy to kill the opposite Human!

And this Human is not ordinary, the height is ten 50-60 meters, the upper body is naked, showing extremely majestic muscles, exuding explosive power!

Facing the continuous attacks of 6 big snakes, the giant screamed, and instead of retreating, it ignored the magical attacks in the sky and rushed to the 6 big snakes arbitrarily!


The magic attack hiding the sky and covering the earth overwhelmed the giant. However, in the next second, the giant lightning masterpiece, all magic attacks turned into powder!

“Go to death!”

The giant killed 6 big snakes, the watermelon-big fist contained incomparable violent power, heavy strikes on the middle head of the 6 big snakes!


The violent power exploded, the middle head was directly smashed into meat sauce, 6 big snakes ate pain, and the remaining 5 heads went crazy and bit at the giant!


The giant laughed heartily, allowing 4 of the snake heads to bite on him, and he grabbed one of the heads and stuffed it directly into his mouth. The crack crack chewed it up, it was extremely cruel!

“Si si hiss–“

The 6 big snakes screamed, and the remaining 4 snake heads bite wildly, but the giant skin is rough, flesh is thick, and even the giant’s skin can’t be bitten!

鈥渟i si 鍢秪~~鈥?/p>

6 The big snake knew that he was not an opponent, gave up biting the giant, flicked its tail, and retreated back, trying to escape back to the pool!

“Want to go?”

The giant is coldly snorted, fists out!

鈥渟i si 鍢秪~~鈥?/p>

This was obviously an unequal battle, and the final result was self-evident. The remaining 6 heads of the 4 big snakes were swallowed by the giant one after another!

Then, 6 big snakes were killed!


Seeing this scene, everyone in front of Dragon God Church felt a trace of coolness rising from their backs and their necks were chilly!

“This is the Little Brat named Adil?”

Frederick 32th laughed dumbfounded: “Really a cruel Little Brat, and his fighting style is very similar to those rude Titans!”

鈥淵our Majesty Sanming!鈥?/p>

Dean Luke said with a slight smile: “Adil has awakened the Lightning Titan Bloodline, and it is a deep awakening. In terms of the purity of the Bloodline, it is comparable to a generation of Lesser Titan!”

“Deep awakening? Nice Little Brat!”

Frederick 32th repeatedly nodded: “The Lightning Titan is not inferior to our Golden Dragon High Level race. If Adil can finally awaken, it will be comparable to the pure Lightning Titan!”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

Dean Luke said with a smile!

“This brat has great potential and must be cultivated! In time, I may also be able to give birth to a Lightning Titan Race in Dragon God Empire!”

Frederick 32th said: “By then, the savage Titan at West Continent will definitely be pissed off! hahaha…”

“Your Majesty’s mind is as broad as the endless deep sea, and as broad as the vast starry sky. I admire it for 10000 points!”

Dean Luke sincerely praised!

PS: Looking for a monthly ticket?

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