You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

“Lord, you are amazing!”

“My admiration for you is like a surging river, and like the Yellow River overflowing out of control…”

“Stop talking nonsense! Drive your car seriously!”



Monray was speechless: “Just listened to the old crocodile’s meaning, you were only Level 6 Magic Beast before you achieved Sacred Territory?”

“Yes, Lord!”

Horned Rose Python dare not hide: “10 years ago, I was indeed a Level 6 Magic Beast Rose Python! But because I was lucky enough to get the fruit of Mother Tree of Life, I became a Sacred Territory Magic Beast!”

“I thought I became a Sacred Territory Magic Beast, and I could be called brothers with those old aloof and remote Sacred Territory Magic Beasts. Who would have thought that those guys still look down on me…”

Monray interrupted Clara: “You mean, in just 10 years, you have progressed from a small Level 6 Magic Beast to a Sacred Territory Magic Beast?”

“Yes, Lord!” Horned Rose Python is unknown so: “Is there any problem?”

10 years!

Level 6 Magic Beast becomes Sacred Territory!

Isn’t this a problem?

Not only Monray, but even the old man was shocked, and suddenly appeared from the space ring: “Monray, ask it, what is Mother Tree of Life?”

Monray took a deep breath and asked this question!

Clara suddenly showed worship, as if the expression on the face of a mad believer when facing God who worshipped faith!

“Mother Tree of Life is the sacred tree on this Continent, and it is also the Mind belief of all the creatures on this Continent!”

“Plant life is good too!”

“Never mind animal life!”

“All deeply worship and believe in Mother Tree!”

“Mother Tree shelters us forever!”

“Mother Tree is so great?” Monray eyes flashed: “What is the fruit of Mother Tree of Life?”

“Mother Tree of Life bears fruit once every 100 years, only 9 at a time! After the fruit matures, Mother Tree will send these 9 fruits to Continent for consumption by living creatures!”

Horned Rose Python gratefully said: “As long as you are lucky enough, you can get the fruit! And after taking the fruit, you can gain powerful power in a very short time, just like me!”

“A fruit, it only takes you 10 years to become a Sacred Territory Magic Beast. The effect of this fruit…”

Monray felt incredible: “Old Dean, have you heard of this kind of fruit?”


The old man took a sigh of relief: “Firmament Continent also has a lot of treasures that make people break the limits of Realm Breaking and enhance the strength, but they can’t compare with this magical fruit!”

“This thing is more abnormal than Law Source Crystal!”


Monray is heavily nodded, Law Source Crystal contains World’s Law, which can help the 9th level powerhouse knock on the door of Law and help them achieve Sacred Territory, but only for the 9th level powerhouse!

Below level 9 is invalid!

But this kind of fruit is obviously different!

Level 6 Magic Beast, become a holy in 10 years!

what is this?

This is the top ten tonic of mass production Sacred Territory!

How does Law Source Crystal compare to it?

“Find it! This sacred tree must be found!”

Monray’s eyes were burning, and there was a dazzling look in his eyes: “If you can take it as your own and sit and harvest the fruits of the sacred tree, you will make a lot of money!”

A sacred tree fruit = a Sacred Territory!

How much is this sacred tree worth?

What is a mine at home?

What is the house demolition?

2 What is a villa in the ring?

Compared with the sacred tree, it is not gross!

“I’m definitely looking for it, but I’m worried that we can’t hold it!” The old man’s face was solemn and his eyes were complicated!

“Can’t hold it?”

Monray has some doubts!

“Do you remember what Horned Rose Python just said?” the old man asked slowly!

“Which sentence?”

“All the creatures on this Continent, whether it is plant life or animal life, deeply worship and believe in Mother Tree of Life!” The old man said slowly!

“Know, what happened?”

Monray is even more confused!

“I asked me before, how to become a god!” The old man asked instead, “My answer is that Law becomes a god, right?”


Monray nodded: “You once said that God is also called Law Controller. As long as we can fully comprehend a Law, we can become God!”

“Law becoming a god is a way!”

The old man slowly said: “In fact, there is more than one way to become a god. There is also a very common, easiest, but most difficult way!”

Monray is astonished, the most common, easiest, and most difficult way? What is this way, so contradictory?

“Old Dean, the method you said is…” Monray was very curious!

“Believe to become a god!”

Old man said every word!

“Believing in God?”

Monray Mind shocked!

“As long as you have a sufficient number of believers, and devoutly believe in you and worship you, you don’t have to do anything, even if you have a good night and barbecue, you can still become a god!”

The old man smiled and explained: “This is faith and becoming a god, do you say it is simple?”

Monray was speechless: “You can become a god without doing anything? Isn’t this too trivial?”

“So, believing to be a god is very simple, and compared with comprehending Law, it’s just a hangover!”

The old man changed his words: “It’s a pity, it is not easy to have a sufficient number of believers, even…very difficult!”

“Take our Firmament Continent as an example!”

“Beastman Empire in the north!”

“Dragon God Empire in the east!”

“Elf Empire in the south!”

“There is Titan Empire in the west!”

“However, Four Great Empires have their own God! Even though Firmament Continent is 100000000 absolutely, it is possible to snatch believers from Four Great Empires?”

Monray smiled wryly, this is basically impossible, well, at least, not at the moment!

“So, believing to become a god is another way as difficult as ascending the heavens! Because you simply cannot find a sufficient number of believers to provide faith and help you become a god!”

The old man shook his head slightly: “Therefore, all creatures of Firmament Continent can only comprehend Law obediently and honestly and walk the Law path to Godhood!”

“Old Dean, what did you mean by saying that it is very common to believe in becoming a god?” Monray asked again!

“In our Firmament Continent, it is really difficult to believe in becoming a god, but it is not necessarily true for other Planes!”

The old man said with a smile: “You may not know yet, in the vast world, there are many Planes. Our Firmament Continent is just one of the ordinary Material Planes!”


Monray pretended to be surprised!


The old man eloquently explained, before he said: “Plane is like a bubble, a new Plane is born every moment, and the old Plane dies every moment!”

“And in those newly born Plane, there is no God, no powerhouse, devour raw meat and fowl, primitive and backward!”

“These creatures conceived by Plane are confused and ignorant, awe-inspiring, and easily believe in some supernatural phenomena or incomprehensible things!”

“For example, believing in a strong person, believing in a snake, believing in a fire, believing in a stone… etc.!”

“This is the earliest faith-Primitive Worship!”

“Primitive Worship?”

Monray muttered to himself!

“For primitive life, Primitive Worship is nothing but pure faith! But for those who are believed in, it is a major event!”


“Primitive Worship can make them… gods!”

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