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“Scarce does not mean there is no!”

Fred smiled indifferently: “The White Tiger Knight Mond Aston from Dragon God Academy, isn’t it also a double bloodline?”

“Dean Fred, since Monray has 2 types of bloodlines, then I would like to know, what is his other type of bloodlines?”

Angus continued to ask: “What kind of Bloodline is it that enables him to have a powerful body comparable to the Imperial Prince Barbarossa at the age of 16?”

Everyone looked towards Dean Fred, with curiosity in their eyes, even Frederick 32th is no exception!

Dean Fred smiled helplessly: “What is Monray’s other Bloodline? I don’t know! I also saw the display of the Dragon God Genius List yesterday, only to determine that he has 2 types of Bloodline!”

“Fred, Monray is a student of your Fire Dragon Academy. You don’t even know what bloodline he contains?”

Angus eccentric said: “You genius, discipline, isn’t it a pure-blooded Human Race? If so, then he is too Monster!”

Frederick 32th slightly frowned: “Monray is a student of your Fire Dragon Magic Academy. As the dean, you don’t even know his other half, Bloodline? It’s not justified!”

“Your Majesty, I really don’t know!”

Dean Fred continued: “But Monray does have Fire Dragon Bloodline. I can swear in front of the Dragon God Statue. I hope Your Majesty will see it!”

“The 16-year-old Holy Archmage and Sacred Territory body can’t even be a genius Fire Draconian!”

Frederick 32th tapped Dragon Throne lightly: “After the exchange game is over, I have to ask this Little Brat, what is his other bloodline!”

“Your Majesty Observe!”

Fred has a respectful voice!


To put it bluntly, it is an investigation. Fred understands that Your Majesty has some doubts about Monray after all!

This is also normal!

After all, Monray’s performance is too much for Monster, and Monster feels unacceptable. If you don’t investigate clearly at this time, who knows what Monray is?

Demon genius like Adolf?

Other spies sent by Plane?

Or the reincarnation of a certain Evil God?

Either way, it is very detrimental to Monray. Dragon God Empire cannot tolerate a pure Human Race genius like Timon Barton, even more how else?


Just as Fred thoughts are revolving, the battle between Monray and Imperial Prince Barbarossa has entered a fever pitch!

In this duel, Monray did not use any magic, but chose a pure meet force with force, vividly and thoroughly shown by his powerful body in this brief moment!

More sensitive than Barbarossa!

More durable than Barbarossa!

Even the weakest strength is almost on par with Barbarossa!

After several collisions, Monray took the advantage, his face was not red or breathless, just like a okay person, and the imperial Prince Barbarossa, which became a true body, was actually gasping for breath.

stronger and weaker, apparent at a glance!

“Smelly brat, it’s almost okay, after all, they are the Imperial Prince, so I can show some face!”

The old man reminded: “Moreover, you have already performed enough Monster. If you go on Monster, are you not afraid of being caught in order to dissect and study?”

“Slice research? Who dare I see?” Monray hehe sneered: “We are the Imperial Family, who has the courage?”

“Imperial Family? What Bloodline have you awakened? Don’t you have any points in your heart?”

old man rolled the eyes: “I tell you brat, once Golden God Slayer Ant Bloodline is exposed, you will be over, and you will never end up better than Adolf!”

“Old Dean, don’t worry, I am not Adolf, and I will always be impossible to be Adolf!”

Monray slightly smiled, calmly and calmly: “I originally planned to get along with you as an ordinary person, but in exchange for it is suspicion and jealousy. Stop pretending, I have a showdown!”


The old man looked dumbfounded!


Monray didn’t say much, he didn’t intend to integrate this Bloodline, but the old man’s reminder made him change his mind!

10 times better than others, people will envy you!

100 times better than others, people will look up!

But when you are excellent beyond people’s understanding, what you get is not only envy and admiration, but also… endless suspicion and trouble!

Monray knows a little bit about this truth!

and so……

“System, fusion of Golden Dragon Bloodline!”

“Yes, host!”


A sharp and domineering aura burst out of the body, turning into a dazzling golden light!

In an instant, Monray was surrounded by golden light, like a raging golden flame, he directly incarnation the bright day!

A very strong pain is like a flood that bursts a bank, madly impacting 4 limbs and 100 skeletons and the central nervous system, and even every corner of the body, every inch of skin!

In the past, Monray would definitely suffer 10000 points, but training to the point where it is today, this kind of suffering is just drizzle, compared to before, it is pediatrics!

“puchi -“

“puchi -“

Amidst the incomparable piercing sound of flesh and blood, the golden scales covered with blood came out of the body slowly like bamboo shoots after the rain!

One, two, three …

Immediately after that, there are 2 dragon horns and a dragon tail!

At the end, it was a pair of golden bat wings shining with golden glow!


The dazzling golden flames continued to burn, and the blood on Monray’s body was instantly evaporated. Monray directly became a Golden Dragonoid with a height of 2 meters, first-born golden double horns, golden wings on the back, and golden dragon tails on the strands, all over the Golden Dragon scales!


A pure Dragon Might burst out of Monray, sweeping to all directions, several li, making the face of all people who feel the pure Dragon Might change dramatically!

The players on the scene were shocked!

The people in front of the church are also dumbstruck!

“Yellow… the golden giant… the giant Draconian?”

“He is Golden Dragonoid?”

At Black Dragon Academy Dean Angus, his face has become extremely exciting, shocked, disappointed, unwilling, unbelievable!

“Monray’s other Bloodline is actually Golden Dragon Bloodline? Dragon God above, this is amazing!”

Dean Fred and War Dragon Academy Dean looked at each other, and they both saw shock in each other’s eyes. Yesterday they watched Monray rush into the Dragon God Tower and they judged that Monray is a double Bloodline Owner!

But they absolutely did not expect that another bloodline of Monray is Golden Dragon Bloodline, incredible!

“But! This is a good thing, a great thing!”

After a brief consternation, Dean Fred was overjoyed: “Monray has a Golden Dragon Bloodline. He is the Imperial Family of my Dragon God Empire. Who would dare to question him?”

Thinking of this, Fred even looked towards the Emperor Frederick 32th and saw that Your Majesty the Emperor was obviously shocked!

“No wonder this Little Brat’s body is so tyrannical, it turns out he is a member of my Imperial Family, this Sovereign is not very pleased!”

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