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The dazzling golden glow exploded, and a violent shock wave swept across 4 parties and exploded!

Monray bears the brunt of the blow, and was lifted out, and then he glanced at him, unconscious!

When Monray wakes up again, I don’t know how long it will be. The surrounding area is empty and silent, and the needle drop can be heard!

The golden tree disappeared!

The old man is gone!

Everything is gone!

Only Core of Life has become two and a half and countless channels in disarray!

“Old Dean?”

“Old Dean!”

“Old Dean, come out!”

Monray suddenly got up, ignoring his dizziness, and yelled frantically!

no respond!

No response!

“Old Dean, come out!”

“Old man, come out!”

Monray shook the God Killing Spear vigorously, trying to shake the old man out, the old man came out of the gun before!

But this time, the old man never came out!

The mental power extends in, nothing can be detected, and the old man disappears forever!




Monray shook his head and couldn’t accept this fact. Old man used to talk endlessly in his ears. Monray was very annoying!

But now, the old man disappeared, and he can no longer hear his nagging, but Monray feels a pain in his heart!

“I am the dean of Fire Dragon Magic Academy!”

“My name is Amos Crocker!”

“You unscrupulous offspring, how could I have an unfilial junior like you…”

“Smelly brat, why are you breaking through again?”

“Monray, stay alive!”

The scenes of the past continued to recur, and the old man’s voice and smile lingered in front of his eyes. It was only then that Monray realized that the old man who often berated him, criticized him, and taught him had become a person he could not leave!

But now, the person closest to Monray in this world… is gone forever!


“Why is it like this?”

Monray sat slumped on the ground, tears streaming down!


I don’t know how long it has passed, Monray slowed down a bit, he looked at the empty hollow area, and got up!

It’s time to leave this sad place!

Putting away the Hammer of Destruction and picking up the God Killing Spear, Monray is extremely sad, how much he hopes the old man will fly out of the gun again!

It’s a pity that what happened every day before has become a luxury now!

“Old Dean, I’m sorry!”

Monray put away God Killing Spear decisively, never wanting to look at it again, seeing things and thinking about people will only make him more sad!





When Monray emerged from Mother Tree of Life, it was already 2 hours later!

Mother Tree of Life is still towering, lush and green, not exactly the same as before!

The only difference is that the countless golden fruits among the leaves have disappeared, 3 3 are dotted with a few pieces, the number is 1000 different from the previous 10000!

“Where is the fruit?”

“Forget it! If it’s gone, it’s gone!”

Before the change, he might be flustered and exasperated. Now, he doesn’t even feel angry!


Collecting all the remaining fruits, Monray looked towards the tall and majestic Mother Tree of Life?

Although the Divine Soul of Mother Tree of Life is dead, and there is only an empty shell left on the tree, Monray is still raging and hate it!

“It was you who killed Old Dean!”

“Boom ~ boom ~ ——”

After a violent bombardment, the huge tree trunk still stands tall and straight, showing no signs of breaking!


Monray hit the tree with a punch, unwilling to 10000 points, he really wanted to pull it up by the roots!


A cry of surprise came from behind, and I saw Abbe standing not far away, his face flushed, and breathing heavily!


Monray barely squeezed a smile!

“You’re all right, really very good, I thought you…”

Abbe flew over with tears in his eyes and excitement on his face!

“Yeah, I’m fine!”

Monray smiled sadly, shook his head and broke the subject: “You didn’t leave with them?”

“I am waiting for you to come out!”

Abbe stared at Monray, she could feel Monray’s fatigue and sadness, and Monray’s eyes were red!

“Monray, what’s wrong with you…?”

“I just… lost the one closest to me!”

Monray was in pain: “Abbe, I want to be quiet, be quiet alone!”

After speaking, Monray turned around and was about to leave. At this moment, a terrible pressure came!

Divine might swept the 4 parties!

The void is frozen!

“this is……”

2stream of light shot here quickly, in a flash, and it came close. It was a man and a woman!

A black hair Black Horn old man!

A red dragon horn young woman!

These are 2 Demi-Gods!

Still Dragon Race Demi-God!

Monray glanced at two people, and then disinclined to pay attention to. He needs a good rest!

At this moment, the Black Horn old man suddenly said: “Are you also Empire Contestant?”

“Yes, Old Ancestor!”

Abbe didn’t dare to neglect, and even bowed to answer yes, Monray ignored it, soared into the air and flew towards the place where Zacas was!

This action somewhat angered the Black Horn old man, and the old man’s face suddenly sank: “Brat, stop, this King is talking to you!”

Monray ignored it!

“Back to Old Ancestor, he is also a player in the exchange competition, because of the loss of his relatives, some grief, or offense, but I hope to redeem him!

Abbe spoke quickly and defended Monray!

“hmph! ”

Black Horn old man coldly snorted, although he was a little dissatisfied, he did not continue to pursue it, but looked towards the towering Mother Tree of Life!

“This is that native Demi-God?”

The eyes of the Black Horn old man and dragon horn young woman were light flashed, and the eyes were amazed, but soon, the two of them were frowned!

“Divine Soul is no more!”

“There is no Divine Power fluctuation either!”

“This native Demi-God… is dead?”

“Little girl, who killed this native Demi-God?” Black Horn old man looked towards Abbe again!

“It… is it dead?”

Abbe was a little surprised!

“Of course! This native Demi-God only has an empty shell, Divine Soul has long been gone, naturally it is dead!”

Black Horn old man indifferently said: “Look at the surrounding movement, there should have been fighting just now! Tell this King, who killed it?”

“It…really dead?”

Abbe was shocked and felt unbelievable. She waited in the vicinity from start to finish. If you say who died, Mother Tree of Life, Monray has the greatest probability!

But how could Monray kill Demi-God?

Monray is just Sacred Territory!

Thinking of this, Abbe couldn’t help looking at Monray’s back. His eyes were filled with shock and disbelief. Is Monray strong enough to kill Demi-God?

“Little girl, don’t you mean to tell me that brat killed this native Demi-God, right? Ridiculous!”

The Black Horn old man sneered: “Trifling a Sacred Territory, how weak is it, how can this native Demi-God rival?”

“Maybe I guessed wrong!”

Abbe whispered to himself!

“Elder Sanir, check it out first, maybe you can find some clues!”

The red-horned young woman spoke!


Two people approached the Mother Tree of Life, and then took a closer look. Mother Tree of Life is so tall, but the two Demi-Gods only took a moment to complete the investigation!

Then, the two people were shocked at the same time, and the young woman with red horns disappeared in place!

“Not only Divine Soul disappeared!”

“Core of Life is gone!”

Black Horn old man is somewhat flustered and exasperated: “The most precious thing about plant Demi-God is Core of Life. The goal of this King is Core of Life!”

“But now, Native Demi-God’s Core of Life is gone! Don’t you go on an errand for nothing?”

“shua ——”

The vinyl old man turned around suddenly, his eyes looked towards Abbe like a blade, his voice was sharp!

“Little girl, who killed this native Demi-God? If there is any deception, this King will never be merciless!”

“Little Brat, who killed it?”

The young woman with a red horn came out abruptly again. She grabbed Abbe’s shoulder and was so excited that she couldn’t help herself: “Tell me, who killed this tree?”

Being stared at by two Demi-Gods like this, especially facing the eagerly excited eyes of the red-horned young woman, Abbe felt very stressed: “I don’t know!”

“hmph! ”

Black Horn old man coldly snorted, immediately turned his head and looked towards Monray, grabbing the Void, and he captured Monray, who was flying far away!

“Brat, who killed it?”

The vinyl old man drank and asked!

“I killed it, do you have any questions?”

Monray looked up, his tone blunt!

“You killed? You really dare to put gold on your face, stop laughing!”

Vinyl old man coldly snorted: “You are just a weak Sacred Territory, which is its opponent?!”

“Love believing or not!”

Monray has a cold tone!


Black Horn old man is furious!

At this time, the young woman with red horns spoke, her voice was very soft, with a little trill: “Little Brat, I just checked, there are two kinds of strength of Divine Soul fluctuations remaining in the tree body!”

“It means that another Demi-God killed this tree! Tell me, have you seen that Demi-God? Where did he go?”

The young woman’s eyes were burning with sincerity and expectation in her eyes. Monray’s throat moved, and a painful expression appeared on her face: “He’s dead!”

“Dead? No! Impossible! How could he die? You lied! You lied! You are so brave to deceive this Deity!”

The young woman with red horns suffocated slightly, and immediately became hysterical. A terrifying divine might radiated from her, and Monray could not breathe!

“Tell me, where is he?”

“He’s dead! He’s dead!”

Monray’s eyes flushed, and his voice hoarse: “He was together with Mother Tree of Life perish to save me! Never again…”


The red-horned young woman as if was struck by lightning, staggered, her face suddenly turned pale!

“Emlyn, what’s wrong with you?”

The abnormal behavior of the young woman with red horns made the Black Horn old man confused. In his impression, Emlyn has always been a person with no mood or anger. When did this happen?

“I’m fine!”

The red-horned young woman waved her hand slightly, took a deep breath, stared at Monray, and said, “Tell me, what is his name?”

“Your name is Emlyn?”

Monray asked in a low voice, “Can I know your last name?”


The young woman with red horns trembled: “My name is Emlyn Crocker!”


Monray gave a wry smile: “His name is Amos Crocker!”


The young woman with red horns turned black and almost fell to the ground. Her delicate body trembled lightly, her shoulders trembled, and she was howling!

“Big brother !!!”

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