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“Is it an auditory hallucination?”

Monray shook his head and held down the escalator to enter the refuge. Unexpectedly, the voice rang again: “Ding! discovered a dropped object, did you pick it up?”

“Who? Who is talking?”

Monray startled!

“Ding! Strongest Pick Up System for you!”

“Strongest Pick Up System, can pick up all the fallen objects in the world, including but not limited to: money, item, skills, life force, mental power…”

“Pick up money and items, the host can become rich!”

“Pickup skills, life force, mental power… the host can become powerful!”

“Pick up everything!”

“Everything can be picked up!”

As the cold voice explained, an attribute panel appeared in front of Monray!

Host: Monray

Race: Human Race

Wealth: 0

constitution: ordinary person (0.5/10 0)

Mind: ordinary person (110)

Skill: None

“This…is it…golden finger?”

Monray feels dizzy!

“Ding! discovered a dropped object, did you pick it up?”

“Pick up… Pick it up!”

Monray is subconsciously complied.

“Ding! The pickup is successful, the host constitution +1!”

Within the body appear out of thin air, a warm current rushed into the 4 limbs and 100 skeletons. Monray only felt that his body was warm, and he clenched his fists, his strength seemed a bit stronger?

“Is it true that what the system just said is true?” Monray felt incredible!

constitution +1?

Can constitution also be picked up?

“Monray! What the hell are you doing? Can’t go down yet!”

Uncle Leo roared in anger, and there was fire in his eyes! Amazingly, another silver ball of light fell on him!

“Ding! discovered a dropped object, did you pick it up?”


Monray didn’t hesitate this time!

“Ding! The pickup is successful, the host Mind +1!”

A icy aura poured into the brain, Monray Mind shocked, feeling a little clearer, thinking and consciousness have become much more active, and the key attribute panel has also changed!

Host: Monray

Race: Human Race

Wealth: 0

Constitution: ordinary person (1.5/10)

Mind: ordinary person (210)

Skill: None


“It can really be picked up!!!”

Monray was surprised and delighted. The Strongest Pick Up System is real. Isn’t it going to develop?

“Why don’t you go to the village entrance peng peng luck?”

“There might be more drops there!”

Monray clenched the teeth and ran towards the entrance of the village decisively!

“What are you doing? Come back! Come back soon!”


Magic Beast Village is located in a gorge, surrounded by mountains on 3 sides, and the remaining side is also surrounded by thick thick wooden fences, forming a thick wooden city wall to resist beast tide attacks!

This is the only entrance to the village!

At this moment, a tragic scene was being staged at the entrance of the village, with 20-30 strong man wielding weapons and constantly attacking the wild beast that rushed onto the city wall!

There is a blood-red saber-toothed tiger with a body length of 3 meters;

Ferocious-looking, spiky steel-haired wild boar;

Large two-headed vulture with back wings and large body;


Nearly 100 ferocious wild beasts roared again and again, daring to attack the city wall and attacking wildly!

Even if a wild beast is killed, the remaining wild beasts still go forward and succeed, as if they are possessed by a demon, they are crazy!

The guards headed by Captain Hades are like killing machines, constantly hacking and killing the wild beast that rushes onto the city wall!

Blood 4 splashes, severed limbs fly!

The strong smell of blood irritated Monray’s nerves, causing his stomach to turn upside down, and he almost vomited it out overnight. How did he, an Earth person, have seen such bloody scenes?

It took a long time before Monray got used to it a little, and his eyes couldn’t help but fall on the giant sword in Captain Hades’s hands!

“That’s… battle energy?”

Captain Hades is extremely brave, and the giant sword in his hand is filled with a pale-yellow halo, like a Divine Weapon cut into mud, easily splitting the wild beast into two halves. The speed of hunting the wild beast is much faster than others. It’s a killing machine!

“As expected of Magic Beast Village Number One Powerhouse!” Monray’s eyes were full of envy, “If only I could be so strong…”

“Ding! discovered a dropped object, whether it was picked up!”


Monray could see the feet of Captain Hades and the others, and several light balls fell, which looked very dazzling!

If I picked up these drops, wouldn’t I be afraid that I would increase my strength?

But the sad thing is…

“Ding! The distance is too far to be picked up! Friendly reminder: this system can only pick up drops 10 meters around the host!”

“10 meters around?”

Monray was a little speechless: “There is still this restriction!”

no way!

Only close!

“Ding! discovered a dropped object, whether it was picked up!”


“Ding! The pickup is successful, the host constitution +3!”

“Ding! The pickup is successful, the host Mind +1!”

“Ding! The pickup is successful, the host constitution +2!”

The warm currents continue to emerge, and the constitution and mind of Monray are rapidly strengthening. This continuous strengthening is accompanied by an extreme sense of comfort, and Monray feels refreshed!

The power keeps getting stronger!

Thinking more clearly!

“Yes, exactly!”

“Be stronger! I want to be stronger!”

“What are you doing here?!!!”

Just as Monray was immersed in the wonderful promotion, a roar like thunder suddenly heard in his ear: “Is this the place you can come? Don’t go back!”

Monray looked up and saw Captain Hades glaring at him, an invisible pressure assaults the senses, as if being stared at by an angry lion!

Monray in ones heart trembled, I feel stressful!

“What is Leo doing to make you run out?”

Hades waved a wild beast into two halves, scolded: “You… go to the refuge immediately!”

“Captain Hades, I…”

Monray quickly explained that a melodious and high-pitched beast roar rang out, which instantly attracted everyone’s attention!

I saw a fiery-red full-body, a wolf-shaped wild beast about the size of Yellow Ox coming out from behind the beast tide. Wherever it went, the wild beasts who were cruel and tyrannical obediently gave way!

The wolf-shaped wild beast took an elegant step, step by step stepped forward, two pinches of flames flashed in his eyes, suddenly jumped up, and opened his mouth to spout a basketball-sized Fireball!

Fireball contains an astonishing high temperature, and it burns everyone’s faces. Even at a distance of more than a dozen meters away, Monray feels his face is hot!


Fire-breathing wolf?

Monray trembled. Is this Magic Beast?

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