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The towering mountain stands proudly above the sea, and there is a cave halfway up the mountain, like the huge mouth of a rare beast, wanting to swallow everything.

This cave is the old nest of Goblen. I saw a thick layer of gold bricks on the walls and ground, inlaid with various luminous gems, and the golden light reflected by the entire cave was shining and magnificent!

Go deeper!

It is the piles of Gold Coin, gold lump, and horseshoe gold, and Lei has become a huge dragon nest!

This is Goblen’s Dragon Nest!

And around Dragon Nest, there are piles of gems, Elemental Crystal, Law Source Crystal…

Everything is rare treasure, just take out one, enough to turn a beggar into a rich man!

At this moment, besides Goblen, there are several silhouettes in the open space in front of Dragon Nest.

Male or female, old or young, all aura surging, divine might be mighty!


No more, no less, exactly 8!

It is the other 8 Demi-Gods of Dragon Race!

“This thief killed my Metal Element Divine Avatar and broke my path to Godhood!”

Goblen’s face was distorted, and a deep hatred burst into his eyes: “I, Goblen, swear, if you don’t chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades, I will not be a god!”

“A Human Race is so rebellious, completely crazy and ridiculous, it should be killed!!!”

“Since the establishment of the empire, for more than 410000 years, there has never been such a horrible thing, completely crazy and ridiculous, the sin is unforgivable!”

“What else is there to say? To treat this kind of rebels, you should choose up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades and be sentenced to death!”

“It seems that we have treated Human Race too much in recent years. When these humble monkeys think they have some strength, they dare to commit crimes? They need to be reorganized!”

“Kill! Kill him personally! Kill him blood flowing into a river! Let these lowly insects know that their Human Race will always be only a slave…”

Other Demi-Gods spoke one after another, and casually decided Monray’s life and death, and even decided Dragon God Empire’s attitude towards Human Race.

Goblen is very satisfied with the attitude of Demi-God. He is not Monray’s opponent. If you want to take revenge, you must take action together!

“Emlyn, what do you want to say?”

Goblen caught a glimpse of a Demi-God who didn’t express his opinion, could not help being slightly frowned, and was slightly dissatisfied!

“Old Ancestor, are you sure that the murderer is called Monray?” Emlyn Crocker asked in surprise!

“The thief killed my Metal Element Divine Avatar, even if it turned into ashes, I knew it. How would I admit it?”

Goblen coldly snorted: “Why, you and this thief are old? Know him?”

“I do know a Little Brat named Monray, but he is only a Sacred Territory, and should not be the same person who killed the Old Ancestor Divine Avatar!”

Emlyn shook her head slightly, don’t know why, she always had a bad feeling in her heart.

“No matter who he is, whether he knows you or not, dare to kill my Divine Avatar, he must die!” Goblen said coldly.

“Old Ancestor said so!”

All Demi-God expressed their opinions!


Goblen stood up: “That’s it, let’s go to Firmament Continent, and slay this thief!”

“Listen to Old Ancestor!”

“But it depends on Old Ancestor!”

All Demi-Gods got up!

“Goblen Frederick, do you think I can’t find you hiding in Dragon Island? Come out and die!”

At this time, a long and thunderous roar resounded across the sky, and suddenly blasted in everyone’s ears, like billowing thunder, deafening!


The Demi-Gods are shocked!

“That’s the thief!”

Goblen’s old face was a little distorted: “He actually killed Dragon Island, it’s bully intolerably!”

“Old Ancestor, it’s the rebel named Monray who is scolding outside?” All Demi-Gods were surprised!

“This sound can’t be wrong, it’s the thief!” Goblen gnashing teeth, showing cold light!

“Be bold!”

“impudent !”


“audacious in the extreme!”

“I dare to kill Dragon Island, so I don’t take my Dragon Race in my eyes!”

“We haven’t gone to trouble with him yet, he actually came first…”

The Demi-God was furious!

Their Dragon Race has been standing Firmament Continent for a long time, why have they been chased to Dragon Island?



Now it’s okay, there are people who are bold enough to do such a rebellious act!

“This is a shame! A great shame!”

A Demi-God has a cold voice: “You must use the blood of this villain to wash away this shame!”

“Kill! Kill him! Let him know the fate of provoking my Dragon Race!”

“Follow me out!”

Goblen coldly snorted, leading the Demi-God out of the cave!

“Really you!”

Emlyn came outside the cave first, and saw Monray standing proudly in the void at a glance. Unbelievable color flashed in her eyes because of a huge shock!

“Long time no see, Senior Emlyn!”

Monray smiled and greeted Emlyn. Facing the biological younger sister of Old Dean, his mood was a bit complicated!

“Monray, why are you?”

Emlyn doesn’t understand why Monray suddenly became Demi-God, but it doesn’t matter anymore!

The important thing is why does Monray provoke Dragon God Empire? Killed Dragon Island?

Monray slowly said, “For faith!”


Emlyn shook her body and lost her voice: “Are you fighting for the faith resources of Dragon God Empire? You are crazy, do you know what you are doing?”

“I know exactly what I am doing!”

Monray shook his head slowly: “You are also Demi-God, you should know the importance of faith to us!”

“You are crazy! You are so provocative of Dragon Race! They will not let you go! Dragon God will not let you go!”

Emlyn shook her head. She did not refute Monray’s words, because Monray was right. For Demi-God, faith is indeed too important!

Can strengthen Divine Soul!

Divine Power can be converted!

Can help comprehend Law!

Can shorten their time to become gods!

If it can, any Demi-God can’t wait to have its own faith resources and its own territory of faith. Everyday all can collect massive amounts of Power of Faith!

But unfortunately, this is an extravagant hope!

Firmament Continent’s faith resources have long been divided up, and Dragon God, Titan Giant God, Beast God, and Elf Goddess occupy all faiths, and they don’t have the share of Demi-God!

Therefore, no matter how longing they are in their hearts, they can only endure it. They don’t have the guts to compete with the 4 Great True Gods for faith!

Monray just did this. This is a risk to the world, this is a provocation to True God!

This is purely courting death! ! !

“On Divine Road, why be afraid?”

Monray shook his head slightly: “Senior Emlyn, you are Old Dean’s biological younger sister, I will not attack you, I hope you can stand by!”

“Even if I stand by, you are not their opponent!”

Emlyn sighed: “Monray, stop, you within the body are also flowing Dragon Race Bloodline, as long as you stop here, I can intercede for you…”

“It’s useless to intercede!”

Goblen brought 7 Demi-Gods and killed them: “Emlyn, you are confused! This thief is so sinful, you still want to intercede with him?”

“Old Ancestor, he is just a child!” Emlyn continued: “Everyone has a young age…”

“do not talk!”

Goblen coldly said: “He killed my Metal Element Divine Avatar and completely cut off my path to Godhood. I and him are absolutely irreconcilable, irreconcilable!”

“Boy, it’s you!”

The black Dragon Race Demi-God, one of the 7 Demi-Gods, is an acquaintance Elder Sanir. He stared at Monray, his eyes full of incredible color.

“In just a few days, you broke through Demi-God Realm and killed Old Ancestor’s Metal Element Divine Avatar?”

“I haven’t seen you in 3 days, please take a look!”

Monray faintly smiled: “Elder Sanir, for the sake of our acquaintance, I don’t need to do it with you!”

“There are other Demi-Gods. My goal is only Goblen. It has nothing to do with you…”

“Little thief, what are you!”

A Green Dragon Demi-God with green hair and a snake stick said in a cold voice: “It has nothing to do with us? Do you think you can leave Dragon Island alive today?”

“It’s so stupid and arrogant to dare to kill here!”

“Brat, since you’re here, don’t leave, Dragon Island is your land of burial!”

“After I kill you, I will grind your body into bait and sprinkle it on the sea!”

“Dare to kill Dragon Island. If we don’t put our Dragon Island Demi-God in our eyes, how can we tolerate you?”

Dragon Race Demi-God spoke up one after another, murderous intention rolled, Emlyn couldn’t help but sighed when she saw it. She knew that the matter could not be undone.

“Since you courting death, then no wonder I!”

Monray shook his head slightly: “Just right, this Dragon Island has pleasant scenery and clear laws, so it is very suitable for your land of burial!”

“impudent !”



“Little thief, take your life!”

Green Dragon Demi-God coldly snorted, waving a snake stick in his hand: “Divine Spell: Concealed Snake Hand!”

Tone barely fell, his green hair soared into the sky and turned into countless green poisonous snakes, biting towards Monray!

Every poisonous snake is extremely poisonous, even if an ordinary Demi-God is bitten, it will poison and die, turning into thick water to die, and it is extremely poisonous!

“That’s it?”

Monray shook his head and smiled, quietly disappearing in place, and the green poisonous snake jumped into the air.

“Hide away?”

Green Dragon Demi-God complexion slightly changed!

“Elder Horace, be careful, this rebel is very fast…”

Goblen quickly reminded, but it was a pity that it was a step late!

Hearing a scream, I saw Green Dragon Elder falling into the sea like a cannonball out of its chamber!

And Monray, the top secret appeared in the position where Green Dragon Demi-God was standing!

“Everyone, why are you guys?”

Monray looked at the Dragon Race Demi-Gods who were close at hand: “If you don’t do a good living dragon, you have to be a dead dragon. Do you have shit in your head?”

After that, Monray disappeared again!

When he reappeared, he actually came to the surface of the sea. At this time, Green Dragon Demi-God just hit it straight, Monray took out the God Killing Spear and picked it casually!

“puchi -“

In the stern Dragon’s roar, God Killing Spear instantly penetrated the Green Dragon Demi-God’s throat, and a cavity of dragon’s blood was thrown, staining the sea below.

“oh la la ——”

Green Dragon Demi-God was killed on the spot and turned into a true body. It turned out to be a 500 zhang-long Dragon King-level Green Dragon with green dragon scales!

“Elder Horace!!!”

“No !!!!”

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