You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

There are dozens of pillars around the ring, with people sitting on top of each pillar.

Sitting on one of the pillars is a middle-aged Titan wearing golden armor and holding a golden scepter with a majestic face!

There is a faint thunderbolt gleam in his eyes, his muscles are bulging like rocks, and each blood vessel is as thick as twine!




He is the Ruler of the Titan Empire, the ruler of the Titan plateau, and the Emperor Lightning Titan, one of the Firmament Continent Four Great Sovereigns!

On the left of the Lightning Titan, sits a sexy and beautiful and alluring woman Titan. Her pectoral muscles are bigger than a taxi, and her long legs are longer than poplars. She is Titan Empress!

On the right of the Lightning Titan, there is a skinny, white-haired elderly Titan. He leaned on a cane, trembling, about to decay and lose his teeth.

“Lord Priest, how about this boy?”

The Emperor Lightning Titan pointed to the Azure Frost King Barham on the ring and asked with a smile.

“Nice Little Brat!”

Temple Priest’s face was applauded, and his voice was a little hoarse: “At the age of 21, I went straight to Sacred Territory Peak, better than all Divine Children before, and regarded as Firmament Continent History Number One Person!”

“History Number One Person…”

The Emperor Lightning Titan’s expression was a little unnatural: “If there weren’t that guy, Barham would indeed be called the Number One Person of Continent’s history!”

“That guy?”

Temple Priest has some doubts: “Your Majesty, is there any other 3 Great Empire Little Brat better than Barham?”

“Lord Priest, you stay in the temple all year round, and you rarely pay attention to world affairs. You don’t know that the Dragon God Empire in the East has recently released a Monster!”

Lightning Titan Emperor faintly said: “Step into Demi-God Realm at the age of 16, punish the Emperor of the Dragon God Empire, destroy the Dragon Island Demi-God, steal the Dragon God Empire, and be called a peerless monster!”

“There is this and the others?”

Temple Priest startled, and the old face was shocked: “How can ordinary geniuses have such monsters? Are these freaks afraid that Evil God is not reincarnated?”

“This person is vicious and lawless, completely crazy and ridiculous, and acts 10000 times more evil than the devil and devil of Hell Abyss!”

The Lightning Titan hummed angrily: “Except for the reincarnation of Evil God, there is no other possibility!”

“Evil God reincarnated…”

The old priest’s brow furrowed deeply: “If this is the case, Continent might not be calm again!”

“So this Sovereign would like to ask Lord Priest, can the great Titan Giant God be brought down by Oracle and give some instructions?” asked the Lightning Titan Emperor.

To be honest, what Monray did in Dragon God Empire really scared Titan Sovereign!

Monray even killed the Dragon Sovereign, and the Dragon Island Demi-God was slaughtered. What else can’t you do?

10000 Once he runs to Titan Empire, who can stop him?

As the Ruler of Titan Empire, Titan Sovereign has to consider this issue!

“Giant God hasn’t dropped any Oracles recently, but Your Majesty don’t have to worry too much, Dragon God Empire is Dragon God Empire!”

The old priest’s eyes gleamed: “I, Titan Empire, I am Titan Empire. If Monster dares to come, he will be told to fold his halberd and sink into the sand.

“With Lord Priest’s words, this Sovereign is worry-free!”

The Lightning Titan Emperor is slightly relaxed, and like Dragon God Empire, their Titan Empire’s Demi-God powerhouse is secluded in the Titan Temple.

But there are a few Demi-Gods in the temple. What is the strength of the Demi-God? To be honest, the Lightning Titan Emperor is really not very clear!

Over the past 2 years, the great Giant God has attracted Divine Child and genius to the point of madness, even Demi-God has not let go!

Therefore, there are still a few Demi-God oversees left in the Titan Temple, and the Lightning Titan has no bottom. Therefore, he is really afraid of Monray calling!

Well now, with the guarantee of Temple Priest, Titan Sovereign can rest assured!

“Next, please have the last challenger!” The host’s voice sounded.

“shua ——”

A flash of lightning fell on the ring, and a silhouette appeared. It was a strong Titan who was 30 zhang tall and surrounded by lightning!

“His Royal Highness Bosele!”

“His Royal Highness Bosele!”

“His Royal Highness Bosele!”

The onlookers burst into cheers, shouting the names of the people who came, they are all supporters of the Imperial Prince Bosele!


Bosele looked at Frost Titan coldly: “I will give you half an hour to rest. After you regain your strength, you can adjust to your best condition and fight again!”


Barham faintly smiled: “Imperial Prince Bosele, please do it!”

“This is what you are looking for!”

Bosele blatantly launched an attack.


2 huge monsters collide together instantly!

No fancy moves!

There is no gorgeous magic!

Some are just simple and direct force collisions!




Fist to the meat!

Simple and rude!

“Barbus, who do you think will win?” Monray asked with a smile.

“Looking at the strength of the body, Little Brat from Lightning Titan is much stronger. If nothing happens, he will win!” Barbus commented.

“What do you think?”

Monray looked towards Klaus 3 people again.

“My thinking is similar to Barbus!”

“Lightning Titan is slightly better!”

Klaus and Nagya agree with Barbus!

“What do you think, Cesia?”

Monray looked towards Saisia ​​again!

“Master, I don’t refute Barbus’s evaluation, but I always feel that this Frost Titan is a bit wrong!”

Lightning Queen Cesia brows slightly wrinkle: “Obviously it is a genuine Frost Titan from Bloodline, but I always feel…it can’t be said, it’s weird anyway!”

“Do you feel it too?”

Monray approves slightly.

“Is it wrong?”

Barbus was a little surprised, staring straight at Frost Titan, suddenly staring, cry out in surprise in a low voice: “Demon World’s aura! This Little Brat will also have Demon World’s aura?”

“Aura of Demon World?”

Klaus and Nagya were amazed!

“To be precise, it is the aura of Fallen Demon Race, although very weak!”

Monray smiled and looked towards Barbus: “If you guessed right, this guy should be just like you… also fallen!”

“Hehe! Didn’t expect that after me, there will be a pure-blooded Titan depravity, which is really pleasant!” Barbus take pleasure in other people’s misfortune: “If this brat is selected as the Divine Child, there will be some!”

“It’s not necessarily!”

Monray faintly smiled.

“not necessarily?”

The fierce battle on the ring continued. As time went on, Bosele, who had a stronger body, gradually gained the upper hand and began to fight Barham!

Moreover, as the battle continues, the advantage becomes more and more obvious. If this continues, the victory will definitely belong to the Titan Sovereign son Bosele!

“Your Majesty, Imperial Son is going to win!”

Titan Empress smiled.

“This brat finally didn’t shame the Imperial Family!”

The Emperor Lightning Titan also looks relieved, as long as he wins this battle, his son Bosele will become a new generation of Divine Child!

Not only is his father’s face bright, but his son will also receive the blessing of Giant God, and within 100 years he will become Demi-God!

This is a great glory!

It is a symbol of strength!

“His Royal Highness is an extraordinary man!”

Just when everyone thought that the Imperial Prince Bosele was about to win, Barham, who had been crushed by Bosele, suddenly broke out!

He changed his previous slump and showed incomparable violent power, and instantly severely injured Bosele and reversed the situation!


“How can this be?”

“What the hell?”

The onlookers were a little confused!

“Your Majesty, this…”

Titan Empress, Lightning Titan Emperor looked at each other in blank dismay, they are all incredible.

Only the old priest of the old temple suddenly eyes shrank, and a ray of sharpness flashes under his eyes!


Barham showed an extremely strong posture, and he made several heavy punches, directly blasting the bewildered Bosele out of the ring, and won!


The host was a little completely unprepared, and didn’t react until Barham came over: “Bar…Barham wins!”

“you lose!”

Barham glanced at Bosele, then walked to the pillar, bowed and said, “I have seen Your Majesty, Empress, Lord Priest!”

A smile barely appeared on the Lightning Titan’s face: “Barham from Frost Kingdom, congratulations on your victory in this matchup!”

“Your Majesty overpraised!”

Barham bowed slightly!

“Lord Priest, Divine Child selected, it can be announced!” Lightning Titan Emperor looked towards Temple Priest, sighed said.

“Your Majesty don’t be impatient!”

Temple Priest stood up tremblingly, and looked down at Barham on the ring from a high level. Suddenly sharp eyes burst out of the old muddy eyes!


“Priest Lord!”

Barham bowed quickly.

“Answer me, as a Frost Titan, why do you have Demon’s Aura on you?” The old priest’s eyes were sharp and he asked harshly!


As soon as this statement was made, the audience was in an uproar!

The Lightning Titan stood up in shock, looked at Temple Priest, and looked towards Barham again, thinking he had heard it wrong!

“Sacrifice… Lord Priest, what do you mean? I don’t understand!”

Barham’s body was shocked, but expressionless, there was no ripple in sight!

“Old fogey, although I am dim-sighted from old age, I have not yet reached the point where I am blind and invisible!”

The old priest’s tongue was thundering: “Did you take refuge in Demon and completely degenerate?”

“Refuge in Demon?”

Everyone understood this time, and they looked towards Barham, “Barham has fallen? How is this possible? Is it a mistake?”

“Lord Priest, wronged!” Barham continued: “I hope Lord the priest will observe!”

“Hmph! Dare to quibble!”

The old priest was coldly snorted, suddenly raised his old palm and slapped it.

The power of this palm is extremely amazing, reaching the level of Demi-God. If this is hit, Barham of Sacred Territory Peak will not be shot to pieces?


Barham eye socket cracked, and suddenly a very strong black energy erupted. The aura on his body soared to the Sacred Territory Limit, and he punched him up.

“ka-cha -“

Fists and palms collided, like thunder and explosion, Barham flew out with a scream, and the giant palm photographed out of thin air also instantly turned into powder!

“Good… good evil aura!”

Although Barham was miserable at this time, with blood on the corners of his mouth, and aura languishing, the evil blackness all over him was like billowing black smoke!


“Barham has really fallen!”

Everyone’s complexion changed dramatically, and they backed away!

“Barham, what can you say?”

The old priest hit the pillar heavily with his cane, and yelled angrily: “As a descendant of Titan God Race, you are so willing to fall and defile the noble Titan Bloodline, and take refuge in Demon? You damn!”

“Since you found out, what else is there to say!” Barham coldly snorted: “If you want to kill, kill, why bother to talk nonsense?”

“Okay! Then die!”

The old priest was coldly snorted, and another palm was taken in the air. The power of this palm was more than ten times and 100 times more terrifying than the previous palm?

“It’s over!”

Barham closed his eyes in despair!

“Hahaha, Old Priest Heiman, not seen in 10000 years, your temper is still so hot!”

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