You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Monray rose into the sky, came to the same height as the old priest, and looked at the old priest calmly!

The old priest also looked at him, with 4 eyes facing each other, bursting out fierce sparks!

The onlookers held their breath, and their breathing was about to stop. At this moment, someone had guessed Monray’s identity!

From Dragon God Empire!

Also known as Monster!

Besides the one in the rumors, who else is there?

“The great Titan Giant God is here! He is the Monster of Dragon God Empire?”

“It looks so young!”

“At the age of 16, he has such strength. I really don’t know how he trains?”

The onlookers are boiling!

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree!

The name Monray is definitely the most sensational Continent name recently!

Kill the Emperor Dragon God Empire.

Slaughter civil and military ministers.

Kill more than 1000 Sacred Territory.

Kill the Dragon Island Demi-God.

Any one of them was shocking enough, but Monray…all did it!

He slaughtered the top of Dragon God Empire, it was shocking and unimaginable!

At this moment, such a fierce man is standing in front of him, who can take it lightly?

“What did he come to our Titan Empire for? Is it going to destroy our Titan Empire? Isn’t it too completely crazy and ridiculous?”

“Didn’t you hear it, he came to ask for Chimera Race…”

People whispered, discuss spiritedly.

At this moment, Monray spoke: “old man, when I first stepped into Dragon Island, the group of Dragon Island Demi-Gods were as strong as you, but the end result is that they are buried in Dragon Island forever!”

The old priest’s voice was thunderous: “Junior, this is Titan Empire, not Dragon God Empire, and old fogey is not Dragon Island Demi-God!”

“The end result is the same!”

Monray shook his head slightly: “old priest, since you are an old man, I will let you take action first, lest anyone say I bully the old man!”

“Bold !!!!”

The old priest glared at him and blasted a punch, and Monray greeted him with a punch.

“ka-cha -“

2 Fists collided like thunder on a dry land!

The violent shock wave swept away, and the Lightning Titan Emperor and the beautiful and alluring Titan Empress on the pillar were directly lifted out!


“Get out of here!”

“It’s not something we can stay here!”

Lightning Titan Emperor lose one’s head out of fear, pull the Titan Empress and dash away, for fear that the escape will be slow and the pond fish will be affected!

The onlookers also fled away. They can watch the Battle of Demi-God, but they can never get so close!

Otherwise, death is in vain!

“Brat, what are you doing in a daze?” Barbus kicked Barham, foul-mouthed: “I’m not leaving yet, waiting for courting death?”

“Yes, Lord!”

Barham reacted, murmured his thanks, and left quickly.

“Now the youngster …”

Barbus shook his brain and looked at the two figures in the sky. His eyes became serious. Master, can he win the old priest?

To be honest, he has no bottom…

“Come back!”

After the punch, the blood on Monray began to boil, and he took the initiative to attack.

God Killing Spear is useless!

It’s no use Hammer of Destruction!

Useless Scarlet Scimitar!

Divine Ability is not used!

Only simple and rude fists!




The two figures kept colliding and separating. All of a sudden, the sky was shattered, and one after another black Space Crack appeared!

And 2 people wandering in Space Crack, the space wind is raging, and the sharp Space Crack cuts on 2 people, and the scalp of the onlookers is tingling!

If they were replaced by them, they would have been torn to pieces by Space Crack, but Monray and the old priest completely ignored the raging Space Crack.

“Is this Demi-God?”

The onlookers were shocked!

“Boom ~ boom ~ ——”

After a fierce collision, neither of the two of them had anything to do with each other, and they were evenly divided!

“Is the old priest so strong?”

“I know that old priest very difficult to deal with, didn’t expect so powerful!”

“Yes! When my grandfather’s grandfather’s grandfather was very young, the old priest acted as the Temple Priest. Is he extraordinary?”

The power displayed by the old priest made the onlookers feel incredible. They only knew that the old priest was the Temple Priest a long time ago. As for how powerful it is, nobody really knows.

Now that the old priest is so fierce, people are shocked. There is a feeling of seeing the sweeping monk stepping on North Qiaofeng and punching Nan Murong!


There was another fierce collision, and the two suddenly stopped and looked at each other!

Monray robe hunting, serene, old priest expressionless, aura stable.

“Old man, you are strong!”

Monray admired: “It’s really much better than the many Demi-Gods in Dragon Island. They are in my hands, and I can’t even go one round!”

“It’s really commendable that the youngster can have your strength!”

The old priest’s voice was cold and cold: “Finally, I advise you, Titan Empire is not a place where you can go wild, leave quickly, so as not to get a bad nose!”

“Leave? You Titan Empire has hacked my things, and your attitude is so tough. If I leave like this, where can I put my face?”

Monray shook his head slightly: “old priest, I also advise you to hand over the wealth of Chimera Race, I can be as if nothing happened!”

“If not, irreconcilable!”

“Junior, you are too arrogant!”

The old priest loudly shouted: “Just now the old fogey subordinate is merciless. Since you don’t know how to promote, don’t blame old fogey vicious and merciless!”

“What a coincidence? I’m staying too!”

Monray faintly smiled!

“Then see the real chapter under your hand!”

The old man was coldly snorted, golden lightning burst out all over his body, and his black hair suddenly exploded. Aura was like a chicken blood, and it started to soar!


The old man turned into a golden lightning bolt and appeared in front of Monray instantly, carrying the golden thunderbolt on his fist, and crashed!

this fist speed to the pinnacle, more than several times faster than before?

But the weird thing is that it actually fell through, Monray disappeared, disappeared under the nose!


The old priest was surprised and heard Monray’s voice behind him: “old man, forgot to tell you, my strongest is never the body!”

The old priest was coldly snorted, turning around and slamming a fist behind him, unexpectedly he failed again!

“Too slow, old man!”

Monray appeared on the left side strangely again, with a heavy black hammer in his hand. It was Divine Artifact-Hammer of Destruction!

“ka-cha -“

Monray picked up the Hammer of Destruction and hit the old priest’s chin with a hammer. The ka-cha made a crisp sound, and the old priest flew upside down instantly!

Monray followed like a shadow, quietly appeared behind the old priest, and the second hammer blasted out and hit the back of the old priest’s head!

“ka-cha -“

The back of the old priest’s head instantly opened, and blood shot out like a fountain. The poor old man didn’t even scream and was killed on the spot!

“Go down, old bastard!”

Monray appeared above and stepped on it!


The old priest turned into a meteorite, knocked the square directly out of a big hole, embedded it deeply, and then it became motionless!

“What’s the… old priest?”

“Lost? Or dead…dead?”

There was a hint of coolness behind the spectators in the distance, some could not accept this result!

Especially the Emperor Lightning Titan, who had high hopes for the old priest, almost collapsed!

Isn’t it fair to win?

How did you get killed in a flash?

Have you made a mistake?

Titan Sovereign panicked a bit, a lesson from the past, a lesson from the future, Monray’s murder in Dragon God Empire is vivid, and the smell of blood has not disappeared!

The ghost knows that he will be completely crazy and ridiculous, and he will also come out on Titan Empire?

“What to do? What should I do now?”

The Lightning Titan suddenly looked towards Earth Titan, and he wanted to strangle him: “This damn Johannes, killed this Sovereign!”

At this moment, Monray suddenly looked over, his eyes real.

The Lightning Titan suddenly stiffened, and barely showed a smile that was uglier than crying.

Unexpectedly, Monray didn’t look at him at all, but looked towards the Earth Titan not far from him.

The Emperor Lightning Titan couldn’t help but relax, and saw Monray volley catch, catch the Earth Titan volley!

“What are you doing? Let go of me! Let go of me!” Earth Titan struggled desperately!

“What are you doing? You don’t know how to force it?”

Monray’s face was indifferent: “Hand over the wealth of Chimera Race, I can keep you a dog, otherwise, the old man will be your end!”


Earth Titan couldn’t help but glanced at the old priest, and he was so scared that the old priest was struck to death by a hammer. He…

“Say! I say!”

Earth Titan trembled and said, “The wealth of Chimera Race is hidden by me in the treasure house of Earth Pillar Kingdom. If Lord wants it, I can get it for Lord now!”

“No! I will take it myself!”

Monray threw the Hammer of Destruction casually and directly smashed the head of the Earth Titan.

Earth Titan’s anger was wide open, and he did not squint at all. He obviously surrendered the wealth of Chimera Race, why does Monray still want to kill him?

“You’re not a dog, where did you die?”

Monray looked towards Fire Dragon Klaus: “Klaus, go to Earth Pillar Kingdom and bring back the wealth of Chimera Race. Of course, take a look at the treasure house of Earth Pillar Kingdom!”

“Yes, Master!”

Klaus bowed to take his command, then dived into the disappeared sea of ​​clouds.

“Everything goes well!”

Monray uttered a word, and caught the Lightning Titan again. The Lightning Titan was so scared that he almost urinated.

“Titan Sovereign, let’s talk about it, how to solve today’s matter?” Monray said indifferently!

“But… but at Lord’s orders!”

The Lightning Titan trembled all over.

“This is the attitude to solve the problem, and it is much clearer than the old fogey just now!”

Monray is very satisfied with Titan Sovereign’s attitude.

Laozi understands the truth?

Is Laozi afraid of being killed by you?

Lightning Titan’s MMP in his heart, smiled hehe on his face: “Lord has any requirements, please do not hesitate to order, this Sovereign will definitely satisfy you!”

“My request is very simple…”

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a terrifying divine might suddenly sprayed out of the Titan Temple and swept all directions in an instant.

Then the second share, the third share, the fourth share, the fifth share, the sixth share…

No more, no less, 17 shares in total!

“Thief, you damn it!!!”

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