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“Erase it together? Just rely on your little native Demi-God? It’s just a big laugh!”

Hearing Monray’s words, the giant Sheep-Lion seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world, laughed heartily, and laughed forward and backward.

“Humble bugs, I cross the Demon World, and control the life and death of 10000 100000000 lives. A bug like you is only good for my snack, you know?”

“is it?”

Monray’s voice was indifferent: “Then show your fangs and let me see if they are that sharp!”

“Want to die? I will make you perfect!”

The giant Sheep-Lion let out a low growl, and the demonic energy on his body rolled, turning into a huge scarlet sharp claw and grabbing towards Monray. The speed was extremely fast, and it was almost instant!

“such insignificant ability !”

Monray instantly disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, it was strange to Tackray.

“You Golden Dragon Lion Race sacrificed 1000000 creatures and killed 110000 young children. The sin is unforgivable!”

Monray expressionless, his voice was sharp: “Today, I will wipe this sinful family from the world to comfort those innocent souls!”

“The first one, start with you!”

“shua ——”

A golden light flashed by, and Tackray’s right arm rose into the sky. The scarlet blood was like a fountain, dyeing the sky and the ground red!

“shua ——”

Another golden light flashed, Tackray’s left arm also flew into the sky, severe pain came, Tackray issued mournful scream!

“Be bold!”

Seeing Monray slaying Tackray in front of her, the giant Sheep-Lion felt her dignity was insulted, she couldn’t help but hair stands up in anger and roared to the sky.


The billowing sound wave spread out, and the surrounding void seemed to be papery, breaking apart every inch and turning into a black hole.

Monray bears the brunt of the storm, and was blasted out by the violent sound waves. Barbus, Klaus and the others also vomit blood and fly upside down!

As for the surrounding Golden Clan members, they were even more unbearable. The close ones exploded into blood mist, the far away blood spurted wildly, and they were seriously injured.

“The power of a roar is as good as Si?”

Monray strongly suppressed the tumbling blood: “It is worthy of the Demon World Demon King comparable to True God!”

Even so, Monray is extremely excited. This is his first time playing against other powerhouses at True God Level. How can he not be excited?

“The space of the Low Level Plane is really fragile, you can smashing void with just a yell!”

The giant Sheep-Lion turned his neck and made a crisp sound of ka beng ka beng: “There is also gravity, which is much lower than Demon World. I don’t know how fast I can reach here?”

“Old Ancestor, kill him! Kill him!”

Tackray’s arms were chopped off, and he hated Monray to death, and roared directly.

“Relax! He won’t live for a few seconds!”

The giant Sheep-Lion faintly smiled instantly disappeared in place, and when it reappeared, it had already reached Monray, shaped like a ghost, fast as lightning!

“Small insect, I swallowed you!”

The giant Sheep-Lion opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and the smelly aura assaults the senses, swallowing Monray in one bite.

“xiu – ”

Monray shook his body, Teleportation to the back of the giant Sheep-Lion, a bloody scythe suddenly appeared in his hand, it was Death God Scythe!

“Eat me? It depends on whether your teeth are sharp enough!”

Monray waved Death God Scythe, only to hear whoosh sound, Death God Scythe stroked the back of the giant Sheep-Lion and made a deep crack.


The giant Sheep-Lion screamed, suddenly both shocked and angry, but when it saw the Death God Scythe in Monray’s hands, there was a look of horror in its eyes: “Death…Death God Scythe?”

“Guess it! I’ll reward you with another knife!”

Monray barked his teeth, teleported to the abdomen of the giant Sheep-Lion, and cut it down again.

“puchi -“

This blade is almost completely damaged, because it hasn’t been cut elsewhere, but it has been cut on the huge lifeblood of the giant Sheep-Lion.

A blood light flashed by, and the huge treasure was cut off!


The huge pain invaded the nerves, the giant Sheep-Lion let out a heart-piercing scream, the pain was jumping and jumping, and the smelly black blood was splashing everywhere…


At this time, the cut treasure son landed on the ground with a muffled noise, and everyone’s eyes almost came out!

“This is this…”

“This is that…then what?”

“Insect! Damn insect! You…”

The giant Sheep-Lion also found out that the treasure that he inherited from the ancestry was gone, and he almost lost his breath!

The hatred in my heart, even if the water of 3 rivers and 5 lakes is exhausted, it can’t be washed shua!

“I want you to die! I want you to die!”

The giant Sheep-Lion gushes out of overflowing Heavenly Demon Qi, the demonic might of grandiose is like an erupting volcano, instantly sweeping all directions, and it can erupt with a shocking blow at any time!


However, Monray did not give a chance at all. Teleportation to the giant Sheep-Lion, holding Death God Scythe, aiming at the giant Sheep-Lion’s neck fiercely and cutting it down!

“puchi -“

Death God Scythe is so sharp, without any hindrance, it crossed the giant Sheep-Lion’s neck!

In an instant, a blood line 2 meters deep appeared on the neck. The blood sprayed down like a waterfall that broke the embankment and stained the square.


The giant Sheep-Lion screamed again. The demonic might that had just been accumulated was wiped out in an instant, but its neck was too thick and could not be cut.

“This scythe… so sharp!”

Barbus and Klaus 4 people were shocked, the giant Sheep-Lion obviously surpassed the Demi-God level and reached the True God Level!

True God!

What a powerful existence is this?

Moreover, Demon Race is generally powerful with Demon Body, and the giant Sheep-Lion is True God. Its Demon Body is definitely stronger, but it is easily cut off by Scarlet scythe!

How sharp should Scarlet Scythe be?

“Master’s Divine Artifact is too much!”

Klaus couldn’t help feeling that everyone in Barbus 3 was nodded and felt the same.

God Killing Spear, Hammer of Destruction, Scarlet Scimitar, and now this Scarlet Scythe, these are 4 Divine Artifacts, I envy you!

“Old Ancestor… is not an opponent!”

Tackray stood there blankly with cold hands and feet. He thought that summon would come out of the Old Ancestor of True God Level. Dealing with Monray is this not just reaching over to snatch away the grain?

It turned out to be such a situation. Instead of killing Monray, he was completely abused by Monray!

“Why is this?”

Tackray is like falling into Abyss: “He is just a 16-year-old newcomer Demi-God, why is he so strong? Why is that?”

“Demon from Demon World, Firmament Continent is not where you should be!”

Monray stepped on the void, holding the scarlet scythe, like Death God descending on Human World: “Today, I will send you back to Demon World!”

The giant Sheep-Lion heard that he had to split his liver and gallbladder, and he had to build a space channel to return to Demon World. However, Monray was faster than it, and the bloody scythe instantly passed through his throat!

“puchi -“

The arteries were cut and the blood rushed. The giant Sheep-Lion’s eyes widened in an instant, and the complex colors of unwillingness, hatred, and incredible flashed in his eyes!

“My dignified Demon King actually died in the hands of a native Demi-God in the Low Level Plane?”


The divine light in the eyes of the giant Sheep-Lion gradually dissipated, and the huge body crashed down.

At this time, a Divine Spark with black divine glow flew out of the head of the giant Sheep-Lion, moved towards the distance and shot away.

“Want to escape?”

Monray sneered, disappeared instantly, and in the next second, he grabbed the black Divine Spark directly in his hand.

“Human, let me go!”

The crazy roar of the giant Sheep-Lion came from the Divine Spark. This is the Divine Soul fluctuation.

“Since you’re here, don’t go!”

Monray faintly smiled and sent Divine Spark to Tower of Time: “Dodora, help me deal with this Divine Spark!”

“Where did you get Divine Spark?”

Dodora has some doubts.

“Just beheaded a Demon!”

Monray replied truthfully.

“This is the Demon King Divine Spark of True God Level. You killed it?” Dodora was incredulous.

“I used Death God Scythe!”


Dodora stopped talking and said for a moment: “It’s better for you to use Death God Scythe sparingly, that stuff is too evil!”

“Evil? I feel very useful!”

Monray hit a haha ​​and landed on the ground: “Tackray!”


Tackray was terrified, his calf began to tremble, and the eyes looking towards Monray were full of horror!

“The last time you killed your Avatar, I knew you still had Avatar alive! So, I came, but didn’t expect you to be so cruel!”

Monray’s voice was calm: “Sacrifice 1000000 people, just for the Demon of summon! In order to please it, we searched for 1010000 young children as its food!”

“Completely crazy and ridiculous to Sri Lanka, it is inferior to a beast, heavens cannot tolerate, it is outrageous!”

“Lord, spare!”

Tackray putong fell on his knees and begged for mercy: “I am willing to acknowledge allegiance!”

“Acknowledge allegiance? If I spare you, who spares 1000000 creatures and 1010000 children?”

Monray’s face was indifferent: “Barbus, Klaus, Nagya, Cesia!”


Four people hurriedly bowed.

“Go! Let this sinful family disappear from Firmament Continent!” Monray said indifferently: “Whether men, women or children, leave no one!”

“Yes, Master!”

The 4 people took their orders and left. For a time, the screams came and went, and the smell of blood rose to the sky…

“As for you…”

Monray looked at Tackray: “Don’t you like to deal with Demon? I will fulfill you!”

Monray communicated with Demon World. Summon produced 10000 Demons, including Flame Demon Lord Gabriel, who was just overtaken.

“My great Master, what do you command?” Flame Demon Lord, as the strongest Demon among them, bowed for instructions!

“Eat him!”

Monray pointed to Tackray and said indifferently: “Remember, don’t let him die too happy!”

“Master is assured, I have a few in my heart!”

Flame Demon Lord licked his lips, looking at Tackray, who was already shaking like chaff, a bloodthirsty color flashed in his eyes.

As Demon, it likes delicious human flesh the most, and it is also Demi-God’s flesh.

“Then I won’t disturb you!”

Monray turned and left the square, moving towards the treasure house of Golden Dragon Lion Race.

“Little ones, you have good food!”

“Don’t grab it! Don’t worry! One by one, one bite! No one bites too much!”

Flame Demon Lord yelled: “If anyone dares to bite more, watch Laozi not tear it!”

“Yes, Flame Demon Lord Lord!”

“Don’t come! Don’t come… Ahhh!”

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