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After the rounds of bombing, Monray did nothing but God of Magic Beasts broke down first: “You…what monster are you?”

Monray didn’t answer, looking at God of Magic Beasts and said: “Wind, Fire, Lightning and Metal, it seems I guessed right, you really have 4 Divine Avatars!”

“What is it?”

God of Magic Beasts coldly said.

“With normal training, you are basically impossible to have such a strength. If I guess right, you not only got 4 Lower Divine Sparks, but also a treasure capable of strengthening Divine Soul!”

Monray indifferently said: “Am I right?”

It is easy to merge Divine Spark to become a god, but to split Divine Soul, training Divine Avatar is difficult!

To divide the soul, Divine Soul must be strong enough. A powerful Divine Soul is the prerequisite for dividing Divine Soul!

Therefore, it is easy to become a Lower God, but it is difficult to become an Intermediate God. An Intermediate God with 4 or even 5 Divine Avatars is even more difficult!

Divine Soul split!

The damage to Divine Soul is too great!

It can be seen from this that God of Magic Beasts definitely got the treasure of strengthening Divine Soul. Only in less than 10000 years can God of Magic Beasts split into 4 Divine Avatars and become Intermediate God!

God of Magic Beasts stared at Monray coldly, neither acknowledging nor denying it, it was a tacit consent.

“The chance is against the sky, I am a little envious!” Monray shook his head slightly: “Finally, I will give you a chance, acknowledge allegiance, or die!”

“This King is God of Magic Beasts, how can you acknowledge allegiance you are a Human!” God of Magic Beasts said in a low voice: “How strong are you, don’t want this King to acknowledge allegiance!”

“Why is it always like this?”

Monray shook his head slightly, and dozens of vines sprang out of his body, lasing towards God of Magic Beasts.

“Hmph! This King won’t play with you anymore!”

God of Magic Beasts coldly snorted, his head sank into the pool and left directly, Monray faintly smiled when he saw it, “I want to slip now? Too naive!”

“Planar Power…suppression!”


A surging Planar Power spewed out, pressing on God of Magic Beasts instantly, forcing it out of the water.

“oh la la ——”

The true face of God of Magic Beasts immediately appeared in front of people. It turned out that it was a head with a snake, but a dragon body with a dragon body.

“Xiū xiū xiū ——”

The vine took advantage of the trend and entangled God of Magic Beasts into rice dumplings. The God of Magic Beasts roared and struggled frantically, but under the dual suppression of Planar Power and the vine, the power of its Intermediate God could not escape.

“It’s useless!”

Monray shook his head: “Apart from Planar Power, the power of a vine alone is not something you can break away!”

“Human, what do you want?”

God of Magic Beasts stared at Monray.

“Do you know who I am?”

Monray doesn’t answer any questions.

“who are you?”

God of Magic Beasts asked in a low voice.

“I am the Plane Lord!”

Monray indifferently said: “Whether it is Firmament Continent, Radiant Continent, or your God and Demon Continent, or the boundless deep sea, it is my territory! Do you think it is possible to establish an independent kingdom in my territory?”

“Plane Lord!!!”

God of Magic Beasts said with a sneer: “You lied! The Plane Lord of this Plane is Elf Goddess. She refining Plane Core became the Plane Lord 200,000 years ago!”

“Love Believing or Not, you are dying anyway!”

Monray was too lazy to explain, and launched Life Absorption to absorb the Life Essence of God of Magic Beasts.

“Your Divine Body is very powerful. It absorbs the Life Essence of your whole body. My Divine Body will definitely be able to break through Peak Intermediate God!”


Under Monray’s madness, the life force of God of Magic Beasts is like a flood moving towards Monray, which rushes towards Monray. The feeling of warm envelops the whole body and is more comfortable than hot springs.

At the same time, the cells of Monray’s whole body are like hungry wolves who have been hungry for more than half a year, devouring the life force that has poured into the body within the body.

This is the purest Life Essence, which is most helpful for the improvement of the body. Most people have limited “appetite” and will stop absorbing it to a certain extent!

But Monray is different!

He awakened the Immemorial Human Bloodline, and also integrated Godeater Rat Bloodline, Netherworld Divine Phoenix Bloodline, Hundred Arms Giant Bloodline, Ancient Life Tree Bloodline!

So many bloodlines are not for dry food, they need to grow, and growth requires heavenly materials, earthly treasures and massive Life Essence as nourishment!

Therefore, Monray’s “appetite” is very scary, and as they continue to absorb, these bloodlines have also begun to absorb and grow crazy.

They grow, and as a result, Monray’s body begins to improve.



Crazy improvement!

The feeling of body lifting is really wonderful. Monray was immersed in this wonderful improvement and almost hummed comfortably.

The opposite of Monray is God of Magic Beasts. It feels that its life force is starting to lose crazily, and its strength is rapidly declining.

This feeling scared it, and made it surprised and angry. It knew that if it continued to flow at this speed, it would die, and it would definitely die!

“God of Magic Beasts, don’t you still have 3 Divine Avatars? Why don’t you call them out?” Monray lightly said with a smile: “They shot, maybe they can save your life!”

3 Divine Avatars?

Laozi yes yes, but they are not in this Plane, how can they be summoned?

At this moment, God of Magic Beasts knows deeply that it has reached the critical moment of life and death. If you don’t work hard, it will definitely die!

God of Magic Beasts screamed frantically: “Yellow golden branch…kill me!”


Suddenly a golden vine shot out from the tumbling pool, like a golden cobra, rushing out of the pool and shooting directly at Monray.

“Xiū xiū xiū ——”

Fast as lightning!

Do not!

Speed ​​can no longer be used to describe it!

Monray didn’t even have time to use the vine shield, so the lightning-fast golden vine pierced his belly and pierced it through.


Monray spurt a mouthful of blood, unbelievably looked towards the golden vine that pierced the belly, what Divine Artifact is this, it is so sharp?


Dodora’s voice rang in her ears: “Are you okay?”

“I can’t die!”

Monray slowly said, “Dodora, do you know this golden vine?”

“I don’t know! However, it looks a bit like the branches of the Golden Apple Tree, but aura is not right!”

Dodora shook his head: “You brat be careful, this earthly python is wicked everywhere, unlike the ordinary Intermediate God!”

“I know!”

Monray silently nodded, dark elementalization of the body, and then recondensed and formed not far away: “didn’t expect you to have such a Divine Artifact!”

“Human! You are not dead!”

Seeing the appearance of Monray lively dragon and animated tiger not far away, God of Magic Beasts almost vomited blood.

The trump card method just failed to kill Monray!

This fate is too hard!

“You can’t kill me!”

Monray waved his hand and a Trident appeared in his hand: “However, to prevent accidents, I decided to kill you immediately!”

“Human, you dare!”

God of Magic Beasts panicked a little.

“hmph! ”

Monray Teleportation appeared directly in front of God of Magic Beasts, and the sharp Trident stabbed it suddenly, piercing the head of God of Magic Beasts.

“Human, I won’t let you go!”

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