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Monray couldn’t understand that God of Magic Beasts tried so hard to refining the golden tree that was unable to refining for 1000 years, but he successfully refining only the first attempt!


Monray can’t understand it either!

But does it matter?

Of course it doesn’t matter!

The important thing is to succeed in refining, and there is a connection between Monray and this golden tree.

And at the moment of successful refining, the golden branch and golden leaf entrenched in the Monray sea of ​​consciousness flew out of the sea of ​​consciousness by coincidence, and then grew together with the golden tree.

The golden tree rippling with golden light, perfectly integrated with the golden branch and golden leaf, and they are integrated, regardless of each other.

“Where did this little tree come from?”

Monray pressed the excitement in his heart strongly, and the divine sense penetrated into the golden tree to see it.

Now that I recognize the Master, I should be able to see some clues, but after a long time of investigation, I couldn’t see any magic!

This small golden tree is just an ordinary small golden tree, except that the whole body is made of gold like gold, there is no other difference.

Ordinary organizational structure.

Normal degree of flexibility.

Ordinary sharpness.

Everything is ordinary!

Even the life force is ordinary, its life aura is really ordinary, not comparable to a vine on Monray.

“Is this little tree really ordinary?”

Monray was lost in thought: “God of Magic Beasts pierced my Divine Body by spurring a branch. How sharp is this? Is it really ordinary?”

It’s a pity, it seems to have been, after a long time, I didn’t see the secret of the golden tree!

“Forget it, no matter, it’s a treasure anyway, just put it away!”

Monray tried to spur the little tree through the contact with the little tree. The little tree slowly pulled out of the ground and flew into the air.

The golden tree has the same golden roots, and the whole body is gold, like a work of art made of gold, full of charm.


Monray thoughts move and collected the small tree into Tower of Time.

“Dodora, where should I plant it?”

“Just find a place to plant it!”


Monray came to the 95th floor of Tower of Time. The Wood Element magic element on this floor is very rich and most conducive to plant growth. He previously planted a Tree of Life seedling here.

After not seeing it for so long, the seedlings of Tree of Life have grown a lot. The small saplings that were one meter tall before grew into big trees over 20 meters high, supported by the fluffy canopy, covering a radius of 100 meters, exuding amazing Life aura.

Monray is very satisfied with the growth of the Tree of Life. If it continues at this speed, after several decades, the Tree of Life can nurture the spirit.

“You should like it here!”

Monray found a prairie a few hundred kilometers away from Tree of Life and planted a small golden tree.

Subsequently, Monray took out a large number of Wood Element Elemental Crystal and arranged a Spirit Gathering Magic Array around it to gather surrounding Wood Element elements.

However, just when Monray set up the Spirit Gathering Array, a scene that Monray absolutely did not expect occurred. With the golden tree as the center, the surrounding plants began to wither and wither strangely…

1 meters, 10 meters, 100 meters…

11000 meters, 1ten thousand meters, 10ten thousand meters ……

In just a few breaths, all the weeds on the 100-kilometer radius withered, and the whole grassland turned into a dead and yellow place. All the grasses are like dry fuck in the twelfth winter…

Withered and dry.

Deadly and flammable.

What made Monray even more stunned was that the trend of plants withering has not stopped, and the yellow grassland is still expanding outward.

100 kilometers, 200 kilometers…

Finally, the whole grassland dried up.

The forest around the grassland is beginning to be unlucky!


Towering giant trees!

A thousand years old trees!

They began to dry up!

In this way, the entire forest began to wither and wither at an exaggerated rate…

Even the Tree of Life planted by Monray was not spared and turned into a dead tree!

“What kind of monster is the golden tree? It can swallow the life force of the surrounding plants?”

Dodora appeared next to Monray, looking at the fast-drying 95th floor, his mouth wide open, speechless in surprise.

“You ask me, who am I to ask?”

Monray smiled wryly.

“If you continue at this speed, all the plants and trees on the 95th floor will dry up, and this Semi-Plane will be completely reduced to a place of death!”

Dodora took a deep breath, muttered: “Too overbearing! Really too overbearing! This is the most overbearing plant I have ever seen, none of them!”

The final outcome did not exceed Dodora’s expectations. Ten minutes later, all the plants in the entire Semi-Plane were withered and withered!

Regardless of plains, forests, bushes…

Regardless of ordinary plants, Tree of Life, or plant Magic Beast…

All life force was sucked up!

Vigorously, the 95th Semi-Plane of lush and green has completely become a dead place, with only one plant still alive-the golden tree.

The life force that has swallowed so many plant life, it hasn’t changed in any way.

Did not grow taller!

Did not spit out new sprouts!

The life force has not become rich!

Nothing different from before!

“What the hell is this monster?”

as the saying goes Eat and poop, drink water and pee, any grass can release oxygen after absorbing carbon dioxide!

But this little golden tree hasn’t moved at all. Who can believe it?

“Could it be that it has too much appetite, and this life force can’t feed it?”

With an idea, Monray took out a dead body of God and threw it in front of the golden tree.

The vitality contained in this God corpse is undoubtedly, all the plants in the entire Semi-Plane may not have its vitality!

The golden tree did not live up to Monray, and did not know how it did it. The life force of God’s corpse within the body was lost at a terrifying speed.

The originally plump and plump God corpse shriveled at a speed visible to naked eye, and after 2 minutes, the God corpse became a mummy.

After absorbing the corpse of God, the golden tree finally had a slight change. On one of its branches, a small sprout slowly spit out, crystal clear and near-transparent, looking extremely delicate.

Seeing this bud, Monray and Dodora looked at each other in blank dismay, and I don’t know what to say.

It sucked up all the plants in the entire Semi-Plane, and sucked up another God corpse, only to spit out a bud!

Are there any plants that grow slower than this?

“Although I don’t know where it came from, I conclude that its origin must be amazing, even more amazing than Five Inborn God Trees!”

Dodora’s eyes flickered: “With this terrifying appetite, it surpassed the Ancient Life Tree by too much!”


Monray is slightly nodded, the more powerful creatures tend to be more edible, just like mortals and God, mortals will die if they eat a cow, but God is indifferent when they eat a cow.

God’s digestive ability is too terrifying. It digests while eating. Just after a cow eats, it also finishes digesting at the same time. As long as God is willing, 10000 cows can eat.

“Nurture it well, this golden tree will definitely surprise you!”

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