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“This humble Human is dead! So many Demon Gods will definitely tear him to pieces!”

“In contrast, I am more concerned about this group of people. What is their background and why are they willing to do things for Helbes?”

Beast God and Titan Giant God stand proudly in the void, closely following the trends of Dragon God and the others. The more you pay attention to the two people, the more questions you have.

Where do so many Dark Demonic Dragons come from?

Why should they help Dragon God?

What is their purpose in Firmament Continent?

“You and I know that Helbes has always been alone. Although in principle he is also a member of Giant Dragon God Race, he is not taken seriously at all!”

Titan Giant God murmured: “But this time, he suddenly recruited so many experts, which is totally unreasonable! Is it that Helbes, like me, was suddenly valued by Giant Dragon God Race, and Giant Dragon God Race rewarded him with a batch of subordinates?”

“Do you think Helbes looks like the master of these people?”

Beast God sneered.

Titan Giant God shook his head slightly. Helbes was very respectful to the middle-aged black robe. The identity of the two was obvious. Helbes was more like a subordinate of that person.

“Neither are subordinates, why did they come to Firmament Continent? Is it just to avenge Helbes?” Titan Giant God asked again.

“impossible !”

Beast God’s eyes shone brightly: “If you are not profitable, you can’t get it early. Especially for God, who will do things that are not good? There must be a problem!”

“What you mean is to say…”

Titan Giant God slightly frowned.

“I boldly guess that there must be some heaven-shaking, earth-shattering secret hidden in Monray. This group of people came for this secret!”

Beast God’s voice was low and his anger was hard to hide. He suddenly realized that he might have been deceived. Last time Dragon God asked him to exchange the Demon Contract. Keep on saying said that he was seeking revenge from Monray.

But Beast God only realized now that it was Helbes’ greed for Monray’s big secret, and he took the risk to come here!


Excuse that’s all!

“Heaven-shaking, the big secret of earth-shattering?”

Titan Giant God’s pupils shrank sharply: “You say this, I think it is very possible! Otherwise, how could he train so fast with a Human Race!”

“Understood! Now I finally understand!”

Titan Giant God gnashing teeth: “Damn Helbes, he knew this secret but didn’t tell us, but told this group of people!”

“Now it’s too late to say anything!”

Beast God sighed: “This group of people is so aggressive and clearly determined to win, even if we know that Monray has a secret, what can we do?”



100,000 zhang, equivalent to 300 kilometers!

The 300 kilometers long dragon body shows how huge two Dark Demonic Dragons are?

They lie in the sky above the Imperial Palace, as if two undulating mountain ranges are suspended above the head. The darkness is overwhelming and the sky is almost obscured.

“Helbes, is he who the Master is looking for?” Dark Demonic Dragon Dragon One groaned and asked.

“Yes! He is the teacher’s target!”

Dragon God slightly nodded, kindly reminded: “However, you should not be careless. Although this rebel is hateful, his strength should not be underestimated!”

“What strength can a native God of Low Level Plane have? I can swallow him in one bite!”

Dragon One sneered, and roared: “Human God, obediently conscious go to see Master with me, otherwise, I don’t mind tearing you to pieces!”

“The tone is not small!”

Monray hands behind ones back: “The last Dark Demonic Dragon who dared to be so arrogant in front of me, the grave head grass has several dozen meters high!”


Dragon One lifted the dragon claw that was dozens of kilometers long and snapped it suddenly. The dragon claw was shining cold glow under the sunlight and hit Monray directly.

Monray is like a tiny ant compared to dragon claw, which is as big as a mountain.

“Great God Monray is 10000 years old!”

“Great God Monray is invincible!”

“Great God Monray is the strongest!”

“Come on! Great God Monray…”

The hearts of the people of Imperial Capital raised their throats, and each and everyone prayed to Monray in anxiety.

“Overestimate one’s capabilities!”

Looking at the giant claw coming from Mount Tai, Monray shook his head, and the Divine Body inflated like an inflated balloon, instantly expanding to 100,000 zhang.

Then, Monray clenched his right fist slightly, and met the great Great Dragon Claw that was slapped down.

“ka-cha -“

Just as Venus hit Earth, accompanied by the terrifying explosion of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering cry, the violent shock wave suddenly spread, and the void instantly shattered.

The citizens of Imperial Capital were shocked to see that a huge black hole appeared above their heads, like the huge mouth of the Great Desolate rare beast, wanting to swallow everything.


A groan, Dragon One’s giant claw directly retracted, and the huge dragon claw was trembling slightly. The collision made it very uncomfortable.

“I underestimated you!” Dragon One stared at Monray, his eyes flashed with fear: “But do you think you can compete with me like this? Demon Domain!”


A burst of Imprisonment power suddenly radiated, and the surrounding void was imprisonmented at once. Monray, who was in the center of the Demon Domain, even withstood most of the Demon Domain’s power, and was directly imprisoned in place.

“Die! Insect!”

Dragon One roared and opened its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and bite Monray. Each of its fangs is several kilometers long, and each fang is harder than the Lower God. Sharp.

With this bite, even if it is a towering mountain, it will definitely be bitten into powder!

“Do you not brush your teeth when you go out?”

Monray incited the emptiness in front of him, with a look of disgust: “Bad breath is not your fault, but it is your fault that runs out of disgusting people!”

The voice fell, and a Teleportation of Monray appeared on Dragon One’s head and stepped heavily on it.

“Booming -“

The huge soles of feet stomped directly on Dragon One’s head. Accompanied by a crackling sound of bone breaking, Dragon One’s head fell directly toward the ground like a meteorite.

If this really makes it fall to the ground, most of the Imperial Capital will definitely suffer, and the 10000000 million people living in Imperial Capital will definitely be killed.

Monray obviously did not allow such a thing to happen. A Teleportation came under Dragon One, and his fist hit Dragon One’s chin like a cannonball.

“ka-cha -“

Monray used all his power, and the violent power burst out, instantly smashing Dragon One’s jaw, and then blasting Dragon One’s head.

The minced meat splattered and the blood was thrown.

Poor Intermediate God level Dragon One didn’t even have time to make a scream, so he blew his head and killed him on the spot.

Monray followed beckoned and incorporated the huge body of Dragon One into Tower of Time, lest it fall to the ground and cause a huge disaster.

“Dragon One!”

Dragon Two eye socket cracked, a flame of hatred burst out in the dragon eyes: “Damn native, you dare to kill Dragon One, I swallow you!”


PS: Haven’t asked for a ticket for a long time?

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