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A giant Ice Demon with a height of 500,000 zhang and a whole body made of ice.

The Abyssal Bone Dragon is 600,000 feet long and is made up of bones.

Two huge monsters exuded a monstrous demonic might, two demonic might soared into the sky, and then slammed together fiercely, like a nuclear bomb exploded, a huge shock wave exploded, and the area of ​​2 kilometers was affected.

The dust rose 4, and the trees broke.

Grass scraps flew, and rocks fell apart.

“That… that is…”

“It’s Great Demon God Grover!”

“Who is the Abyssal Bone Dragon?”

“Abyssal Bone Dragon is also Great Demon God!”

“Ice Demon Ancestor is on…”

The Demon tribe in Pighead Ridge, and the hundreds of Ice Demon Prefecture Guard who had just dispersed, all looked at the two figures in the sky in horror.

The horrible demonic might arbitrarily oppress their hearts, making them trembling in fear, shiver coldly, and can’t afford to fight!


Accompanied by two terrifying roars of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, two huge monsters crashed together, with a bang, the void instantly shattered and turned into a terrifying black hole.

The giant Ice Demon and Abyssal Bone Dragon were in the black hole, letting the terrifying space turbulence and space wind blow wantonly, but they remained indifferent and continued to collide.

“Boom ~ boom ~ ——”

“Crack crack ka-cha ——”

Collide from south to north.

From the East to the West.

Wherever he went, the void became a black hole, and the shock wave and strength were wanton. Many unlucky Demons were affected by the fish.

Or be beaten into meat sauce by the shock wave!

Either it’s pierced into a sieve by strength!

Or be killed by the blowing boulder!

There are so many kinds of death, so unlucky!

“Escape! Run away!”

The creatures were so scared that they fled in a hurry, and only hated that they had lost two legs, but they didn’t know that the seemingly fierce collision had come to an end.


The giant Ice Demon has 1000 sores and 100 holes on his body, and countless ice holes have appeared. How much is aura down from the beginning?

Looking at Abyssal Bone Dragon again, it is still intact, and the imposing manner is full. It turns out that the more fights the more brave is. Is the fighting intent better than the original one?


Monray roared, and the huge dragon claw crashed down, taking Ice Demon’s head straight.


Ice Demon’s face changed drastically, and he raised his right arm to resist.

“ka-cha -“

The bone claw and the ice arm collided with each other, and in a deafening sound, Ice Demon’s ice arm broke apart and the ice slag splashed.

“Come back!”

Monray gained power and started a new round of indiscriminate bombing. His speed is faster than Ice Demon, his strength is more ruthless than Ice Demon, and his attack is like a violent storm continuously…

“Boom ~ boom ~ ——”

The giant Ice Demon finally couldn’t bear the repeated strikes and burst into pieces, all split up and in pieces.

Ice Demon, lost!

“xiu – ”

A white crystal shot out from the crushed ice, and instantly moved towards the distance. It was Great Demon God Grover’s…Demonic Spark!

“Want to escape? I have guarded you a long time ago!”

Monray sneered, and the bone claws were photographed in the air, as if a fly swattered a mosquito, directly covering the white Demonic Spark…

“pa -“

Demonic Spark was confused. Monray grabbed Demonic Spark and grabbed Demonic Spark in his hand. The crazy roar of Great Demon God Grover spread out.

“Damn bastard! How dare you destroy my Demon Body, I and you are irreconcilable, absolutely irreconcilable! If you don’t kill you, I Grover swears not to be a demon…”

Monray smiled blankly, disinclined to pay attention to this product, looked towards Dodora: “Dodora, do you have a way to read this guy’s memory?”

Dodora shook his head: “I am just Divine Power projection. Divine Soul is extremely weak and cannot read its memory. Can’t you Avatar either?”

Monray slightly nodded: “In this case, I can only return to Radiant Continent first!”


Monray and Dodora returned to Radiant Continent and gave Demonic Spark to Monray this Deity. The next thing is self-evident.

Impact Divine Soul.

Read memory.

After a long time, I finally finished reading.

“how about it?”

Dodora asked concerned.

The old man and Emlyn also looked towards Monray. As for the high-levels of Crocker Church, they were sent back by the old man to spread their faith.

The Ancient Demonic Pig Bailey Yuyu took his wife child to God and Demon Continent.

Although it is far away, there is no better place for them to live than God and Demon Continent.

In other words, there are only Monray, Dodora, and old man left over Demon Canyon.

“Dodora, Nether Continent is far more powerful and dangerous than we thought!”

Monray sighed: “According to Grover’s memory, there are more than a dozen Great Demon Gods in Ice Demon Prefecture alone, among them the most powerhouse Ice Demon Prefecture Lord, and even a Middle Level Great Demon God!”

“Middle Level Great Demon God!”

Dodora took a breath. It knows what Middle Level Great Demon God means. According to strength, Great Demon God is also divided into four ranks:

Ordinary Great Demon God!

Middle Level Great Demon God!

High Level Great Demon God!

Great Perfection Great Demon God!

Corresponding to Early Stage, Middle Stage, Late Stage, and Great Perfection High God!

Middle Level Great Demon God =High God Middle Stage!

Normal Great Demon God and Middle Level Great Demon God seem to be Level 1 different, but one is in the sky and the other is on the ground, there is no comparability at all!

Don’t look at Monray’s Abyssal Bone Dragon Avatar killing the ordinary Great Demon God Grover, but if you face the Middle Level Great Demon God, you will definitely… defeat!

Dodora knows that Monray’s Abyssal Bone Dragon Avatar is at best between the ordinary Great Demon God and Middle Level Great Demon God, and it’s not too high.

“How many houses are there in Nether Demon Kingdom?”

Dodora asked the key question.


Monray slowly said.

“In other words, there are at least 107 Middle Level Great Demon Gods like Ice Demon Prefecture Prefecture Lord and Nether Demon Kingdom?” Dodora took a breath.


Monray slightly nodded: “The Nether Demon Kingdom has such a tradition: The Perfecture Lord is often the most powerful powerhouse in a government, and he must accept challenges from others at any time! As long as someone succeeds in the challenge, he can replace him and become the new Perfecture Lord!”

Dodora is not surprised by this: “The competition between Demons is often so simple and straightforward. The survival of the fittest, powerhouse is respected!”

Monray nodded: “Because of the fierce competition, being able to become the Perfecture Lord of the Nether Demon Kingdom 108 House is very powerful!”

“Is there any news about Plane Lord?” Dodora asked again.

“should not!”

Monray shook his head: “According to Grover’s memory, Nether Continent has 3 strong Great Demon Gods, namely Nether Demon Kingdom, Fallen Empire, and Hell Three Heads Kingdom. All three are High Level Great Demon God, who I can’t help anyone!”

“So, Nether Continent not at all is particularly powerful, enough to suppress the entire Plane’s peerless Great Demon God?” Dodora’s eyes lit up.

“There is no such character in Grover’s memory!” Monray shook his head again.

“This is very good news!”

Dodora hehe said: “At least, Nether Continent has a certain chance to be ownerless!”

“is it?”

Monray frowned: “There is indeed a Plane Lord for 10000 a Nether Continent, but they are just indifferent to fame and fortune, and they are unknown and unknown?”

“It’s possible, but not very big!”

Dodora explained with a smile: “You have to know that whatever Middle Level Plane Lord takes out is the level existence of peerless overlord, generally impossible and unknown. The term Plane Overgod is not just called it!”

“Besides, it’s not that easy to become a Middle Level Plane Lord!”

Dodora continued: “Middle Level Plane is more expansive, and Planar Power is more surging. It is also more difficult to refining Plane Core, and it usually takes a long time!”

“And Nether Continent has 3 peerless powerhouses, which contain each other and interfere with each other. The probability of refining Plane Core is really not high!”

Monray heard nodded again and again: “According to Grover’s memory, the three Great Demon Gods of Nether Continent are indeed as powerful as water and fire. They all want to kill each other and dominate the Nether Continent, but they have been standing on three feet until today!”

“That’s right!”

Dodora said excitedly: “I can boldly guess that Nether Continent’s Plane Core is very likely not yet refined! In other words, Nether Continent has a high probability…ownerless!”


Monray’s breathing became rapid. Nether Continent is a Middle Level Plane. If you can refining its Plane Core and use it as your own, what would it be like?

Plane Overgod!

I will become Plane Overgod!

What a grand occasion is this?

“Of course, it needs to be confirmed whether it is really ownerless!”

Dodora looked towards Monray: “It’s easy to verify, just find Plane Core and just have a look, it depends on whether you have the guts!”

“Verify! Must be verified!”

Monray was heavily nodded, her eyes gleaming with spirit, said solemnly: “The courageous to die, the coward to starve to death, I did this!”

“Don’t talk big!”

Dodora laughed: “It’s not so easy to find the Plane Core of the Middle Level Plane. With your Divine Soul, you have to find time that will never come!”

“What should I do?”

Monray suddenly wrinkled frowned, his Divine Body is comparable to High God, but Divine Soul is still in the Intermediate God Peak, even with Super Strengthening strengthening, at most High God Early Stage.

It’s really not strong!

“I will go!”

Dodora fluttered with small wings: “I have been in contact with Middle Level Plane Core and know how to find Plane Core in the shortest time!”

“Need to go there?”

Monray asked in a deep voice.

“You must go in person!”

Dodora nodded and said: “Only when the real body goes, Divine Soul is the strongest, and can also find Plane Core to the maximum!”

“Dodora, have you ever thought about it, there is a Plane Lord with a 10000 Nether Continent, you are in danger!” Monray couldn’t help but remind.

He himself is the Plane Lord, and he knows that as long as Plane Core is a little bit turbulent, Plane Lord can immediately sense it!

If Nether Continent really owns the Plane Lord, and Dodora probes Nether Continent’s Plane Core, it is easy to be found in danger!

“I bet you, Nether Continent has absolutely no Plane Lord!” Dodora smiled confidently: “My perception has always been very accurate!”

“Really to go?”

Monray solemnly asked: “We can investigate slowly, don’t rush for a while!”

“Don’t worry, I haven’t completed God of Time’s instructions yet, so I won’t be in danger!”

Dodora haha ​​smiled and jumped directly into the Space Crack.

Monray controlled the Abyssal Bone Dragon Avatar to catch up. If Dodora is in danger, he can still help.

Come to Nether Continent, Dodora 2 will release divine sense to find it without saying anything!

This is the first time that Monray has felt the divine sense of Dodora, and was shocked.

The divine sense of Dodora is very vast, just like a boundless starry sky, boundless…

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