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Behemoth Corpse Sovereign angry roar, endless white corpse energy gushes out from it within the body, gathers into a palm covering the sky, and shoots it boldly!


The void shattered in an instant, and the corpse energy giant palm penetrated the void and appeared above the head of the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord, as if Mount Tai struck down.

“A little corpse energy dare to provoke this Prefecture Lord?”

Ice Demon Prefecture Lord flicks with the finger, a white cold current rushes out, and at the moment of contact with the corpse energy giant palm, it exudes an amazing chill.

“ka-cha -“

The corpse energy giant palm was instantly frozen and turned into large snow flakes.

At this moment, the Behemoth Corpse Sovereign abruptly appeared in front of the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord, and the huge palm slapped down with lightning speed.

“This is decent!”

Ice Demon Prefecture Lord slightly smiled, and decisively raised his right palm made of ice to greet him.

“ka-cha -“

The two palms collided, and with the roar of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, the void burst apart.

The sky turned into a black hole, and the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord and Behemoth Corpse Sovereign were swallowed by the black hole all at once. However, the 2 demons remained unmoved and continued their frantic bombardment.

“Peng~ peng~ peng~ ——”

“Crack crack ka-cha ——”

The shock wave bursts wildly, the black hole in the sky continues to expand, the turbulence is violent, and the wind is raging, and the sky above Ice Demon City is like the end of the day.

“Ok… terrible!”

“With my strength, once I get hit by the aftermath, I will definitely die!”

“Is this a battle of the Prefecture Lord level…”

The Demons in Ice Demon City are panicked, for fear that the battle between the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord and Behemoth Corpse Sovereign will affect them and let them violent death!

The truth is not just them, even Great Demon God like Monray is shocked.

The collision of the Middle Level Great Demon God was too violent, and each hit was enough to seriously injure them.

“Dodora, I finally understand now, why after arriving in High God, the gap between each realm is like a moat!”

Monray sighed with 10000 1000. He is now a High God and can fully feel the power of Ice Demon Prefecture Lord and Behemoth Corpse Sovereign. Regardless of speed, power, or response, it is not what ordinary Great Demon God can mention on equal terms!

“What do you think!”

Dodora sighed: “In the realm of Great Demon God, every step forward is extremely difficult! Not only does it consume a huge amount of treasure, but also a long time of accumulation. It is no exaggeration to say that every step forward is 10000 more difficult than a mortal becoming a god. Times!”

Monray slightly nodded.

Unlike God, the battle between Demon is often a collision between Demon Body, which is simpler, more direct, rougher, and more cruel!

Whose Demon Body is stronger!

Who is more powerful!

Who can win the battle!

This point, even as a Middle Level Great Demon God, standing in the Demon pyramid Ice Demon Prefecture Lord and Behemoth Corpse Sovereign is no exception!


The collision between the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord and Behemoth Corpse Sovereign continues. The strength of the two Great Demon Gods seems to be infinitely close. After such a long collision, no one can help each other.

Behemoth Corpse Sovereign roared again and again, and the offensive became more and more fierce. The Ice Demon Prefecture Lord changed his sleepy eyes before and began to take it seriously!

“Boom ~ boom ~ ——”

Murky heavens dark earth , Sun and Moon lost radiance !

After another series of collisions, the two Great Demon Gods finally separated for a short time. Both of them had some gasping for breath, which was obviously very expensive.

“I underestimated you!”

The Ice Demon Prefecture Lord stared at Behemoth Corpse Sovereign: “An expert like you is impossible and unknown. Why has this Prefecture Lord never seen you?”

“This King does not hide from you!” Behemoth Corpse Sovereign sneered: “This King is from Hell!”

“Hell? so that’s how it is!”

Ice Demon Prefecture Lord’s pupils shrink slightly, and slowly nodded: “The warm-up exercise should also be over, take out true strength and let this Prefecture Lord take a good look!”

“as you wish!”

Behemoth Corpse Sovereign let out a low growl, inflated like an inflated balloon, and after a few breaths, it became a huge monster.

The height of 7 100,000 zhang, the corpse energy all over his body is tumbling, and millions of li are enveloped by the surging corpse energy. The Demon in Ice Demon City only feels cold all over his body.


The Ice Demon Prefecture Lord did not hide anymore, and changed his body into a true body:

A giant Ice Demon with a height of 7 100,000 zhang and a whole body made of ice.

70ten thousand zhang = 2100 kilometers!

The diameter of the moon is only 3400 kilometers!

It can be seen how huge the two Great Demon Gods are!


After transforming the true body, the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord and Behemoth Corpse Sovereign started a new round of collision.

The shock wave generated by the collision was more surging and more terrifying, and the strong aftermath even spread to Ice Demon City.

Countless buildings were destroyed, tall buildings collapsed, boulders rolled down, and many unlucky Demons became smashed pond fish.

“Flee! Flee!”

“This level of battle is not something we can watch, we will be killed!”

“Lazy Demon, the ancestor is here, save your poor and humble descendant…”

Ice Demon City is completely messed up, countless Demons flee in panic, only hating that they have lost 2 legs!

“Boom ~ boom ~ ——”

Frost flies, corpse energy rolls.

The two Great Demon God showed no signs of giving up, and the collision continued into the evening.

“Huhuhu ~~~”

The Ice Demon Prefecture Lord was breathing heavily like a blower, with 1000 sores and 100 holes on his body. Aura was much weaker than the original. He was physically exhausted and suffered a lot of injuries.

battle strength plummet!

Looking at the Behemoth Corpse Sovereign again, the aura also dropped sharply, the corpse energy that rippling wanton was greatly weakened, the corpse blood was thrown away, and the injury was not light.

The battle strength also plummeted!

“Your Excellency, can drive this Prefecture Lord to this situation, you are the first in 410000 years! However, unless you want to suffer both sides, you cannot defeat this Prefecture Lord!”

Ice Demon Prefecture Lord shouted: “This Prefecture Lord advises you to stop here and continue the fierce battle. Only both sides suffer, it will not do you any good!”

Upon hearing the words, Behemoth Corpse Sovereign glanced at the many Great Demon Gods and 10000000 Ice Demon Prefecture Guard who were watching the battle, showing unwillingness in their eyes.

Although I don’t want to admit it, I have to say that what the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord said is right. It is not as good as the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord. If you want to defeat it, you will only suffer both sides!

Both sides suffer ?

This is not a good thing for it, not to mention glare like a tiger watching his prey’s 10000000 Ice Demon Prefecture Guard, the many Great Demon Gods who watched the battle alone will probably not let it go. All Great Demon Gods probably want to take advantage of it to get hurt. On the occasion, kill it!

As a senior Great Demon God, Behemoth Corpse Sovereign has no doubt about this!

“Ice Demon Prefecture Lord, you are lucky this time!”

Behemoth Corpse Sovereign took a deep look at the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord, turned around and turned into a stream of light, slammed into the distance, and continued to fight. It would only plunge itself into a dangerous place. It would not do this kind of thing!

“You can’t do anything when you see it!” Monray exclaimed with a smile, “What a smart guy!”

“There is no fool to survive the bloody and cruel Demon World!” Dodora said with a smile: “All fools are eliminated!”


Monray slightly nodded, a flash of light flashes in his eyes: “It’s time for me to shoot!”

“You want profiting from somebody’s misfortune?”

Dodora frowned.

“What about profiting from somebody’s misfortune? This is Demon World!” Monray sneered, “You don’t want to persuade me to be an upright gentleman?”

“Gentleman shit, do it quickly!”

Dodora said ill-humoredly: “Don’t worry, you will carry it hard in front, and I will help you in the back. With the strength of the two of us, it is not a big problem to kill the half disabled Ice Demon Prefecture Lord!”



“It’s finally gone!”

Looking at the back of Behemoth Corpse Sovereign, the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord was relaxed. It was really worried that Behemoth Corpse Sovereign would have a rib and smash it to the end!

In that way, it would be unpredictable!

The Ice Demon Prefecture Lord glanced around at the Great Demon God watching the battle, and a warning flashed in his eyes.

Don’t look at the docile of these guys, but the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord knows that once something happens to him, these guys will definitely rush to tear it up!

Demon, never ruthless!

The fact is indeed the case. After seeing the departure of Behemoth Corpse Sovereign, the disappointment in the eyes of more than a dozen Great Demon Gods who watched the game was hard to conceal.

They hoped that Behemoth Corpse Sovereign could compete with the Perfecture Lord to the end, and eventually both sides suffered. They would sit back and become the fisherman who sweeps the benefits and replace it.


“It’s a waste!”

These Great Demon Gods cursed secretly in their hearts, still with humility and awe on their faces.

“Let’s go back!”

The Ice Demon Prefecture Lord took a deep breath and prepared to return to the Prefecture Lord’s mansion to recuperate.

However, at this time, an indifferent voice suddenly rang in my ears:

“Ice Demon Prefecture Lord, the challenge is not over yet, why are you leaving in a hurry?”


As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked, whether it was the 10000000 Ice Demon Prefecture Guard, the Demon Gods, Great Demon Gods watching the battle, or the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord himself, all looking towards the source of the sound.

Then they saw Monray step by step towards the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord!

“It’s him!”

“It’s this guy!”

“He wants to challenge Sir Prefecture Lord?”

“Who is he?”

“Who do you know him?”

“do not know!”

“never seen it!”

“It’s so raw!”

The Demons looked at Monray, and their eyes couldn’t help showing confusion. The experts in Ice Demon Prefecture were clear about them, but they had never seen Monray.

Their knowledge of Monray is limited to the Flame Demon God that Monray killed before, apart from this, nothing.

But when they heard that Monray was going to challenge the Perfecture Lord, many Demons were still shocked, especially those Demon who had abused Monray before, even more frightened.

Monray wants to challenge the Perfecture Lord, how strong is he?

Hell, they abused Monray like that before. Isn’t this courting death?

Not to mention the doubtful Great Demon God and the trembling in fear Demon God, the face of the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord is ugly. It stares at Monray, and the killing intent shoots out: “You want to challenge this Prefecture Lord?”


Monray slightly nodded: “Looking at you as Lord of a Prefecture, you look extremely prestigious, and I am also a little bit irritated. I want to try the taste of Lord of a Prefecture!”

“Challenger, challenge requires strength!”

The Ice Demon Prefecture Lord roared: “Without strength, it will only take your life for nothing!”

“Really? Come on! Let me see how much energy you have, the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord!” Monray flicked his fingers and said with a smile leisurely.


The Ice Demon Prefecture Lord roared and launched an attack decisively. It lifted a huge ice palm, slammed it at Monray, and directly used its full strength.

The Ice Demon Prefecture Lord used the ultimate move as soon as he shot it. It had to do it quickly, using iron-blooded means to directly kill Monray to frighten other Xiaoxiao!

“Good to come!”

Monray a long whistle, a Teleportation disappeared in place, and when it reappeared, it had already been behind the Ice Demon Prefecture Lord, his eyes glared, and two black flames burst out!


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