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1000000 Different Plane powerhouse stands proudly in the sky, looking greedily at Sovereign King Mountain, as if the Great Prophet in Sovereign King Mountain is in the bag.

Of course, there are king treasures!

They are bound to win!

As for the countless Boundless Giants guarding Sovereign King Mountain, they don’t take seriously at all!

Boundless Giants seem to be in large numbers, but their strengths are not satisfactory. They have as different as heaven and earth and do not have any comparability.

“Stupid giants!”

“Let Great Prophet come out immediately!”

“Otherwise, we don’t mind letting blood flow into a river here…”

Different Plane powerhouses yelled, arrogant and arrogant, which made countless Boundless Giant gnashing teeth around Sovereign King Mountain, wishing to either the fish dies or the net splits.

“This group of evil Foreign Demon, simply bully intolerably, fight with them!”

“Yes! Fight!”

“Desperate? Stupid! Our task is to protect Great Prophet and protect his safety, not to fight this group of Foreign Demon, understand?”

One of the strongest Boundless Giant coldly shouted, his name is Oreo, he is the most powerful existence of Boundless Continent, and also the Guardian of Great Prophet. He has absolute authority in Boundless Continent!

As soon as he spoke, the enthusiastic Boundless Giants suddenly calmed down, with a convincing look in their eyes. As long as the Oreo big brother is there, they are fearless, and the Oreo big brother is the strongest.

However, what they didn’t know was that the Oreo big brother, the strongest in their eyes, was panicking at the moment, but he had no confidence at all!

Oreo can feel that this time Foreign Demon is unprecedentedly powerful, far stronger than the Foreign Demon that came before, especially many of them are not weaker than his existence!

What should I do this time…

Oreo expressionless, but he couldn’t hide the despair in his heart. He knew very well that their Boundless Giant was facing the most terrible disaster in history!

If one fails, their Boundless Giant will completely turn into the dust of history!

“Great Prophet Lord, please give me an instruction!” Oreo shouted in his heart!

“Will Great Prophet come out?”

“If we don’t come out, we will go in!”

“Refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit, let’s go together and destroy this group of ignorant Boundless Giants, and naturally find their Great Prophet!”


1000000 Different Plane powerhouses finally couldn’t hold back their hands. The most powerful God and Great Demon God took the lead and blatantly killed them.


“They are coming!”

“Swear to the death to protect Great Prophet!”

“Sworn to the death to guard Sovereign King Mountain!”


1000000 Different Plane powerhouse is like a surging black huge wave, rushing to Sovereign King Mountain, seeming to completely submerge Boundless Giant and Sovereign King Mountain.

Faced with such an attack, Boundless Giant would not sit back and wait for death. They faced difficulties one after another, and the two sides crashed together.


Like two huge waves hitting, a huge shock wave of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering erupted, the void shattered, the strength was wanton, the wind was raging, the blood was thrown…

The surrounding area of ​​Sovereign King Mountain became Hell in an instant. I don’t know how many giants died tragically, and the strength of the two sides is not at the same level!

It is foreseeable that it will not take long for Boundless Giant to be all killed, and they have no chance of winning in the face of a wolf-like and terrifying Plane powerhouse.

“Uncle, save them!”

Summer looked anxious and looked towards Monray with a pleading look, hoping Monray would help.

“Don’t worry, Uncle will do it!”

Monray signaled that Summer don’t be impatient, said with a smile: “But before that, Uncle will take you to a place!”


Summer was puzzled, and then found that she had come to a new place.

“This is… the top of Sovereign King Mountain?”

Summer was stunned.

“Yes, it’s the top of the mountain!”

Monray slightly nodded.

Sovereign King Mountain is tall and thin, so the top of the mountain is not very wide, but on the top of this small mountain, there is a majestic temple.

The shrine is gray, consistent with the color of the Boundless Plane, simple and rough, in line with the architectural style of Boundless Giant.

“Sovereign King Temple!”

Summer exclaimed in a low voice, as if seeing something legendary, extremely excited.

“Go in and see!”

Monray laughed and walked towards the Sovereign King Temple, and Summer quickly followed!

However, before they opened the door to enter, the door of Sovereign King Temple slowly opened, and an old low voice floated out.

“You came?”


Monray was taken aback for a moment, a little unsure, but still walked into the temple, where a towering giant statue stood in the center of the temple.

Wearing animal skins and holding a giant axe.

His eyes are sharp and his face is majestic.

Monray has never seen the Boundless Sovereign King, but I think this should be the statue of the Boundless Sovereign King.

Of course, the statue is not the point. Monray focuses on a gray-haired old man sitting at the bottom of the statue!

He is skinny and short, very different from the tall and strong Boundless Giant.

“You are finally here, the one who was favored by the king!” The old man slowly raised his head, revealing an old face covered with age spots.

“You are Great Prophet?”

Monray looked at the old man up and down, with a look of doubt: “What did you mean by what you just said, as if you know I will come?”

“cough cough !”

Great Prophet coughed violently: “Although the great Boundless Sovereign King has fallen, his brilliance has always looked after his descendants, it’s a pity!”

Great Prophet sighed slightly: “It’s a pity that the younger generation is not filial, and he has not been able to realize his Senior’s last wish. I am really ashamed!”

“Great Prophet, why do you get more confused when you talk about it?” Monray cut his ears: “Can we make it clearer?”

“Hehe, you understand immediately!”

Great Prophet smiled hoarsely, stood up slowly on crutches, then turned and walked to the statue, gently moving the thumb of the statue.


The floor in front of the statue suddenly cracked, and a magic array appeared.

Monray raised his eyebrows, glanced at it, and saw that this is just an ordinary teleportation magic array, not at all something complicated and mysterious.

Great Prophet started the magic array, and then said to Monray: “People who are favored by the king, go in, you will get the answer you want!”

“Great Prophet, where does this Transmission Array lead?” Monray frowned and asked.

“Where you want to go!”

Great Prophet slowly uttered these 4 words, and he stood aside, watching his nose, his nose watching his heart, as if the old monk had entered concentration and stopped talking. Despite Monray’s side knocks, he never said more, just like a wooden man. same.

“Monray, I always feel weird!”

Dodora said solemnly: “Think about it, do you want to go?”

“Go! Nothing to consider!”

Monray didn’t hesitate: “I now have three sources: Metal Source Divine Body, Wood Source Divine Body, Lightning Source Divine Body, and Lightning Source Divine Body. The body is stronger than the ordinary Great Perfection! Plus Law of Time, even if it is I am confident that Overgod will come!”

After speaking, Monray said to Summer: “Summer, you are waiting for me here, and I will come as soon as I go!”

“Well, Uncle!”

Monray stepped into the Transmission Array and disappeared in place. Only then did Great Prophet lift the head, and a gleam of light flashed in his cloudy eyes.


After a while, Monray had already arrived at another place.

The ten-color rays of light of dazzling are full of the entire world, dazzling gold, hot fire, heavy soil, vigorous green, shining thunder, soft water…

The rich Law aura is rippling wanton, and the pure Source Strength covers the whole body!

In the center of the entire world, a crystal emitting ten-colored rays of light floats quietly, as if the sun rules the entire world.

“Plane Core!”

Monray recognized the crystal at a glance.

“You came!”

At this moment, a thick and rough voice suddenly sounded in my ears.

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