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The top of Sovereign King Mountain was silent.

The five Gaianus looked at Ebenezer’s corpse, and they felt like a super tsunami broke out in their hearts. The huge waves turned to the sky and the waves rolled.


Great Perfection of Giant Elephant Divine Race!

So dead?

How can this be?

How can this be?

He is Great Perfection!

second only to the existence of Overgod!

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How could he die?

At this moment, the hearts of the 5 Great Perfection are very shocking. Until now, Intermediate God often falls, and High God rarely falls.

As for the Great Perfection…

Unless there is a God and Demon battle, the Great Perfection will never fall!

Over time, the impression given to the gods is that Great Perfection will not die!

But now, Ebenezer has fallen, and the shock caused is no weaker than the explosion of a hydrogen bomb!

What shocked them even more was that after killing Ebenezer, Monray seemed to have killed a chicken, serene, without excitement or excitement at all.

“This guy… who the hell?”

The 5 Great Perfection looked at the calm Monray, and a deep chill rose on the back!

They suddenly discovered that they couldn’t see the depth of Monray at all. Monray was like an ordinary person without a trace of aura.

This is what frightens them the most, which means that there is a huge gap between Monray and them!

“1 dead, 5 left!”

Monray looked towards Gaianus 5 people, indifferently asked: “Next, who is it?”

When Monray saw it this way, five Great Perfection heart shivered with cold felt great pressure and quickly started Divine Soul sound transmission to find a solution.

“Everyone, what should I do now?”

“This guy is deep and unmeasurable, we continue to fight fiercely with it, and it is likely to end up in the same way as Ebenezer, or… retreat?”

Angel’s Great Perfection Marshall said.

The other Great Perfections were silent for a moment. They could not accept this result. They are Great Perfection. If they retreat, how to save face?

But not refund…

They really have no courage to fight Monray!

Just when the 5 Great Perfections were caught in the second difficulty, Monray spoke again. He looked towards Gaianus, indifferently said: “Just now you are the one who clamored the most, just you!”

Gaianus eyelids twitched, his body tightened instantly, but before he could respond, Monray appeared in front of him like a ghost.

4 mesh relative.

Monray slightly smiled.

Gaianus was shocked.

Next moment, a blood-colored rays of light flashed by, and with a crisp ding sound, Death God Scythe instantly slashed on Gaianus’ neck.

An embarrassing scene happened:

In addition to a series of sparks, Death God Scythe was unable to cut Gaianus’ skin, and even was knocked a little sharply.

“(⊙o⊙) …”

Monray was stunned, and smiled awkwardly: “Sorry, forget about strengthening!”

Gaianus is also the Titan of the Great Perfection Body, Divine Power, and the body is extremely tyrannical. How is his Divine Body defensive?

And Death God Scythe is just an ordinary High God Artifact, and it’s okay for ordinary High God, but it’s not enough to slaughter the Great Perfection.

But it doesn’t matter, you can strengthen.

“Ding! Death God Scythe belongs to Middle Level High God Artifact. After strengthening, it will reach High Level High God Artifact. Expected strengthening price: 60010000 Divine Crystal!” system coldly said: “Is it strengthening?”



A blood light flashed by, Death God Scythe became more evil, the blood-colored rays of light became even worse, and the rolled blade was restored to a level, sharper, colder, and higher than before.

“However, it’s not enough, continue strengthening!”

“Ding! Death God Scythe belongs to High Level High God Artifact. After strengthening, it will reach Great Perfection High God Artifact. Estimated strengthening price: 12100000000 Divine Crystal!” system coldly said: “Is it strengthening?”



Another bloody light flashed…

Just when Monray was strengthening Death God Scythe, Gaianus finally reacted!

“Go to death!”

Without even thinking about it, he raised a huge fist and slammed it at Monray. Although he didn’t know why Monray suddenly froze in the air, it was…not important.

Just kill Monray!


Gaianus this fist was fierce, fiercely hit Monray, and Monray was just like a cannonball that had been shot out of the chamber.


Adolph and Burnside 4 people saw this, and they launched a frantic attack.

“Holy Judgement!”

Angel God Race Great Perfection Marshall roared, a giant lightsaber dropping from the sky shining with white golden rays of light, thrust into Monray’s head.

“Annihilation Dragon Breath!”

Giant Dragon God Race Great Perfection Adolph let out a loud dragon roar, opened his mouth to spray a purple red dragon breath, fiercely blasted towards Monray.

This purple red dragon’s breath contains the ultimate Destruction Strength, which can destroy everything. As soon as it appeared, the void disappeared without any signs.

“Berserk Fist!”

With a roar of Behemoth Divine Race Great Perfection Burnside, the Divine Body swelled frantically, instantly swelling 100,000 zhang, he was single fist smashed out.

“Indestructible Phoenix Flame!”

Fire Phoenix Divine Race Great Perfection Gerald screamed, showing the true body of Fire Phoenix. The red wings fiercely vibrated and sprayed out scarlet gold flames, and wanted to burn Monray to ashes.

“Myriad Great Lightning!”

Gaianus is not idle either. He knows the true meaning of taking advantage of your illness to kill you. He flipped his hand and took out 2 heavy hammers, and then fiercely hit them together.

“ka-cha -“

The two hammers collided, bursting out a dazzling purple thunderbolt, fiercely slashing towards Monray.

For a time, the giant lightsaber, Annihilation Dragon Breath, Berserk Fist, Indestructible Phoenix Flame, and purple thunderbolt blasted out from 5 directions. The terrifying power seemed to blast Monray into dust.

“Master, be careful!”

Great Prophet, Oreo and the others were crushed to the ground by this terrifying power, they couldn’t even speak, they could only roar crazily in their hearts.

Then, watching Monray was overwhelmed by 5 attacks.


Five attacks hit Monray, and the destructive power of destroying heaven extinguishing earth erupted. The place where Monray stood instantly became a black hole. The violent shock wave burst out in all directions. The five Great Perfections were a little unstable and were lifted. ‘S backwards.

The shock wave continued to spread, and Sovereign King Mountain was not accidentally turned into dust. As for the Great Prophet, Oreo and the others on the top of the mountain, they were just like floating in the wind.

At this moment, the sky within a radius of 10000000 million kilometers… became a black hole, and this area was completely reduced to a Hell scene like apocalypse.

murky heavens dark earth, Sun and Moon lost radiance.

This is the battle between Great Perfection!

“Is he dead?”

“Should I say it?”

“Withstand the full strength attack of 5 of us, he will definitely die!”

The 5 Great Perfection stabilized their bodies, looking nervously at the center of the black hole, waiting for the result of the attack.

“How’s it going?”

“How is Master?”

Great Prophet, Oreo and the others who were lifted by the shock wave to the distance are also looking nervously at this side. They can survive the siege of 1000000 powerhouse, and of course they are strong.

Therefore, they can survive the aftermath just now, or they would have been annihilated long ago!

“I hope Master is okay, otherwise…”

Oreo clenched his fists, tense for 10000 points.

“Master is the heir chosen by the great Sir Ruler, how could it be here?”

“Alive! He must be alive!”

The aftermath gradually dissipated.

The broken void slowly recovered.

After everything is completely restored…

“how is this possible???”

“I knew it!!!”

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