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Earth God World has a total of 10 Overgods, so there is a Ten Deities Race. Except for Niederhogg God Race, the other 9 Divine Races have not been patronized yet.

These 9 Divine Races are Monray’s next goal, because a Teleportation is enough to span countless light-years to fully master the Law of Space. Even though the Earth God World is vast and boundless, it is nothing for Monray to hurry.

Half an hour later, Monray came to Dougherty Fire Phoenix God Race, first looted the Fire Phoenix Divine Race treasure vault, and then ransacked the Fire Phoenix Overgod private vault.

After a looting, the wealth soared by 510000 trillion Divine Crystal, plus Monray’s original 70463 trillion Divine Crystal, the total wealth reached an astonishing 120 quadrillion!

This is 12Supreme God Crystal!

Of course, the most treasure trove of Dougherty Fire Phoenix God Race is not Divine Crystal, but a variety of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, which are useless to Monray, so they are all cheaper than Chahman and the others. Divine Soul Crystal Essence gave them. Divine Artifact for them, heavenly materials and earthly treasures for them…

For a while, Chahman and the others made a lot of money and became the wealthiest God in the world. However, this is nothing, Monray even gave them Overgod Spark.

After slaughtering 100 Overgod of Ten Great God Worlds, Monray got a total of 100 Overgod Sparks, plus the one previously obtained in the Pompeii Desert, for a total of 101.

Overgod Spark is useless for the current Monray, so I gave Overgod Spark to a group of subordinates, which made Chahman and the others excited, and each and everyone was grateful.

“Refining well! You will be required to guard Ten Great God Worlds in the future!” Monray ordered.

“Yes, Master!”

Chahman and the others hurried back to Tower of Time, refining started Overgod Spark, and Monray went on to the next God World.

Helsa Giant Elephant Divine Race.

Raphael Angel God Race.

Zild Frozen God Race.

Bados eternal Divine Race.

Dawson Titan God Race.


One day later, Monray left Earth God World.

In this looting, in addition to gaining massive wealth, Monray also obtained two important things, namely Fire Source Divine Body and Ice Source Divine Body.

The Fire Source Divine Body was found in Doherty’s Fire Phoenix Overgod’s private library. Monray found a Fire Phoenix Divine Race body at the time. It was the Fire Source Divine Body Owner, which Monray looted directly.

Ice Source Divine Body was plundered from a Frozen God Race. This guy has Ice Source Divine Body. Like Elf Goddess of Nature God Race, it is the key training object of Zild Frozen God Race. Unfortunately, I met Monray and ended up naturally. Doomed.

After plundering Fire Source Divine Body and Ice Source Divine Body in succession, Monray has 5 major Source Divine Body, namely: Metal Source Divine Body, Wood Source Divine Body, Lightning Source Divine Body, fire source body, Ice Source Divine Body, It is definitely splitting heaven and earth apart Number One Person in the vast universe.

After leaving Earth God World, Monray headed to the nearest Forest God World, which was another crazy Plundering Form looting. Not only was the wealth of Forest God World Ten Deities Race looted, but Forest God World Ten Deities Race became history at the same time.

For a time, Monray’s total wealth reached a staggering 10010000 trillion, which is unprecedented in history.

With so much money, it will naturally be spent. After all, Monray is not a miser: “system, strengthening my body, how much Divine Crystal do I need?”

“Ding! system body is currently comparable to Supreme Ancient God (High Overgod), and after strengthening will be comparable to Supreme Ruler! Expected strengthening price: 10Supreme God Crystal!” The system’s cold voice sounded: “May I ask if you are strengthening?”

“10Supreme God Crystal?”

Monray suddenly wrinkled frowned. 10Supreme God Crystal is equal to 1010000 trillion Divine Crystal. This is a huge sum of money. What makes Monray unhappy is that he only got 2Supreme God Crystal for killing Ruler of Space. Why would he need 10Supreme God Crystal for his own strength?

The price has doubled by 5 times.

“May I ask if you are strengthening?”

The voice of system sounded again.

“Strengthening a feather!”

Monray rolled the eyes: “Don’t first strengthen the body, just strengthen Divine Soul!”

Monray has its own considerations. The improvement of body is relatively easy. Strengthening Bloodline, fusion of Source Divine Body… etc. can promote the improvement of body.

Divine Soul is different, this thing is too difficult to improve, only through system strengthening to improve.

Moreover, after strengthening Divine Soul, Monray’s use of Supreme Law will be easier, more do as one pleases, and more handy!

Therefore, it is better to strengthen Divine Soul first.

“Ding! The current Divine Soul of the host is comparable to Supreme Ancient God (High Overgod), and after strengthening it will be comparable to Supreme Ruler. Expected strengthening price: 10Supreme God Crystal!” system coldly said: “May I ask if you are strengthening?”


Monray waved his hand.


A surging cold aura poured into the sea of ​​consciousness, a brain was injected into the flame of Divine Soul, and the flame of golden Divine Soul soared wildly.

“Boom ~ boom ~ ——”

Double, double, triple…

20 times, 30 times, 40 times ……

80 times, 90 times, 100 times …

It has been soaring to 100 times madly, and the rise of the Divine Soul flame gradually ceased. At this time, the flame of Divine Soul is like a star suspended in the boundless sea of ​​consciousness, radiating light and heat to the fullest, illuminating the entire sea of ​​consciousness.

This is the skyrocket visible to naked eye!

Monray can clearly feel the changes in Divine Soul, his thinking is extremely quick, his consciousness is extremely active, and he can control Supreme Law more freely!

Divine Soul spreads…

1 light-year, 2 light-years, 3 light-years…

80 light-year, 90 light-years, 100 light-years…

The divine sense has spread to 100 light-years away, but Monray still feels comfortable and can obviously spread to farther distances.

“Forget it, don’t try!”

Monray quickly took back the divine sense, and then continued to rush towards the next God World-Storm God World.

Two days later, Monray left God World in the storm. In addition to a surge in wealth, he looted a Source Divine Body as usual-Fengyuan Divine Body!

After that, Ocean God World…

Just as Monray was running non-stop and moving around the major God Worlds, the 3 Rulers and 43 Overgod finally returned to Supreme Heaven.

Sniffing the familiar aura and feeling the Power of Heaven everywhere, no matter the 3 Rulers or the 43 Overgod, they are all relaxed.

“came back!”

“Finally home!”

Although it was only two days away, the three major Rulers and 2 Overgod had gone through the gates of hell, and they all felt like avoided a catastrophe.

Witness the killing of 90 Overgods!

Witness how terrible Monray is!

Who is not afraid?

Who is not scared?

Who doesn’t have any lingering fears?

“Everyone, take a step first!”

Ruler of Destruction dropped this sentence, and Teleportation left directly. Ruler of Life and Ruler of Death looked at each other, and then left with a sigh.

During this trip to Earth God World, their Four Rulers lost their face. Instead of sanctioning Monray, they killed Ruler of Space by Monray. Their three rulers also fled back in despair, sweeping the ground with majesty and losing face. .

“Everyone, I’m leaving too!”


“Go back and have a good rest!”

“Everyone, keep in touch at any time. If the thief comes to Supreme Heaven, he must remember to notify us immediately and we will Teleportation over!”



The 43 Overgods also left. They had gone through a catastrophe, and now they just want to go back to the nest and have a good rest. They are too tired.

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