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Monray looked at his property panel, a little dazed.

Immemorial Human Bloodline…nothing?

All the fusion of Bloodline… gone?

Instead it became… Primordial Human Race?

Primordial Human Race?

What kind of race is this?

And Primordial Body, what kind of system is this?

Monray rubbed his temples. He felt a little big head. Asking the system would definitely not get any answer, so the question could only be put on hold.

“However, my body is really strong now!”

Monray squeezed his fist, feeling the endless power, something incredible.

The infinity this time is not an illusion after the power surge, but it is truly infinite. Monray now truly has infinite power.

One punch, let alone explode a Continent, even if it explodes a High Level Plane like Lightning God World!

This is also not an illusion.

“After the fusion of the top ten Source Divine Body, it turns into a Primordial Body, which is really unexpected! However, this is a good thing!”

Monray is in a good mood. The body mysteriously becomes Primordial Body. Is there anything more pleasant than this?

“Monray, what’s wrong with you?”

Mora asked with a little shock: “Why did your Divine Body suddenly increase so much, and I even felt a palpitation? Also, why can’t I feel the aura of your Source Divine Body? What happened to you? What’s up?”

“This speaking of which is a bit complicated!” Monray shook his head: “Have you heard of Primordial Body?”

“Primordial Body? Never heard of it!”

Mora shook her head slightly.

Monray was not surprised, and slowly said: “Mora, you may not believe it. I just merged the Darkness Source Divine Body. After the integration of the top ten Source Divine Body, it has become a brand new constitution-Primordial Body!”

“Is there still such a thing?”

Mora was shocked.


Monray is heavily nodded.

“The integration of the top ten Source Divine Body to achieve Primordial Body?”

Mora muttered to herself: “Can the top ten Source Strengths be fused? And after fusion, a brand-new substance-Primordial Power will be formed?”


Monray nodded: “After the fusion of the ten Source Strengths of my within the body, a brand-new gray substance has indeed formed. My current Divine Body is completely condensed from this gray substance!”

With that, Monray spread out his palm, and a wisp of ordinary, unpretentious gray energy appeared in his palm.

“This is the new substance?”

Mora stared at the gray energy, muttered: “It looks ordinary, unremarkable, how can it be so powerful?”

Thinking of this, Mora released the divine sense, trying to wrap the gray energy and analyze the essence of the gray matter. However, as soon as he touched the gray energy, he felt his divine sense quickly melt away, as if the ice cube touched the lava…


Mora let out a painful cry, and quickly retracted the divine sense, looking at the gray energy with horror:

“How can this be? My Divine Soul has experienced the Great Reincarnation and has the characteristics of Undying and Inextinguishable. How can this gray energy melt my Divine Soul?”

“Mora, forgot to remind you!”

Monray scratched his head, and some sorry said: “This gray substance can even damage Supreme Law chains and Supreme Law Power!”


Mora was stunned.

“This is real!”

Monray put out a breath, stretched out his left hand, mobilized a chain of Law of Time, and then stretched the chain of Law of Time with soft golden rays of light to the gray material slowly.

At this moment, a magical scene happened:

The Law of Time chain, which Mora called “immortal matter”, melted silently as soon as it touched the gray matter.

Monray continued to stretch forward, and the Law of Time chain continued to melt away. In the end, all the Law of Time chains melted.

And the gray substance, still suspended quietly in Monray’s palm, is ordinary, unpretentious, harmless to human and animals, unremarkable…


“Law of Time’s chains melted? I’m going! Is this possible? How is this possible?”

“Law of Time chain is an immortal substance, how can it be melted?”

Mora kept sucking in a cold breath. The scene before him completely subverted his cognition and also subverted his understanding of immortal matter.

Supreme Law chain!

Supreme Law Power!

It’s an immortal substance!

What is immortal matter?

Indelible, indestructible, and indestructible, Eternal Immortal, something that can’t be destroyed even in the great destruction of reincarnation, is called immortal matter!

But now?

The immortal matter of Law of Time was actually annihilated. This scene is simply shocking. How can Mora not be shocked, how can it not be shocked?

“If I’m right, this gray matter should be a higher level energy that surpasses Supreme Law Power and Supreme Law!”

Monray made his own judgment.

“Only this is possible!” Mora murmured, “But what kind of energy is this?”

“Who knows!” Monray shook his head slightly: “Now, call it Primordial Power!”

“Primordial Power!” Mora’s face was complicated: “What are your plans next?”

“Go to Supreme Heaven first and solve those Stinking Insects!” Monray eyes flashed.


Mora didn’t even think about it and stopped: “Supreme Heaven is the bottom of the top three Rulers. They can play the strongest battle strength at Supreme Heaven. I don’t recommend you to enter Supreme Heaven before you understand Law of Creation!”

The corners of Monray’s mouth curled up slightly: “Mora, I will follow your advice before switching to it, but now… this is no longer necessary!”

“what do you mean……”

Mora looked towards Monray in amazement.

“You’ll know right away!”

Monray smiled weirdly. After a Teleportation, it spanned countless 100000000 million light years and left Lightning God World and came to the void. This shocked Mora: “You came out of Lightning God World all at once? What did you do? Arrived?”

“Mora, you may not believe it!”

Monray faintly smiled: “I have a feeling that the entire Lightning God World, no, not just Lightning God World, the vast universe… seems to be my domain!”

Monray has several Teleportations in succession, spanning countless light-years to reach Supreme Heaven.

The huge Supreme Heaven is like a giant cosmic ship, quietly suspended in the vast void, surrounded by numerous meteorites and floating Continents.

Under the action of Supreme Heaven, these meteorites and floating Continents revolve around Supreme Heaven along a specific orbit, densely packed, and countless.

“Have you been to Supreme Heaven so soon?”

Mora was shocked and numb: “Horrible! Too terrifying!”

“What’s this? The excitement is yet to come!”

Monray hehe smiled and suddenly slammed his punch against the Plane barrier of Supreme Heaven. With a loud bang, a gray fist strength erupted from the face of Monray’s fist, and struck heavily on the Plane barrier of Supreme Heaven.


The Plane barrier of Supreme Heaven was suddenly blasted with a huge boom, and the gray fist strength continued to spread. Wherever it passed, the hard Plane barrier was like boiling water poured on ice and snow. The Plane barrier quickly melted and annihilated… …

Finally turned into nothingness!

For a time, the hole got bigger and bigger, and in a flash spread to hundreds of thousands of light years away, forming a huge black hole.

This black hole is like a huge scar, clearly engraved on the surface of Supreme Heaven, so dazzling, so obvious…

“This is this…”

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