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At the moment with swords drawn and bows bent, this sound is no less than a thunder, and it blasts directly in the ears of Ruler of Life and Ruler of Death.

The two people looked together, and saw Monray hovering not far away, smiling at them.


Ruler of Life’s complexion changed dramatically.

“It’s you!”

Ruler of Death raised his eyebrows: “Brat, you are so bold, you dare to chase here! Since you are here, don’t leave!”

“Don’t worry, I won’t leave!” Monray waved his hand, lightly said with a smile: “Supreme Heaven is great, I plan to live longer in the future!”

“Long stay? It should be long sleep!”

Ruler of Death no longer pays attention to Ruler of Life, but mobilizes Power of Heaven to suppress Monray: “brat, stay forever!”

“hong long long -“

The rolling Power of Heaven came from rolling, like a stormy sea, from all directions, above heaven under earth was rushing, flowing and pressing towards Monray.

At this moment, Ruler of Death showed the terrifying power of Supreme Heaven. The Power of Heaven he mobilized far exceeded any Planar Power, and also far surpassed the Power of Heaven mobilized by the previous 3 Rulers and 43 Overgod. It was terrifying to the extreme.

“Turn into meat sauce, brat!”

Ruler of Death gave a smirk: “I have mobilized 50% of the Power of Heaven, no one can survive, even if it is Half-Step Supreme God, you will definitely be crushed into meatloaf, crushed into meat sauce… …Jié jié jié!”

“I’m afraid I will disappoint you!”

In the face of the rushing Power of Heaven, Monray did not evade, allowing the stormy sea-like Power of Heaven to cover itself.

“Dare to die before you die!”

Ruler of Death snorted, as if he had seen Monray being crushed into meatloaf, but at the next moment, his smile froze on his face.

Monray, in the center of pressure, is like a Sea Calming Divine Needle, steadily standing there, no matter how big waves beat, no matter the pressure is swept, no matter Power of Heaven is crushed, but he stands there intact, with a smile on his mouth. Calm and composed.

It’s like…

The breeze is blowing, staying still!

“Impossible! It’s impossible!”

Ruler of Death couldn’t accept this scene. Ruler of Life had a ghostly expression on his face. Supreme Heaven had 48 Overgod Sparks in total, thus creating 44 Overgod and Four Rulers.

Excluding the two obtained by Monray, one Ruler of Destruction, and one of her own, the remaining 2 Overgod Sparks are all fused by Ruler of Death. With so many Overgod Sparks fused, Ruler of Death’s control of Supreme Heaven has reached unimaginable Degree!

It can be said that Ruler of Death has almost completely refining Supreme Heaven, and the Supreme Power of Heaven he can mobilize is extremely terrifying.

Ruler of Life can’t imagine how lethal such a huge Supreme Power of Heaven has, but it absolutely competes against Supreme God.

But what made her unbelievable was that under such terrible lethality, Monray was actually intact and did not take Power of Heaven taking seriously…

“Has he already become Supreme God?”

Ruler of Life muttered to himself: “But even if you become the Supreme God, you shouldn’t be intact under 50% Power of Heaven!”

How strong is Monray?

Ruler of Life is unimaginable!

“See, Ruler of Death, your biggest reliance can’t help me. Now please tell me, how can you kill me?”

Monray full of smiles looking at Ruler of Death.

“Brat, you don’t want to be arrogant!” Ruler of Death’s eyes are red: “50% of Power of Heaven can’t help me, then mobilize 90% of Power of Heaven, I don’t believe you can resist 90% of Power of Heaven! Die for me! die for me!”

The Power of Heaven pressing on Monray once again exploded, 60%, 70%, 80%, and the value increased by 90% in a blink of an eye, and 90% of the Power of Heaven was poured out on Monray. If this is replaced by someone else, Supreme Ruler will also Pressed into meat sauce.

But Monray does not!

He stood there intact, letting the pressure hit him, and he didn’t move. There is no difference between 90% and 50% Power of Heaven!

“Why is this?”

Ruler of Death shook his head and couldn’t believe his eyes. He couldn’t believe the scene before him, let alone accept the scene before him.

“Ruler of Death, do you only have this means? If it is nothing more, sorry, your wish may be lost!”

Monray looked at Ruler of Death: “By the way, to remind you, Power of Heaven is powerful, but it is not your power after all. It is easy to be deprived of, just like…this way!”

With that said, Monray thoughts move and began to control the surrounding Power of Heaven, and moved towards Ruler of Death crushed the past.

“You can actually mobilize Power of Heaven? Damn! You must be a fusion of Ruler of Space and Behemoth Overgod’s Overgod Spark to mobilize Power of Heaven!”

Ruler of Death roared: “However, do you think you can deprive me of Supreme Heaven’s control? Overestimate one’s capabilities!”

As he said, he also started to mobilize Power of Heaven, but at this brief moment, he was surprised to find that he had lost control of Supreme Heaven, and Power of Heaven…he didn’t listen to his commands.

“How is this possible? How is this possible?”

Ruler of Death roared in anger, desperately urging Overgod Spark in his mind, mobilizing Power of Heaven crazily, but… useless!

The Overgod Spark in my mind is as if it is out of power. It has completely lost contact with Supreme Heaven. It will not help how the Ruler of Death activates it.

“Why is this?”

Ruler of Death is completely mad.


The surging Power of Heaven swept across, and a squeeze on Ruler of Death.

Under this terrifying pressure, Ruler of Death was directly pressed into the blood, his bones broke, his back was bent, his leg was crushed, and he knelt down.

“Damn damn damn it!”

Ruler of Death roared hysterically, trying to get up but simply impossible.

“Did you see it? Ruler of Death!”

Monray step by step walked to the Ruler of Death and looked at him condescendingly: “It’s not your own power, it’s easy to be deprived!”


Ruler of Death stared at Monray.

“The specific reason…I can’t tell you!”

Monray shook his head slightly: “Maybe I am too strong!”

“Too strong? he he he!”

Ruler of Death smiled miserably, his nose, eyes, and mouth were constantly spraying blood, and the whole person looked very miserable: “Before you die, can you tell me where you are? Universe Supreme God? Or Primordial God of Creation?”

“do not know!”

Monray shook his head: “I don’t know where I’ve been. Maybe I’m so much better than Supreme God, I can’t tell you the details!”

“do not know?”

Ruler of Death is not surprising: “Go to Disar. He is an old eccentric who survived the last era. He must know a lot of information!”

“Ruler of Destruction?”

Monray turned his head and looked towards and looked towards: “tsk tsk, this guy has suddenly strengthened so much, there must be some great secret, and I will meet him later! As for you…”

Monray turned his head and looked at Ruler of Death: “It doesn’t matter to me whether you kill you or not. It doesn’t matter if you are the life of this era, I can let you make a living. What should you do? You should know it in your heart, right?”

“You don’t kill me?”

Ruler of Death was stunned.

“Unless you want to die!”

Monray indifferently said.

Ruler of Death was ecstatic. Without saying anything, he directly released Divine Soul Source and presented it to Monray respectfully: “I am willing to acknowledge allegiance!”

“Divine Soul Source alone is not enough!”

Monray gently poked his finger at the center of Ruler of Death’s brow, pu’ sound light sound, a crystal emitting bright rays of light flew out.

This crystal has a spherical shape with numerous cracks all over the surface. It is Overgod Spark.

To be precise, it is a Plane Core made up of 44 Overgod Sparks!

Monray squeezed it casually, and the crystal was crushed again and turned into 44 scattered Overgod Sparks. Ruler of Death suddenly spurt a mouthful of blood.

“this is yours!”

Monray threw one of the Overgod Sparks to Ruler of Death, then erased the Divine Soul Mark left by Ruler of Death on the remaining 43 Overgod Sparks and put it away.

Finally, the Divine Soul Source of Ruler of Death was refining.

“Supreme Heaven is such a big piece of cake, you can’t let you occupy it all by yourself, you have to leave a copy for others, right?”

Monray looked at Ruler of Death.

“Yes, yes! Master wise!”

Ruler of Death How dare to have any objections.

“Very good!” Monray slightly nodded, and looked towards Ruler of Life: “How about you?”

“I am willing to acknowledge allegiance!”

Ruler of Life did not hesitate, and immediately prostrate oneself in admiration, prostrated his head under Monray’s feet, and offered his own Divine Soul Source at the same time.

“smart people!”

Monray refining the origin of Ruler of Life, and then said: “Go, move the 44 Overgod of Supreme Heaven and the treasure trove of 44 Divine Races here! Of course, don’t forget the treasure trove of Divine Race under your Four Rulers!”

“Yes, Master!”

Ruler of Life and Ruler of Death bowed as they should, and Teleportation left. After only a quarter of an hour, the two returned and gave the space ring.

“It’s fast!”

Monray exclaimed and took the space ring.

What should be charged!

Throw it!

Worthy of being Heaven Divine Race, the Divine Race under the command of 48 Divine Races is beyond imagination.

After some collection, Monray once again surged by 500 Supreme God Crystal, and its total wealth reached an unprecedented 1000 Supreme God Crystal!

This is truly unprecedented!

With so much money, of course it has to be spent.

“System, how much Supreme God Crystal do I need to strengthen my Divine Soul?”

“Ding! The current Divine Soul of the host is comparable to Supreme Ruler, and after strengthening it will be comparable to Universe Supreme God. Expected strengthening price: 500 Supreme God Crystal!” system coldly said: “Is it strengthening?”

“500Supreme God Crystal? Forget it!”

Monray refused, regardless of his current possession of the horrible wealth of 1000 Supreme God Crystal, but that was accumulated after looting 148 Divine Races. If you want to increase wealth in the future, unless you harm Netherworld, Demon World, Hell and Abyss.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to obtain wealth.

But even if all Demon camps such as Netherworld are looted, how much can be accumulated?

1000Supreme God Crystal?

Or more, 2000Supreme God Crystal?

But it will never go anywhere!

So, save it for now!

“Let’s go, we will meet Ruler of Destruction!”

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