You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

On this day, Monray and Fatty 3 were eating and drinking in the Assembly of Delicacies Building, venting their hard work and hard work for half a year, as well as their expectation and yearning for the winter vacation, eating meat and drinking in a big bowl, which was unprecedented fun!

It’s just that when the three people walked out of the Assembly of Delicacies Building, the fatty was crying, and his face was painful!

During this meal, he literally bleeds, and the only remaining deposit… is gone!

“Fatty, don’t hurt the flesh!”

Monray pats on his shoulder, smiled and cursed: “Isn’t it just over 10000 Gold Coin? I will invite you next semester!”

“Old Brother, don’t you know!”

Fatty shook the fat on his face and wailed: “My old father only gave me 210000 Gold Coin pocket money every month, and most of the pocket money this month was gone as soon as it arrived. How would you let me spend this winter vacation? what!”

210000 Gold Coin? ? ?

Pocket money? ? ?

Monray felt the deep malice from the children of Noble. MMP, Laozi ran around 4 places a day, 5 steps away from the mountain, and had to fight the martial stage desperately, and his monthly income was just over 210000 Gold Coins!

You’re good!

There is so much pocket money in one month!

It’s really comparing oneself to others will only make one angry!

“Although the consumption is high, the food in the Assembly of Delicacies Building is really delicious, especially the garlic-flavored barbecue Sun-Moon Divine Frog, which is really memorable and lingering!”

Daniel licked his lips with a look of endless aftertaste. He saw the fatty gnashing teeth and said angrily: “Nonsense! Sun-Moon Divine Frog is Level 7 Magic Beast, one gets 310000 Gold Coin, just the barbecue Sun- Moon Divine Frog spent more than 4300 Gold Coins on Laozi!”

“Hehe! The price is indeed outrageous!”

Daniel chuckled twice, knowing that Fatty had just been bleeding heavily and was depressed, so he didn’t say anything. Although Fatty is Noble, he is only a student after all. He ate more than 2 Gold Coins for a meal, which is really outrageous!

“Level 7 Magic Beast Sun-Moon Divine Frog, worth 310000 Gold Coin?”

Monray moved in his heart, the price is really not low, converted, it is 3000attribute points! ! !


Monray’s eyes brightened!

“Sun-Moon Divine Frog belongs to Level 7 Magic Beast, and the general Level 7 Magic Beast starts with 1010000 Gold Coin, but it is different due to the difference in taste, body shape, and utility!”

Fatty said, “Sun-Moon Divine Frog is delicious, it is a rare delicacy, but because of its small size, the price of a whole Sun-Moon Divine Frog is not high, which is about 310000 Gold Coin, other Level 7. Magic Beast is more than this price!”

“Level 7 Magic Beast, starting with 1010000 Gold Coin?” Monray’s eyes brightened: “If you can hunt down a Level 7 Magic Beast, wouldn’t it be a lot of money?”

“It’s a big profit, but it’s too dangerous!”

When fatty heard this, he couldn’t help shivering: “Level 7 Magic Beast is terrifying. It’s not something we can fight against. Old Brother, please dispel this idea!”

“Haha, nothing serious, you take it seriously!”


After leaving the Assembly of Delicacies Building, fatty and Hart returned to the Academy to pack up their things, while Monray went to the Magic Tool market. The main purpose this time was not to pick up attributes, but to buy Magic Tool!

It’s winter vacation, he will return to Magic Beast Village, and of course he will enter Magic Beast Forest to experience, hunt Magic Beast, pick up attributes, magic core, and earn Gold Coin!

The words of fatty gave Monray an enlightenment. Not only the magic core is valuable, but the Magic Beast corpse is also valuable. Naturally, it cannot be thrown away for nothing. This is a huge waste!

Therefore, Monray needs the Magic Tool to store the body of Magic Beast!

“Ding! discovered a dropped object, whether it was picked up!”

“Ding! Successful integration, host wealth +18!”

The Magic Tool market… is huge. Like the electrical appliance market on Earth, it is divided into many areas. Monray went straight to the area where Space Magic Tool was purchased and walked into a shop!

“Sir Mage, welcome to our shop!”

A sexy Foxman waiter bowed and saluted Monray with full of smiles. The “butt” on his chest matched the fluffy red tail, which is very Charm!


Monray glanced at the Foxman waiter, resisting the urge to look at 2 more eyes and turned his head, his eyes fell on the pieces of Space Magic Tool displayed in the crystal cabinet, and asked: “Waiter, how do you sell your Space Magic Tool? “

“Sir Mage, our Space Magic Tool is mainly divided into three types: space bracelet, space ring, and space belt!”

The Foxwoman waiter smiled sweetly, with a clear and sweet voice: “I don’t know Sir Mage which one do you need?”

“Space ring!”

Monray thought for a while and said!

“Our space ring is divided into three grades: 10 cubic meters, 50 cubic meters, and 100 cubic meters according to the size of the storage space. How much space do you need?”

“100 cubic meters!”

Monray raised his eyebrows and asked, the larger the space ring, the better, so naturally the more items will be stored. This principle couldn’t be simpler!

“Sir Mage, look at this one!”

The Foxwoman waiter took out a transparent box with a black ring inlaid with a red crystal diamond: “This is a space ring from the beloved series, with 119 cubic meters of storage space, exquisite details, bold lines and pureness. Elegant, classic and gorgeous, inlaid with Hongling crystal diamonds…”


Monray interrupted the eloquent Foxwoman: “How much is the price?”

“Sir Mage, the original price of this space ring is 153410000 Gold Coin, but Sir Mage, you are lucky. Our family is doing an event recently. This beloved series of space ring only needs 20% off…”

“153410000 Gold Coin …”

Monray’s mouth twitched: “You should tell me about the 50 cubic meter space ring!”

Hearing this, Foxwoman flashed disappointment in her eyes. She saw Monray, who was handsome, elegant and dressed in magic robes. She thought Monray was a generous Noble Mage. Didn’t expect it to be unused. Poor ghost!


Make my old lady a hilarious one!

Even so, Foxwoman concealed her thoughts from the bottom of her heart, sweetly said with a smile: “Sir Mage, 50 cubic meters of space is moderate, the price is relatively favorable, 15010000 to 58010000 Gold Coin more than…”


Monray’s mouth twitched and sweat on his forehead: “How much is the cheapest space ring in your store?”

“(⊙o⊙) …?”

Foxwoman was stunned, pointing to a space ring placed at the bottom of the crystal cabinet and said: “This is the cheapest space ring in this store. It has 1 cubic meter of storage space. The original price is 1910000 Gold Coin. If you want…”

“Forget it! I don’t want it, I don’t want it!”

Monray sweated on his forehead, and left the shop as if he had escaped. Fuck, the cheapest space ring all got 1910000 Gold Coins. This is a robbery!

1910000 Gold Coin!

Even if you sell Laozi, you can’t get so many Gold Coins!

“Poor ghost! No money to go to any market? Cut!”

PS: Today is National Day, I wish my motherland a happy 70th birthday, and I wish my friends a happy National Day!

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